Reducing Opioid Use for Chronic Pain Patients Following Surgery (RECOUP)
Chronic Pain, Opioid Use, Postoperative Pain

About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for Chronic Pain
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- ≥ 18 years of age
- Taking 20 -- 200 mg of preoperative oral morphine equivalents daily
- Any type of surgical procedure, with the exception of those with palliative intent or organ transplantation
- Able to read and understand English as posed on the questionnaire surveys prior to informed consent
- Must be taking opioids for at least one month prior to their operation
- Must have a personal email address for the set-up of the Manage My Pain (MMP) App or online multimedia tool
Exclusion Criteria:
• Subjects who are undergoing palliative care or procedures, organ transplantation, or prescribed with Methadone/Buprenorphine will be excluded from the trial
Sites / Locations
- Toronto General Hospital- University Health NetworkRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Control Group
Interventional Group
Patients in the control group will receive standard care, which involves standard postoperative follow-up with their surgeon/primary care provider. Patients will also be sent with a link for an online multimedia tool during each follow-up time point that will provide information and education regarding non-pharmacologic techniques for managing pain. At the end, all patients in the control arm will be invited to join the TPSP after one year of follow-up if they are still taking opioids.
Patients in the interventional group will be given a Transitional Pain Service follow-up appointment at the following postoperative time points (2 to 6 visits for the first two months, and then 1 to 2 visits on a monthly basis until one year). At each visit, patients will meet with the clinical psychologist and chronic pain specialist. Patients in the intervention group will have access to the Manage My Pain (MMP) App. which allows people living with pain to quickly and easily track their pain and function on a daily basis on their smartphones or a browser on their desktop or mobile device. One-page clinical reports will capture the changes in patients' outcome data between clinical visits over the course in time.Clinic visits can be offered in person at the hospital or over telehealth (video conference) based on the patient's preference and clinician's judgment for telehealth suitability.