Regimens of Intermittent Occlusion Therapy for Amblyopia in Children

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Amblyopia
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
The following criteria must be met for the patient to be enrolled in the study:
- Age 3 to < 8 years
Unilateral amblyopia associated with strabismus (comitant or incomitant), anisometropia, or both
Criteria for strabismus: At least one of the following criteria must be met:
- Heterotropia at distance and/or near fixation on examination (with or without spectacles)
- History of strabismus surgery
- Documented history of strabismus which is no longer present (which in the judgment of the investigator could have caused amblyopia)
Criteria for anisometropia: At least one of the following criteria must be met:
- >0.50 D difference between eyes in spherical equivalent
- >0.50 D difference between eyes in astigmatism in any meridian
- Amblyopic eye has no myopia (> -0.25 D spherical equivalent).
Visual acuity, measured in each eye without cycloplegia within 7 days prior to enrollment using the ATS single-surround HOTV letter protocol as follows:
- Visual acuity in the amblyopic eye between 20/40 and 20/80 inclusive
- Visual acuity in the sound eye 20/32 or better
- Inter-eye acuity difference ≥ 2 logMAR lines (i.e., amblyopic eye acuity at least 2 lines worse than sound eye acuity)
- No previous amblyopia treatment within 6 months.
Spectacle correction (if applicable) for measurement of enrollment visual acuity must meet the following criteria and be based on a cycloplegic refraction within 6 months:
- Requirements for spectacle correction:
For patients meeting criteria for only strabismus
- Hypermetropia if corrected must not be undercorrected by more than +1.50 D spherical equivalent, and the reduction in plus sphere must be symmetric in the two eyes. Otherwise, spectacle correction is at investigator discretion.
For patients meeting criteria for anisometropia or combined-mechanism
- Spherical equivalent must be within 0.50 D of fully correcting the anisometropia
- Hypermetropia must not be undercorrected by more than +1.50 D spherical equivalent, and reduction in plus must be symmetric in the two eyes
- Cylinder power in both eyes must be within 0.50 D of fully correcting the astigmatism
- Cylinder axis in the spectacle lenses in both eyes must be within 6 degrees of the axis of the cycloplegic refraction
Spectacles meeting above criteria must be worn either:
- for 4 weeks immediately prior to enrollment, or
- until visual acuity in amblyopic eye is stable (defined as two consecutive visual acuity measurements at least 4 weeks apart with no improvement of one line or more)
An acuity measurement done any of the following ways may be considered the first of two consecutive measurements:
- in current glasses,
- in trial frames with full correction of hypermetropia with cycloplegia, or
- in new glasses.
- Wearing optimal spectacle correction for a minimum of 4 weeks at the time of enrollment.
- Ocular examination within 6 months prior to enrollment.
- Gestational age > 34 weeks and birth weight > 1500 grams
- Parent willing to accept randomization
- Parent willing to be contacted and has access to phone
- Parent does not anticipate relocation outside area within study period.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Amblyopic eye has myopia worse than -3.00 D spherical equivalent.
- Prior intraocular or refractive surgery
- Ocular pathologies that impact vision
- Cognitive impairment that prohibits accurate data collection
Sites / Locations
- Salus University
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Intense 12-hour IO-therapy Group
Standard 4-hour IO-therapy Group
Participants wear 12-hour daily IO-therapy glasses for 4 weeks
Participants wear 4-hour daily IO-therapy glasses for 12 weeks