Online CBT Intervention for Students With Adjustment Disorder (Online CBT)
Adjustment Disorders

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Adjustment Disorders focused on measuring adjustment disorder, students, internet psychological interventions, cognitive behavioural therapy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: having a student status 18 years old or older, having access to the internet and using computer or smartphone, meeting the diagnostic criteria of adjustment disorder based on a total sum score > 47,5 in ADNM-20 questionnaire meeting diagnostic criteria for AjD in MINI Interview. Exclusion Criteria: an increased risk of suicidality intent or ideation (at least moderate scores on the MINI and/or a score > 2 on item 9 from the PHQ-9), psychotic disorder, eating disorder, anti-social personality disorder and/or alcohol/substance use disorder as indicated by the MINI receiving another psychological treatment at the start of the study having no time for participation in program receiving pharmacological psychiatric treatment not stabilized 6 weeks prior the start of the study
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
No Intervention
Internet CBT-UP intervention (iCBT-UP)
Internet Progressive Muscle Realxation Training (iPMR)
Waiting List
Patricipants in the experimental group will receive online cbt intervention for students with adjustment disorder (iCBT-UP).
Participants from the active control group will receive progressive muscle relaxation training (iPMR).
Participants from the waiting list condition will receive access to the choosen intervention after 6-weeks waiting period.