Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Average Number of Log in to SHUTi Per Week During the Last 9 Weeks
Average number of times participants logged into SHUTi 9-11 weeks after SHUTi initiation was measured using a survey item, "On average, how many times did you log in to SHUTi per week during the last 8-9 weeks?"
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Average Time Spent on SHUTi After Logging in
Average amount of time (in minutes) participants spent on SHUTi in the last 9-11 weeks was measured using a survey item, "When you logged in, on average, how much time did you spend on SHUTi?"
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants With Technical Difficulties Using SHUTi or Tablet
Participants expressed technical difficulties with SHUTi or study provided tablet using a survey item, "Did you have technical difficulties with SHUTi or your tablet?" with a "yes or no" response
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "How Comfortable Are You Using the Handheld Tablet?"
Participants expressed comfort using the tablet with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How comfortable are you using the handheld tablet?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "How Easy Was SHUTi to Use?"
Participants ease of using SHUTi was measured with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How easy was SHUTi to use?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "How Convenient Was SHUTi to Use?"
Participants expressed convenience of using SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How convenient was SHUTi to use?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Extent of SHUTi Keeping Their Interest and Attention"
Participants expressed extent of SHUTi keeping their interest and attention with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How much did SHUTi keep your interest and attention?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "SHUTi Likeability"
Participants expressed SHUTi likeability with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How much did you like SHUTi?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "SHUTi Appearance Likeability"
Participants expressed SHUTi appearance likability with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How much did you like the way SHUTi looked?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "SHUTi Privacy Concerns"
Participants expressed SHUTi privacy concerns with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How worried were you about your privacy when using SHUTi?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "SHUTi Satisfaction"
Participants expressed satisfaction with SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How satisfied were you with SHUTi?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Usefulness of SHUTi Information"
Participants expressed usefulness of SHUTi information with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How useful did you find the information in SHUTi?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Understanding SHUTi Information"
Participants expressed how easy the SHUTi information was to understand with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How easy is the information to understand?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Trust in SHUTi Information Provided"
Participants expressed how well they trusted the SHUTi information provided with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How much did you feel you could trust the information?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Likelihood of Continued SHUTi Use When Sleep Problems Continue or Return
Participants expressed their likelihood of continued SHUTi when sleep problems continue or return with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "If sleep difficulties were to continue or return, how likely would you be to continue to use SHUTi?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Likelihood of Continued SHUTi Use Due to Technical Difficulties
Participants expressed their likelihood of continued SHUTi if technical difficulties continued with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "If technical difficulties were to continue or return, how likely would you be to continue to use SHUTi?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Evaluation and Utility Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Internet as a Delivery Method for Insomnia Intervention"
Participants expressed their feedback regarding delivering insomnia intervention using the internet with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "How good of a method was the Internet for providing this information?" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "SHUTi Helpfulness"
Participants expressed how helpful SHUTi was with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi was helpful" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Increase in Insomnia Knowledge"
Participants expressed how their insomnia knowledge increased with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "My knowledge about insomnia increased" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Quality of Life Improvement"
Participants expressed any quality of life improvement as a result of SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi improved my overall quality of life" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Mood Improvement"
Participants expressed any mood improvement as a result of SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi helped improve my overall mood" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Physical Activity Improvement"
Participants expressed any physical activity improvement (e.g. exercise or sports activities) as a result of SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi helped improve my level of physical activities, such as exercise regimen or sports activities" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Ability to Manage Insomnia"
Participants expressed any increased effectiveness in the ability to manage insomnia as a result of SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi helped me feel more sure of my ability to manage my insomnia" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Improvement in Difficulties Falling Asleep"
Participants expressed any improvement in difficulty falling asleep as a result of SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi helped improve my difficulties with falling asleep" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Improvement in Waking up in the Middle of the Night"
Participants expressed any improvement in waking up in the middle of the night as a result of SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi helped improve my difficulties with waking up in the middle of the night" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Improvement in Difficulties Waking up Too Early"
Participants expressed any improvement in difficulties waking up too early as a result of SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi helped improve my difficulties with waking up too early" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Improvement in Sleep Quality"
Participants expressed any improvement in sleep quality as a result of SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi helped improve my sleep quality" with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Impact and Effectiveness Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Improvement in Daytime Functioning"
Participants expressed any improvement in daytime functioning as a result of SHUTi with a survey item on a 5-point scale, "SHUTi helped improve aspects of my daytime functioning like alertness, performance, work attendance, etc." with '0= not at all' to '4=very'
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Tablet as a Primary Device Used to Access SHUTi"
Participants responded to using tablet as the primary device to access SHUTi with a survey item, "Did you primarily use the tablet to access SHUTi?" with a "yes or no" response
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Working Internet Connection"
Participants responded to internet connection problems with a survey item with four options, "My internet connection did not work" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to Connection Problem to SHUTi
Participants responded to SHUTi connection problems with a survey item with four options, "My internet connection worked, but I could not get connected to SHUTi" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Slow Internet Connection"
Participants responded to slow internet connection with a survey item with four options, "My internet connection was too slow; SHUTi seemed to 'hang'" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Problems With Device"
Participants responded to device problems with a survey item with four options, "My device wasn't working or was having problems" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Forgetting to Access SHUTi"
Participants responded to forgetting to access SHUTi with a survey item with four options, "I just forgot to go to SHUTi" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Not Wanting to Access SHUTi"
Participants responded to not wanting to access SHUTi with a survey item with four options, "I didn't want to go to SHUTi" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Personal Issues Interfering With SHUTi Use"
Participants responded to personal issues interfering with SHUTi with a survey item with four options, "Personal issues stopped me from using SHUTi" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Work Issues Interfering With SHUTi Use"
Participants responded to work issues interfering with SHUTi with a survey item with four options, "Work issues stopped me from using SHUTi" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Difficulty Navigating SHUTi"
Participants responded to difficulty navigating SHUTi with a survey item with four options, "SHUTi was too hard to navigate" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Difficulty Understanding SHUTi Content"
Participants responded to difficulty understanding SHUTi content with a survey item with four options, "The SHUTi material was too difficult to understand" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "SHUTi Not Being Useful"
Participants responded to SHUTi not being useful with a survey item with four options, "The SHUTi program did not seem very useful" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to SHUTi Program Being Too 'Wordy'
Participants responded to SHUTi program being too wordy with a survey item with four options, "The SHUTi program had too many words" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to Screen Being Too Hard to Read
Participants responded to screen being hard to read with a survey item with four options, "The screen has hard to read (e.g. words were too small)" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Too Much to do in SHUTi"
Participants responded to having too much to do in SHUTi with a survey item with four options, "The daily requirements were too much for me to do" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Diaries Taking Too Long to Complete"
Participants responded to diaries took too long with a survey item with four options, "The diaries took too long to complete" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "SHUTi Helping With Insomnia"
Participants responded to SHUTi helping with insomnia with a survey item with four options, "I didn't think SHUTi was really going to help" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Too Many Sleep Rules"
Participants responded to too many sleep rules with SHUTi with a survey item with four options, "There were too many sleep rules to follow" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Spouse/Significant Other/Roommate Having Issues With Participant Using SHUTi"
Participants responded to spouse/significant other/roommate having issues with participants using SHUTi with a survey item with four options, "My spouse/significant other/roommate did not like me using SHUTi or following the sleep rules" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Difficulty With Sleep Restriction Instructions"
Participants responded to difficulty with sleep restriction with a survey item with four options, "I could not stick to the sleep restriction instructions" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Who Responded to "Sleep Efficiency Not Improving"
Participants responded to sleep efficiency not improving with a single categorical survey statement, "My sleep efficiency was not improving" on a 4-point Likert scale
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Too Much Homework"
Participants responded to too much homework with SHUTi with a survey item with four options, "There was too much homework" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Internet Intervention Adherence Questionnaire: Participants Response to "Homework Difficulty"
Participants responded to homework being too difficult with a survey item with four options, "The homework was too difficult" with 0 = Not a problem, 1 = A little problem 2 = A major problem, & N/A (Not applicable)
Average Login Counts
SHUTi system generated report of each participant's login counts while they had access to the web based SHUTi program 6-7 months after discharge from inpatient admission
Mean Diary Completion Counts
SHUTi system generated report of each participant's number of completed diaries while they had access to the web based SHUTi program 6-7 months after discharge from inpatient admission
Average Number of Sessions Completed
SHUTi system generated report of each participant's number of completed sessions during the 9-11 week period after starting the first SHUTi session