"Post-acute Pickwick Study" (Postacute-Pick-2020)
Acute on Chronic Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure, Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS)

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Acute on Chronic Hypercapnic Respiratory Failure focused on measuring Hypercapnic respiratory failure, Obesity, Non invasive mechanical ventilation, CPAP
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- º.- Patient between 18 and 85 years old.
- º.- With diagnosis of OHS (according to Obesity (BMI ≥30 kg/m2) and Hypercapnic respiratory failure (PaCO2 ≥45 mmHg at hospital discharge) not secondary to other causes.
- º - Hospitalized for an episode of acute-on-chronic hypercapnic respiratory failure, receiving hospital therapy with invasive or noninvasive ventilation, and just deemed stable for home discharge."
- º.- No NIV or CPAP home therapy in the last 6 months[*].
- º.- Being able to tolerate and correctly execute a 15-minute test with automatic NIV (AVAPS-AE) and another 15-minute test with fixed CPAP treatments during wakefulness.
- º.- Providing informed consent (dated and signed).
[*] Patients who have objective evidence of minimal PAP therapy during the 6 months prior to hospital admission (i.e. average daily use of less than 2 hours of PAP therapy) can also be enrolled at the discretion of the investigators if they feel the patient is now more interested in being adherent to NIV therapy.
Inclusion criteria for the second phase of the study:
1º.- Included three months ago in the first phase of the study (followed by a washout period of 5 days).
Exclusion Criteria:
Exclusion criteria for the first phase of the study:
- º.- With moderate or severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (FEV1<70% of predicted when FEV1/FVC is below 70%).
- º.- With neuromuscular disease, thoracic wall or metabolic disease that may cause diurnal hypercapnia.
- º.- Inability to maintain a patent airway or adequately clear secretions.
- º.- With bullous lung disease or with pneumothorax.
- º.- With bypassed upper airway (i.e. endotracheal tube or tracheostomy).
- º.- With anatomical abnormalities of the craniofacial structure leading to cerebral spinal fluid leaks, abnormalities of the cribriform plate, and/or pneumocephalus.
- º.- At risk for aspiration of gastric contents.
- º.- Diagnosed with acute sinusitis or otitis media.
- º.- With active hemoptysis or epistaxis if presenting a risk of causing pulmonary aspiration of blood.
- º.- With symptomatic hypotension.
- º.- With clinical diagnosis of narcolepsy or restless leg syndrome.
- º.- Psycho-physical incapacity to complete questionnaires.
- º.- With diagnosis of chronic illness that might interfere the evaluation using quality of life questionnaires (neoplasia, severe chronic pain of any type, and any other severe chronic debilitating illness).
- º.- Suffering other clinically relevant disease that, under the opinion of the investigator, might affect the evaluations of efficacy or safety.
- º.- Participating simultaneously in other clinical study with intervention (or without intervention at the discretion of the investigator and with the consent of the Sponsor) or had participated in other clinical study with intervention within the last 30 days before the inclusion in this study. [‡]
- º.- If for any reason (planned surgery [including bariatric surgery], trips of long duration, etc.) would not be able to receive the treatment and/or attend the follow-up visits of this study within the next three years and three months.
- º.- Persons deprived of liberty by judicial or administrative decision, persons under psychiatric treatment and persons placed in a health or social institution for purposes other than those of this clinical study.
- º.- Adults who are subject to a legal protection measure or who are unable to express their consent.
[‡] This prohibition shall be maintained for the duration of the patients' participation in the study. This is because, if patients received other treatments, it could be difficult to interpret the causality of the results obtained (whether beneficial or harmful effects) and the possible contraindications.
vi. Exclusion criteria for the second phase of the study:
1º.- With apnea hypopnea index (AHI) lower than 5 (absence or very mild obstructive sleep apnea).
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Life style modification
Life style modificacion and automatic NIV(AVAPS-AE)
Life style modification and titrated NIV(S/T mode)
Life style modification and titrated CPAP
"Lifestyle modifications" group (Control) will consist of a 1,000-calorie/day diet and to maintain proper sleep hygiene and habits (avoid supine decubitus position, maintain regular sleep habits and exercise, not take sedatives, stimulants, alcohol, tobacco or heavy meals within four hours before bedtime). Oxygen therapy can be prescribed by the treating team using standard criteria (awake PaO2 <55 mmHg or room air oxygen saturation below 88% (Masa JF et al. J Clin Sleep Med. 2016 ;12:1379-88)
Automatic NIV: In addition to lifestyle modification and oxygen (if required), the ventilator will be adjusted to a range of predetermined parameters with the intelligent ventilation mode (pressure of intelligent support with guaranteed volume with automatic backup frequency) with the following adjustment: maximum pressure: 35 cmH2O; respiratory rate: automatic; maximum pressure support: 20 cm H2O; minimum pressure support: 4 cmH2O; maximum EPAP pressure: 15 cmH2O; minimum EPAP pressure: 4 cmH2O; and tidal volume (Vt) based on 8-10 ml/kg of predicted body weight. These parameters may be modified according to patient tolerance or non-compensated leak.
In-laboratory polysomnographic NIV titration will be performed according to published guidelines (Berry R et al JCSM 2010). In addition to lifestyle modification and oxygen (if required), home NIV therapy with fixed pressures will be started. The ventilator mode will be a bilevel PAP with backup respiratory rate (BIPAP S/T mode). The ventilator adjustment will be firstly performed in awake situation and then during sleep by means of a PSG.
In-laboratory polysomnographic CPAP titration will be performed according to published guidelines (SEPAR guideline or AASM guideline). In addition to lifestyle modification and oxygen (if required), home CPAP therapy at a fixed pressure will be initiated.