Randomized Controlled Multi-center Short Course Treatment for Rifampicin Resistant Tuberculosis

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Tuberculosis focused on measuring Tuberculosis, rifampin resistant, oral, shorter.
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- signed informed consent and accepted follow-up;
- the age is between 18 and 65 years old, both male and female, including inpatients and outpatients;
- no use of anti tuberculosis drugs, or use of anti tuberculosis drugs less than 1 month;
- the results of molecular biology test confirmed rifampicin resistance or MDR-TB patients;
- chest CT examination confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis, pulmonary lesions, or cavity;
- premenopausal women had negative pregnancy urine test and agreed to use high-efficiency contraceptive measures during the study period.
Exclusion Criteria:
- drug sensitivity test or molecular drug sensitivity results show that the drug resistance (except isoniazid) or any component of the drug has a history of allergy, or is taking any drug that is contraindicated to the drug in the short-term treatment program;
- severe renal insufficiency (creatinine clearance rate (CrCl) less than 30 ml / min).
- liver function impairment (ALT and / or AST level 3 times higher than the upper limit of laboratory reference value, if it is temporary increase, it can be included after treatment recovery);
- those who are unable to participate in or comply with the treatment and follow-up;
- Q-T interval > 450 millisecond;
- have a history of cardiovascular diseases or are suffering from such diseases as heart failure, hypertension (poor blood pressure control), arrhythmia or post myocardial infarction state;
- pregnant or lactating women;
- those who are unable to take oral drugs;
- those who are currently participating in other clinical trials;
- patients with HIV positive or active viral hepatitis.
Sites / Locations
- Beijing Chest Hospital affiliated to Capital Medical UniversityRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Active Comparator
4-6 INH EMB PZA Pto AM Cfz Mfx / 5 EMB PZA Cfz Mfx (INH: Isoniazid, EMB: Ethambutol, PZA: Pyrazinamide, Pto: Prothionamide, AM: Amikacin, Cfz: Clofazimine, Mfx: Moxifloxacin) A group is the control group which includes injectable drugs (AM).
4-6 INH EMB PZA Pto LZD Cfz Mfx / 5 EMB PZA Cfz Mfx (INH: Isoniazid, EMB: Ethambutol, PZA: Pyrazinamide, Pto: Prothionamide, LZD: Linezolid, Cfz: Clofazimine, Mfx: Moxifloxacin) B group is the experimental groups which is total oral short-term therapy.
4-6 BDQ LZD MFX CS CFZ / 5MFX CS CFZ (BDQ: Bedaquiline, LZD: Linezolid, Mfx: Moxifloxacin, CS: Cycloserine, Cfz: Clofazimine) C group is another experimental groups which is also total oral short-term therapy, and includes new anti-TB drugs: BDQ.