Older People Gait: Physiomechanics and Functionality
Old Age; Debility

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Old Age; Debility focused on measuring Locomotion, Aging, Training, Physical Fitness, Gait, Quality of life, Health
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- volunteers
- aged over 60 years
- both sexes
- not performing regular physical activity with professional monitoring
Exclusion Criteria:
- not participate in all stages of the evaluation
- severe heart diseases, uncontrolled hypertension, myocardial infarction within a period of less than one year, being a pacemaker;
- stroke or other associated neurological diseases; insanity;
- prostheses in the lower limbs;
- without ambulation conditions.
Sites / Locations
- Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
No Intervention
Balance training
Strength training
Cardiorespiratory endurance training
Control group
The balance training consists of 3 moments: warm up, main and stretch. Warm-up with mobility exercises for major joints and large muscle groups. The main part will have eight exercise stations divided into: a) five balance exercises (dynamic and static with or without object balance) on a varied floor, b) three agility exercises, and a stretching of the worked muscle groups and a final relaxation.
Muscle strength training will consist of 3 moments: warm up, main and stretch. Warm up with mobility exercises for the main joints and large muscle groups. The main part will include strength exercises with lower and upper limbs with two sets of 6-12 repetitions according to periodization, and a stretching of the muscle groups worked
The older people walking training consists of 3 moments: warm up, main and stretch. They will do a brief free walking warm-up for 3 minutes in the Self-selected walking speed, then walk according to the training cycle, and then a stretching of the main muscle groups. Will be held, twice a week for 45 minutes each session. The training intensity will follow 60-110% of the volume of the 6-minute Test (6MWT) and the Borg Scale at moderate to difficult intervals. the training
control group: who will receive educational lectures on health, walking and aging.