Naming Task (untrained words)
Generalization - percentage score in the Naming Task (untrained words). The answer is scored on a three-stage scale (1 - not able to name correctly, 2 - named with phonological or semantic paraphasia, 3 - correct). Every Naming Task session will be recorded, so the independent SLP (speech-language pathologist) will again assess response accuracy. In case of inconsistency of scores, third independent SLP will decide.
Naming reaction time (within baseline naming task)
Amount of time elapsed between the presentation of the stimuli to the first attempt of the patient's response. Measured by clinician recording of time elapsed before response attempted for each stimuli presented. Average overall response time will at baseline will be recorded.
Naming reaction time (within baseline naming task)
Amount of time elapsed between the presentation of the stimuli to the first attempt of the patient's response. Measured by clinician recording of time elapsed before response attempted for each stimuli presented. Average overall response time at 12-week follow-up will be recorded.
Number of correct answers without supporting cues
Number of correct answers on the fifth level (no cueing) during the therapy task. Greater number of correct responses indicates better response to treatment.
Accuracy of naming during the therapy session
Number of correct responses to presented stimuli. Greater number of correct responses indicates better response to treatment.
Percentage Score in Naming Task (untrained words)
Percentage score calculated for words not trained in therapy task to assess generalization. Patients are presented with 25 words not trained during therapy sessions. Each answer is scored on a three-point scale (1 - not able to name correctly, 2 - named with phonological or semantic paraphasia, 3 - correct). Items receiving a score of 3 are marked as correct, with a maximum total number of correct items being 25. Minimum score is 0% (0/25- inability to name any objects) and maximum score is 100% (25/25- accuracy in naming all presented objects), where higher score indicates better response to treatment.
Percentage Score in Naming Task (untrained words)
Percentage score calculated for words not trained in therapy task to assess generalization. Patients are presented with 25 words not trained during therapy sessions. Each answer is scored on a three-point scale (1 - not able to name correctly, 2 - named with phonological or semantic paraphasia, 3 - correct). Items receiving a score of 3 are marked as correct, with a maximum total number of correct items being 25. Minimum score is 0% (0/25- inability to name any objects) and maximum score is 100% (25/25- accuracy in naming all presented objects), where higher score indicates better response to treatment.
Percentage Score in Naming Task (untrained words)
Percentage score calculated for words not trained in therapy task to assess generalization. Patients are presented with 25 words not trained during therapy sessions. Each answer is scored on a three-point scale (1 - not able to name correctly, 2 - named with phonological or semantic paraphasia, 3 - correct). Items receiving a score of 3 are marked as correct, with a maximum total number of correct items being 25. Minimum score is 0% (0/25- inability to name any objects) and maximum score is 100% (25/25- accuracy in naming all presented objects), where higher score indicates better response to treatment.
Percentage Score in Naming Task (untrained words)
Percentage score calculated for words not trained in therapy task to assess generalization. Patients are presented with 25 words not trained during therapy sessions. Each answer is scored on a three-point scale (1 - not able to name correctly, 2 - named with phonological or semantic paraphasia, 3 - correct). Items receiving a score of 3 are marked as correct, with a maximum total number of correct items being 25. Minimum score is 0% (0/25- inability to name any objects) and maximum score is 100% (25/25- accuracy in naming all presented objects), where higher score indicates better response to treatment.
Communication Effectiveness Index (CETI)
The participants primary communication partner rates the participants' ability to perform in sixteen communication situations on a visual analog scale with the lowest value (a score of 0) as "not at all able" and the greatest value (a score of 10) as "as able to as before", where higher scores indicate better health outcomes.
Communication Effectiveness Index (CETI)
The participants primary communication partner rates the participants' ability to perform in sixteen communication situations on a visual analog scale with the lowest value (a score of 0) as "not at all able" and the greatest value (a score of 10) as "as able to as before", where higher scores indicate better health outcomes.
Communication Effectiveness Index (CETI)
The participants primary communication partner rates the participants' ability to perform in sixteen communication situations on a visual analog scale with the lowest value (a score of 0) as "not at all able" and the greatest value (a score of 10) as "as able to as before", where higher scores indicate better health outcomes.
Communication Effectiveness Index (CETI)
The participants primary communication partner rates the participants' ability to perform in sixteen communication situations on a visual analog scale with the lowest value (a score of 0) as "not at all able" and the greatest value (a score of 10) as "as able to as before", where higher scores indicate better health outcomes.
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE)
Oral Expression Subtest - the speech language pathologist assesses the patient with the oral expression portion of the BDAE. Areas assessed include automatic sequences, repetition of words and sentences, responsive and confrontational naming, and screening of letters and numbers. Each item receives a point for correctness with a maximal score of 48
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE)
Oral Expression Subtest - the speech language pathologist assesses the patient with the oral expression portion of the BDAE. Areas assessed include automatic sequences, repetition of words and sentences, responsive and confrontational naming, and screening of letters and numbers. Each item receives a point for correctness with a maximal score of 48
Accuracy of masking measurement: Patient and Researcher
The opinion of the patient and of the researcher on receiving the placebo vs. active stimulation. The patient and researcher provide their guess/opinion as to whether the stimulation received during treatment was active or sham. It will be taken after the end of the last treatment session.
Visual Analog Scale (VAS)
Stimulation tolerance/side effects are measured using a visual analog scale with seven components (headache, fatigue, sleepiness, dizziness, pain on scalp, tingling on scalp, burning sensation on scalp, and itching on scalp). Ratings will be taken before and after each session. Full scale 0-10 per component. Higher score indicates a higher degree of each side effect.
Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL-39) Score
Assesses the ability to complete daily tasks pertaining to self-care, communication, interaction with others, and physical mobility. The SAQOL includes 17 questions, where questions are rated on a 1-5 scale with a score of 1 indicating greater disability and 5 indicating none. Total score ranges from 17-85. Scores are averaged across three domains (physical, communication, and psychosocial), with lower scores indicating lesser ability (lower quality of life) and higher scores indicating great ability or independence (greater quality of life)
Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL-39) Score
Assesses the ability to complete daily tasks pertaining to self-care, communication, interaction with others, and physical mobility. The SAQOL includes 17 questions, where questions are rated on a 1-5 scale with a score of 1 indicating greater disability and 5 indicating none. Total score ranges from 17-85. Scores are averaged across three domains (physical, communication, and psychosocial), with lower scores indicating lesser ability (lower quality of life) and higher scores indicating great ability or independence (greater quality of life)
Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL-39) Score
Assesses the ability to complete daily tasks pertaining to self-care, communication, interaction with others, and physical mobility. The SAQOL includes 17 questions, where questions are rated on a 1-5 scale with a score of 1 indicating greater disability and 5 indicating none. Total score ranges from 17-85. Scores are averaged across three domains (physical, communication, and psychosocial), with lower scores indicating lesser ability (lower quality of life) and higher scores indicating great ability or independence (greater quality of life)
Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale (SAQOL-39) Score
Assesses the ability to complete daily tasks pertaining to self-care, communication, interaction with others, and physical mobility. The SAQOL includes 17 questions, where questions are rated on a 1-5 scale with a score of 1 indicating greater disability and 5 indicating none. Total score ranges from 17-85. Scores are averaged across three domains (physical, communication, and psychosocial), with lower scores indicating lesser ability (lower quality of life) and higher scores indicating great ability or independence (greater quality of life)
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12)
Identifies minor psychiatric disorders in the general population and within community or non-psychiatric clinical settings such as primary care or general medical out-patients. GHQ-12 is a 12-items scaled version that assesses somatic symptoms, anxiety, and insomnia, social dysfunction, and severe depression. A total score ranges from 0 to 36, with higher scores indicating worse conditions
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12)
Identifies minor psychiatric disorders in the general population and within community or non-psychiatric clinical settings such as primary care or general medical out-patients. GHQ-12 is a 12-items scaled version that assesses somatic symptoms, anxiety, and insomnia, social dysfunction, and severe depression. A total score ranges from 0 to 36, with higher scores indicating worse conditions
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12)
Identifies minor psychiatric disorders in the general population and within community or non-psychiatric clinical settings such as primary care or general medical out-patients. GHQ-12 is a 12-items scaled version that assesses somatic symptoms, anxiety, and insomnia, social dysfunction, and severe depression. A total score ranges from 0 to 36, with higher scores indicating worse conditions
General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12)
Identifies minor psychiatric disorders in the general population and within community or non-psychiatric clinical settings such as primary care or general medical out-patients. GHQ-12 is a 12-items scaled version that assesses somatic symptoms, anxiety, and insomnia, social dysfunction, and severe depression. A total score ranges from 0 to 36, with higher scores indicating worse conditions
Brief Resilience Scale (BRS)
Assesses the perceived ability to bounce back or recover from stress. The possible score range on the BRS is from 1 (low resilience) to 5 (high resilience). Higher scores indicate better health outcomes.
Brief Resilience Scale (BRS)
Assesses the perceived ability to bounce back or recover from stress. The possible score range on the BRS is from 1 (low resilience) to 5 (high resilience). Higher scores indicate better health outcomes.
Brief Resilience Scale (BRS)
Assesses the perceived ability to bounce back or recover from stress. The possible score range on the BRS is from 1 (low resilience) to 5 (high resilience). Higher scores indicate better health outcomes.
Brief Resilience Scale (BRS)
Assesses the perceived ability to bounce back or recover from stress. The possible score range on the BRS is from 1 (low resilience) to 5 (high resilience). Higher scores indicate better health outcomes.
BDNF genotype
Saliva samples will be collected to test for typical vs. atypical brain plasticity biomarkers, as BDNF genotype may interfere with results of therapy paired with transcranial electrical stimulation. Research suggests that individuals with an atypical BDNF genotype are less receptive to the beneficial effects of speech-language therapy paired with anodal transcranial direct current stimulation, compared to individuals with typical BDNF genotype