Preterm Infants REtinalMicrovascular Alterations by Means of OCT Angiography (PREMA-OCTA)
Premature With Dysplasia Bronchopulmonary, Premature Without Dysplasia Bronchopulmonary, Controls Born at Term

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Premature With Dysplasia Bronchopulmonary
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria: Premature group: - Any child aged 5 to 15 years born before or at 28 SA (with or without BPD), followed or not at the Creteil's hospital intercommunal Control group: Any child aged 5 to 15 years born ≥ 38SA, consulting ophthalmology at the Creteil 's hospital intercommunal. Acceptance to participate in the protocol Child living near the Creteil's intercommunal hospital Affiliated to a social security system Exclusion Criteria: all groups Neurobehavioral disorder or psychomotor delay that does not allow the examination to be performed Presence of a POR with zone I involvement or having received IVT of anti-VEGF (as it may directly modify the OCT-A parameters) Pre-existing retinal pathology: macular scarring of any etiology, retinal vascular alterations such as sickle cell disease, diabetes. Pre-existing optic nerve pathologies: glaucoma, coloboma, tumors. Chronic respiratory pathologies other than BPD (i.e. not associated with prematurity): cystic fibrosis, DDB... General pathology unrelated to prematurity that may have a retinal impact: e.g. respiratory diseases other than BPD Participation in an interventional study in ophthalmology A history of hyperthermic convulsions in infants or epilepsy, which contraindicates the use of eye drops.
Sites / Locations
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
older premature children born at a term ≤28 weeks of amenorrhea without dysplasia bronchopulmonary
older premature children born at a term ≤28 weeks of amenorrhea with dysplasia bronchopulmonary
patients in the control group without prematurity without BPD
OCT Angiography
OCT Angiography
OCT Angiography