Psychological Interventions for Complex PTSD And Schizophrenia-Spectrum Disorder: PICASSO Trial (PICASSO)
Psychosis, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Schizophrenia

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Psychosis focused on measuring schizophrenia, psychosis, umbrella trial, complex post traumatic stress disorder, affect dysregulation, negative self concept, disturbed relationships, childhood trauma
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosis of schizophrenia-spectrum disorder (confirmed using Clinical Interview for Psychotic Disorder, CIPD)
- Presence of symptoms of Affect Dysregulation, Negative Self Concept or Disturbed Relationships as a result of exposure to traumatic life events (confirmed using the Trauma and Life Events Checklist, TALE and the International Trauma Questionnaire, ITQ - at least one of the two symptoms ≥2)
- Aged 18-65
- Have a mental health keyworker.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Primary diagnosis of alcohol, substance-use disorder or bipolar affective disorder
- Developmental disability
- Non-English speaking
- Lacking capacity to consent to participate
- Unmanageable risk of violence to research or clinical staff (as judged by research team)
- Significant risk of harm to self that is not being adequately managed by existing mental health services (as judged by research team).
Sites / Locations
- NHS LothianRecruiting
- NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Arm 6
No Intervention
No Intervention
No Intervention
Affect Dysregulation intervention
Treatment as usual (1)
Negative Self Concept intervention
Treatment as usual (2)
Disturbed Relationships intervention
Treatment as usual (3)
The AD module focuses on skills training in relation to identifying and labelling feelings, emotion management, distress tolerance, and acceptance of feelings and experiencing positive emotions. The module will be delivered by a trained therapist,in each site. Sessions are one hour long and six sessions will be delivered over an 8-week therapy window.
TAU will include ongoing standard care - antipsychotic medication as well as monitoring by psychiatrists and community psychiatric nurses (CPNs).
The NSC module focus on the impact of trauma on one's self concept, how to stay in the present moment and combat dissociation, introduce self - compassion and mindfulness skills, challenge thinking patterns including tackling negative thoughts rules and assumptions that relate to ones-self, how to be more nurturing towards one's self, explore personal qualities and develop a balanced view of self. The module will be delivered by a trained therapist,in each site. Sessions are one hour long and six sessions will be delivered over an 8-week therapy window.
TAU will include ongoing standard care - antipsychotic medication as well as monitoring by psychiatrists and community psychiatric nurses (CPNs).
The DR module will focus on exploration and revision of maladaptive schemas, effective assertiveness, awareness of social context, and flexibility in interpersonal expectations and behaviours that are displayed in social interactions. The module will be delivered by a trained therapist,in each site. Sessions are one hour long and six sessions will be delivered over an 8-week therapy window.
TAU will include ongoing standard care - antipsychotic medication as well as monitoring by psychiatrists and community psychiatric nurses (CPNs).