Randomized Trial of an HIV Prevention and Relationship Education Program for Young Male Couples (2GETHER)
Hiv, Chlamydia, Gonorrhea
About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for Hiv
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Both members of the couple assigned male at birth and currently identify as male
- Both members of the couples at least 18 years of age; at least one between the ages of 18-29 years
- Both members of the couple identify one another as primary partners
- Couple has had oral or anal sex with one another in the past 3 months
- At least one member of the couple reports condomless anal sex with a serodiscordant or unknown status partner during the past 3 months
- Both members of the couple read and speak English at 8th grade level or better
- Both members have Internet access
- Both members audio recording of intervention sessions
Exclusion Criteria:
- Severe intimate partner violence
Sites / Locations
- Northwestern University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Positive Affect Enhancement
2GETHER is an HIV prevention and relationship education program designed for young male couples. 2GETHER consists of 4 sessions (2 group sessions, 2 individualized couple session) administered over the course of 1 month (1 session per week). Group sessions focus on developing skills related to sexual health and relationship functioning, including HIV prevention in couples, communication skills, coping skills, problem-solving and acceptance. Individualized couple sessions focus on implementation of skills specific to the needs of each couple.
The control condition is a positive affect enhancement program for couples. This is an active and attention-matched control condition. Group sessions focus on developing various coping skills that aim to enhance positive emotions in couples, and individualized couple sessions focus on skills implementation.