Powered Exoskeleton Combined With Functional Electrical Stimulation in Clinical Practice
Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury focused on measuring Exoskeleton, locomotor training, FES, SCI
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Measure between 5'1" and 6'3" (1.5 and 1.9m)
- Weigh less than 200 pounds (90kg)
- Present a diagnosis of incomplete spinal cord injury
- Have the ability to maintain a standing position and/or have therapeutic walking ability at Stage 1B or more of the Rick Hansen Institute SCI Standing and Walking Assessment Toolkit
- Present sufficient upper extremity strength and function to use a walker with wheels
- Femur length between 37 and 49cm
- Width of hips when seated <42 cm
- Obtain approval from a physician to participate in the project
- Standing tolerance >15 minutes
For FES:
- Respond favourably to functional electrical stimulation (FES) of the main lower extremity muscle groups: (gluteus, quadriceps, hamstrings, dorsiflexors, etc.) as determined by a physiotherapist.
- Have no contraindications to FES according to the guidelines of the Canadian physiotherapy association (CPA).
Exclusion Criteria:
- Poor fit of the exoskeleton as determined by the research team
- Present contraindications to the use of the Indego® exoskeleton as described by the company
- Present lower extremity skin lesions or sores
- Any medical condition or co-morbidity that may impair collaboration and participation or making it unsafe to wear the exoskeleton, for example (non-exhaustive list) :
- Disabling pain.
- Significant sensory disturbances in the lower limbs that limit safe walking.
- Cognitive disorders that impair the ability to collaborate.
- Osteoporosis.
- Unconsolidated fractures of the lower limbs.
- Uncontrolled reflex dysautonomia.
- Severe peripheral vascular disease.
- Severe heart failure.
- Severe, active infection
FES Exclusion Criteria
- Pregnancy;
- Presence of a malignant tumor
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Hemorrhagic condition
- Infection or osteomyelitis
- Presence of weakened/damaged skin
- Circulatory disorders
- Epilepsy
- Electronic implant
Sites / Locations
- Laval University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
3-5 familiarization sessions + 12 training sessions (3 blocks of 4 training sessions; 60-90 min each session, 2-3 sessions per week) of an overground locomotor training program using a powered exoskeleton combined with functional electrical stimulation (OLTP/PE+FES). The training sessions are divided into 3 blocks. Each block will take place over a period of approximately 2 weeks (2-3 sessions/week) and will consist of 3 training sessions with exoskeleton combined with FES and a fourth session with exoskeleton alone, without FES. For each participant, FES intensity will be set for each muscle in order to elicit a palpable muscle contraction. FES timing and duration is already built into the device. For each participant, specific level of assistance for each hip and knee, and gait parameters will be set and adjusted during a familiarization period with the PE. Level of PE assistance will then be adjusted weekly to ensure training progression.