Neck-specific Exercise in Chronic Whiplash
Primary Purpose
Whiplash Associated Disorders
Not Applicable
Study Type
Neck-specific exercise
Sponsored by

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Whiplash Associated Disorders focused on measuring Neck pain, Rehabilitation, Exercise Therapy, Internet
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Individuals with a whiplash injury in a traffic accident with a four-wheeled motor vehicle at least 6 months ago but less than 5 years ago, with chronic neck problems corresponding to Quebec Task Force (QTF) grades 2-3 verified in clinical examination
- No participation in a neck-specific exercise program in a previous research study;
- Average estimated pain in the preceding week more than 20 mm on the visual analogue scale (VAS)
- Neck disability for more than 20% of the Neck Disability Index
- Working age, between 18 and 63 years
- Daily access to computer/tablet/smart phone and Internet
- Time to follow the treatment program
- Neck symptoms within the first week after the injury (neck pain, neck stiffness, or radiculopathy from the neck).
Exclusion Criteria:
- Any of the following signs of brain damage at the time of injury: loss of consciousness, amnesia before or after the injury, altered mental status (e.g., confusion, disorientation), focal neurological changes (changes in smell and taste)
- Previous fractures or dislocation of the cervical column
- Known or suspected serious physical pathology included myelopathy, spinal tumours, spinal infection, or ongoing malignancy
- Previous severe neck problems that resulted in sick leave for more than a month in the year before the current whiplash injury
- Surgery in the cervical column
- Generalized or more dominant pain elsewhere in the body
- Other illness/injury that may prevent full participation in the study and/or where neck exercises are contraindicated
- Inability to understand and write in Swedish
- Diagnosed severe mental illness, e.g., psychosis, schizophrenia, personality disorders
- Current alcohol or drug abuse.
Sites / Locations
- Anneli Peolsson
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm Type
Active Comparator
Arm Label
Exercises at a physiotherapy clinic
Exercises with Internet support
Arm Description
Neck-specific exercise at a physiotherapy clinic, 24 times during 12 weeks (plus an additional first visit).
Neck-specific exercise with Internet support combined with 3 visits at a physiotherapy clinic (plus an additional first visit), exercises mainly performed outside the health care system during 12 weeks.
Primary Outcome Measures
Neck Disability Index (NDI)
Self-reported neck-specific function
Secondary Outcome Measures
Whiplash Disability Questionnaire
Disability associated with whiplash
Patient-specific functional scale (PSFS)
Individual ratings of function
Pain intensity in neck, head, and arm and dizziness by a VAS (0-100 mm)
Pain intensity
Distribution of pain by a pain drawing assessed with images
Distribution of pain
Frequency of pain
Frequency of pain
Use of pain medications
Use of pain medications
Dizziness/balance by the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI)
Dizziness questionnaire
Headache Questions by VAS and the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6)
Impact of headache
Pain Catastrophizing Scale
Self-reported pain catastrophizing
EuroQuol five dimensions
Self-reported health
Effort Reward Imbalance questionnaire
Work related balance between effort and reward
Symptoms Satisfaction scale
Satisfaction with present symptoms
Physical activity score, a combination score of the 2 questions (everyday physical activity and exercise/sport/open-air activity) to a combined 4-point score
Physical activity
Health care consumption, number of visits
Health care consumption
Self-Efficacy Scale (SES)
Self-reported self-efficacy
Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ)
Fear Avoidance Beliefs
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
Depression and anxiety
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder checklist (PCL-S)
Post Traumatic Stress
Range of neck motion
Range of motion
Ergonomics questions and how work is perceived
Work ergonomics
Sickness presence by the Stanford presenteeism scale
Sickness presence at work
Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI) questionnaire
Patient enablement
Consumption of analgesic drugs prescribed through the drug registry
Consumption of analgesic drugs
Sick-leave registration, number of days and episodes
Cognitive failures questionnaire (CFQ)
Cognitive function
Sensorimotor control of the neck muscles, mm Hg
Sensorimotor control
Neck muscle endurance of ventral and dorsal neck muscles in seconds
Neck muscle endurance
Balance measured in seconds, standing on one leg with eyes closed
Neurology such as reflexes, sensibility, muscle weakness, Spurling´s test, neural tension test
Ultrasound registrations may be measured in a sub-group, deformation and deformation rate
Neck muscle function
MRI may be measured in a sub-group.
Neck muscle structure and maybe function
Full Information
First Posted
December 20, 2016
Last Updated
February 16, 2021
Linkoeping University
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
Neck-specific Exercise in Chronic Whiplash
Official Title
Is E-health a Way to Increase Ability and Health and Make Health Care More Effective in Chronic Whiplash? A Prospective Randomized Controlled Multicenter Trial
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
February 2021
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
April 6, 2017 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
September 15, 2020 (Actual)
Study Completion Date
September 15, 2020 (Actual)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Principal Investigator
Name of the Sponsor
Linkoeping University
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
Neck pain is fourth among the most common conditions worldwide associated with longer periods of living with disability. Annually, about 30 000 people in Sweden undergo a whiplash trauma (WAD), and half of those individuals will develop chronic problems with high costs for the individual and society. Evidence for chronic WAD treatment is scarce, although neck-specific training at a physiotherapy clinic (2 times a week for 3 months) has demonstrated good results. A more efficient, flexible rehabilitation with reduced waiting times and lower costs is needed, ideally replacing lengthy on-site treatment series by health care providers. Internet-based care has proven to be a viable alternative to personal care meetings for a variety of diseases and interventions, but studies are lacking on Internet-based interventions for individuals with chronic neck problems. The purpose of this study is to investigate if A) neck-specific training delivered through Internet-based care differs from B) a longer series of treatments at a physiotherapy clinic regarding, e.g., work ability, sick-leave and disability. This prospective, randomized study involves 140 participants. Measurement is done at baseline, 3 months (end of treatment), and 15 months (12 months after end of treatment in the study) and will include ratings of work ability, sick-leave, work presenteeism, disability, pain, health, satisfaction with care, quality of life, and cost-effectiveness. The study results may contribute to the development of a more effective rehabilitation, flexible and equal care, shorter waiting times, increased availability and lower costs for health care and society. The program can be implemented on a broader scale in neck pain patients.
Detailed Description
The purpose of the study is to investigate if the effect of neck-specific exercises in people with chronic WAD (at risk for or at sick-leave) differs based on distribution via Internet-based care in combination with three visits (+ a first examination visit due to Swedish law) to the physiotherapist compared to a longer series (2 times/week for 3 months, i.e., 24 times + a first visit) of exercises at the physiotherapy clinic. Outcomes are for instance work ability, sick-leave, physical and psychological disability, pain, quality of life, satisfaction with treatment, and cost effectiveness. Further objectives are to a) describe the level of work ability, work presenteeism, and sick leave; b) determine which factors are related to a good work ability; c) identify factors predictive of a favourable outcome regarding work ability, disability, and pain; and d) describe how the participants perceived an Internet-based rehabilitation.
Hypothesis: Internet-based support combined with a few (three) physiotherapist visits has an equivalent effect to a longer exercise period (24 times) at a physiotherapist clinic and yields lower economic costs for society.
Design This is an experimental, longitudinal, prospective, multicentre randomized controlled trial (RCT) with two treatment arms. Treatment that has previously been shown to be effective (neck-specific exercises guided by a physiotherapist and performed at the physiotherapist clinic) for the current population constitutes the control treatment for the new Internet-based neck-specific exercise treatment. A total of 140 people are expected to be included, 70 in each group (sample size estimated by statisticians). Independent physiotherapists in primary care clinical practice will distribute the treatment. The project manager will not be a test leader.
Recruitment and randomization Interested patients will contact the research team (experienced physiotherapists), and after a small survey filled in by the potential participant, a project team member will perform a telephone interview, ask about the medical history, and perform a physical examination to ensure that criteria for study participation are met. If the study criteria are met and after written and oral informed consent of the patient, the patient will fill out a questionnaire (baseline data) and undergo physical measurements of neck-related function. Baseline measurements must be completed for inclusion.
The patient will be randomized through a computerized randomization list (block randomization conducted by a statistician, stratification by gender) to one of two groups of 3 months of treatment with neck-specific exercises: A) exercises at a physiotherapy clinic 2 times/week for 3 months; or B) Internet-based support exercises in combination with four visits to the physiotherapist. The test leader is blinded for group allocation. The randomization is performed by an independent researcher not otherwise involved in any of the test or treatments. The researcher sends an opaque envelope containing the name and contact details of the patient and information about the randomization group to the treating physiotherapist, who calls the patient to a new clinical examination (by law) before treatment can start. Due to the nature of the study neither participants nor treating therapists can be blinded, however all tests are done by blinded test leaders. Data collection in the form of questionnaires and tests of physical neck-related function occurs at baseline (before randomization) and after 3 months (when the treatment ends) and 15 months (12 months after completion of the intervention in the project). The treating physiotherapists will receive oral and written information and a day of practical training. The treating physiotherapist is also able to consult with the project managers at any time if necessary. An exercise diary is maintained by patients in both groups, and the number of care contacts is recorded by the physiotherapist. Seventy people per group, i.e., a total of 140 participants with chronic WAD grades 2 and 3, will be recruited.
Intervention Group A, neck-specific exercises at a physiotherapy clinic: Participants get an explanation and justification for the exercise. They undergo a 12-week training program with a physiotherapist 2 times/week. Exercises are chosen from a clear and written frame of exercises, although the dosages are individually adapted. The training includes exercises activating the deep neck muscles, continuing with the endurance training of neck and shoulder muscles. The exercises are individually adjusted according to the individual's physical conditions and progressively increased in severity and dose. Exercise-related pain provocation is not accepted. The individual may also carry out home exercises. At the end of the treatment period, the patient is encouraged to continue practicing on their own.
Group B, neck-specific exercises with Internet support: Participants receive the same information and training programs as group A but have in total only four visits (a first examination visit and additional three visits) to the physiotherapist. When the exercises are introduced, they are repeated, and control is done so that the patient has understood how to conduct the exercises. The exercises take place, with the help of Internet support outside the health care system, probably mostly at home. Photos and videos of the exercises, information, and answers to frequently asked questions are available on the Internet (web-based system designed by the project leaders at the University). Patients can contact a physiotherapist if necessary, and can normally expect an answer within 3 days.
Any important harms or unintended effects in each group will be collected by the test leaders.
Sample size Sample size calculations in the study regarding group differences are calculated by a statistician (non-inferiority trial, an assumption that treatment B is not worse than A), and power is calculated by the software "G-POWER" and is based on the primary outcome measurements WAI and NDI. Regarding WAI, it is considered important that the participants improve from poor to moderate work ability, i.e., an average of 6 increments in a scale 7-47 (can also be classified into four groups: poor, moderate, good, and excellent). With a significance level of 5% and a power of 80%, seven people in each classification group are required. To get seven people in the "poor group" requires 60 people in total. To detect a clinically relevant improvement in NDI of 7%, 47 participants per group are needed on the basis of 80% power at a significance level of 5%. This value is based on the standard deviation (SD 13.4) in the NDI in a previous study on neck-specific exercises of individuals with chronic WAD grades 2 and 3. To ensure that enough people are in each group after drop-outs, for prediction analyses, and some possibility for subgroup analyses (e.g., WAD grades 2 and 3 or between men and women), the recommendation from the statistician was to include 70 people/group.
Ethical considerations The study was approved by the regional ethical review board (Linköping Dnr 2016 / 135-31). A previous clinical study relating to three different exercise interventions on long-term problems after whiplash injury demonstrated good efficacy of neck-specific exercise performed in primary health care. Current treatment is according to the best scientific evidence, and exercises used in the present study have been used in daily clinical practice for decades in the rehabilitation of various forms of neck pain. Participants are included after a thorough clinical examination and signed informed (oral and written information) consent. The exercises are adjusted individually. A risk of muscle soreness is present, but otherwise no negative side effects are to be expected.
Login is required to fill in Internet-based surveys and to gain access to the Internet-based exercise program. People with long-term problems often have low access to assessments and treatments as more acute conditions often are prioritized in the health care system. Both groups in the present study get active care that is expected to increase work ability. The benefit is deemed to be great, and there are no commercial interests.
The results will be presented at group level, and no connection to the individual person can be made. All data are anonymous and subject to the official health secrets act.
Statistical analysis Analyses will be done with parametric or non-parametric statistics, depending on the type of data and if the analysis is between groups or over time. Analyses will primarily be made on an intention-to-treat basis and as secondary as per protocol analysis. When suitable a linear mixed model analysis will be used. For prediction analysis, multivariate analysis will be performed. For calculation of cost-effectiveness, quality-adjusted life-years and incremental cost-effective ratios will be calculated.
Sub-group analyses regarding gender, WAD grade, neurology, headache, dizziness and compliance may be done.
Ultrasound registrations, electromyopgraphy, Magnetic Resonance Imaging and kinesthesia may be done on a sub-group of participants to investigate neck muscle structure and function. Interviews may be performed on a sub group of individuals to investigate the experience of function and study participation.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Whiplash Associated Disorders
Neck pain, Rehabilitation, Exercise Therapy, Internet
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Not Applicable
Interventional Study Model
Parallel Assignment
Outcomes Assessor
140 (Actual)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Exercises at a physiotherapy clinic
Arm Type
Active Comparator
Arm Description
Neck-specific exercise at a physiotherapy clinic, 24 times during 12 weeks (plus an additional first visit).
Arm Title
Exercises with Internet support
Arm Type
Arm Description
Neck-specific exercise with Internet support combined with 3 visits at a physiotherapy clinic (plus an additional first visit), exercises mainly performed outside the health care system during 12 weeks.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Neck-specific exercise
Intervention Description
Neck-specific exercise
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Neck Disability Index (NDI)
Self-reported neck-specific function
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Whiplash Disability Questionnaire
Disability associated with whiplash
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Patient-specific functional scale (PSFS)
Individual ratings of function
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Pain intensity in neck, head, and arm and dizziness by a VAS (0-100 mm)
Pain intensity
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Distribution of pain by a pain drawing assessed with images
Distribution of pain
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Frequency of pain
Frequency of pain
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Use of pain medications
Use of pain medications
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Dizziness/balance by the Dizziness Handicap Inventory (DHI)
Dizziness questionnaire
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Headache Questions by VAS and the Headache Impact Test (HIT-6)
Impact of headache
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Pain Catastrophizing Scale
Self-reported pain catastrophizing
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
EuroQuol five dimensions
Self-reported health
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Effort Reward Imbalance questionnaire
Work related balance between effort and reward
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Symptoms Satisfaction scale
Satisfaction with present symptoms
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Physical activity score, a combination score of the 2 questions (everyday physical activity and exercise/sport/open-air activity) to a combined 4-point score
Physical activity
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Health care consumption, number of visits
Health care consumption
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Self-Efficacy Scale (SES)
Self-reported self-efficacy
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Fear Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire (FABQ)
Fear Avoidance Beliefs
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale
Depression and anxiety
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder checklist (PCL-S)
Post Traumatic Stress
Time Frame
Range of neck motion
Range of motion
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Ergonomics questions and how work is perceived
Work ergonomics
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Sickness presence by the Stanford presenteeism scale
Sickness presence at work
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Patient Enablement Instrument (PEI) questionnaire
Patient enablement
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Consumption of analgesic drugs prescribed through the drug registry
Consumption of analgesic drugs
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Sick-leave registration, number of days and episodes
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Cognitive failures questionnaire (CFQ)
Cognitive function
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Sensorimotor control of the neck muscles, mm Hg
Sensorimotor control
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Neck muscle endurance of ventral and dorsal neck muscles in seconds
Neck muscle endurance
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Balance measured in seconds, standing on one leg with eyes closed
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Neurology such as reflexes, sensibility, muscle weakness, Spurling´s test, neural tension test
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Ultrasound registrations may be measured in a sub-group, deformation and deformation rate
Neck muscle function
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months follow-up
MRI may be measured in a sub-group.
Neck muscle structure and maybe function
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months follow-up
Other Pre-specified Outcome Measures:
Background data such as age and gender
Background data such as age, gender, living circumstances
Time Frame
Work Ability Index (WAI)
Self-reported work ability
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months (the end of treatment) and 15 months (1 year after study treatment is finalized) follow-up
Global rating of change scale
overall change because of the treatment
Time Frame
Change from baseline to 3 months and 15 months follow-up, measured at follow-ups
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
63 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Individuals with a whiplash injury in a traffic accident with a four-wheeled motor vehicle at least 6 months ago but less than 5 years ago, with chronic neck problems corresponding to Quebec Task Force (QTF) grades 2-3 verified in clinical examination
No participation in a neck-specific exercise program in a previous research study;
Average estimated pain in the preceding week more than 20 mm on the visual analogue scale (VAS)
Neck disability for more than 20% of the Neck Disability Index
Working age, between 18 and 63 years
Daily access to computer/tablet/smart phone and Internet
Time to follow the treatment program
Neck symptoms within the first week after the injury (neck pain, neck stiffness, or radiculopathy from the neck).
Exclusion Criteria:
Any of the following signs of brain damage at the time of injury: loss of consciousness, amnesia before or after the injury, altered mental status (e.g., confusion, disorientation), focal neurological changes (changes in smell and taste)
Previous fractures or dislocation of the cervical column
Known or suspected serious physical pathology included myelopathy, spinal tumours, spinal infection, or ongoing malignancy
Previous severe neck problems that resulted in sick leave for more than a month in the year before the current whiplash injury
Surgery in the cervical column
Generalized or more dominant pain elsewhere in the body
Other illness/injury that may prevent full participation in the study and/or where neck exercises are contraindicated
Inability to understand and write in Swedish
Diagnosed severe mental illness, e.g., psychosis, schizophrenia, personality disorders
Current alcohol or drug abuse.
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Anneli Peolsson, Professor
Organizational Affiliation
Dep. Medical and Health Sciences, Physiotherapy, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Official's Role
Principal Investigator
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Gunnel Peterson, PhD
Organizational Affiliation
Dep. Medical and Health Sciences, Physiotherapy, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Official's Role
Study Chair
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Maria Landén Ludvigsson, PhD
Organizational Affiliation
Dep. Medical and Health Sciences, Physiotherapy, Linköping University, Linköping, Sweden
Official's Role
Study Chair
Facility Information:
Facility Name
Anneli Peolsson
ZIP/Postal Code
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Plan to Share IPD
PubMed Identifier
Peolsson A, Landen Ludvigsson M, Peterson G. Neck-specific exercises with internet-based support compared to neck-specific exercises at a physiotherapy clinic for chronic whiplash-associated disorders: study protocol of a randomized controlled multicentre trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017 Dec 12;18(1):524. doi: 10.1186/s12891-017-1853-1.
Results Reference
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Neck-specific Exercise in Chronic Whiplash
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