Regulating Emotions and Behaviors After Brain Injury (GREMO-LCA)
Acquired Brain Injury, Stroke/ Cerebrovascular Accident (Ischemic or Hemorrhagic), Brain Tumor (After Recovery)

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Acquired Brain Injury focused on measuring brain injury, dialectical behavior therapy, emotions, emotional dysregulation, behavioral disorders, spirituality, challenging behaviors, linguistic markers, emotional distress, family burden, free will, interpretative phenomenological analysis, single-case experimental design
Eligibility Criteria
Eligibility Criteria: * (Limit: 15,000 characters)
Summary criteria for participant selection.
Main eligibility criteria
GREMO patients :
Inclusion criteria:
- Persons with acquired brain injury regardless of the type or location of the injury
- Age between 18 and 68
- Over 18 months since the acquired brain injury (or 6 month if mild traumatic brain injury)
- Challenging behaviors or emotional dysregulation or high level of anxiety / depression or family's complaints about emotional dysregulation
- Secondary or exacerbated by an acquired brain injury
- Causing important suffering for themselves or their families
- Being affiliated to a social security
- Fluent in French
- Being able to understand goals and risks and to give a dated and signed consent
Exclusion criteria:
- Clinically evident severe lack of insight, lack of abstract reasoning, or severe anosognosia
- Patients without any complaints
- Severe cognitive impairments, aphasia or intellectual impairments that doesn't allow to understand DBT skills, questionnaires or group intreactions
- Non fluent in French
- Associated brain degenerative disease
- Cancerous brain injury with uncertain progression
- Non-stabilized psychotic disorder
- Following a third wave cognitive behavioral therapy during the research study (for example : acceptance and commitment therapy)
Controls without brain injury
Inclusion criteria :
- Being 18 years old or more
- Without brain injury
Exclusion criteria :
- Non fluent in French
- History of brain injury or brain disease
- History of psychiatric disorder
- Personality disorder
- GREMO patient's family member living together
- Psychologist, neuropsychologist or people with an emotional regulation knowledge linked to their profession
- Being under guardianship or curatorship
- Being pregnant or breastfeeding
GREMO patients' family members
Inclusion criteria :
- Being 18 years old or more
- GREMO patient's family member
- Living with a GREMO patient
- Agreeing to rate an emotion-behavior-skills diary cards
Exclusion criteria :
- GREMO patient's refusal for their family member to participate
- Non fluent in French
- Brain injury or brain disease
- Major lack of insight
- Being under trusteeship or curatorship
Qualitative research ABI patients and families
Inclusion criteria :
- Person with ABI attending the same medico-social service as GREMO patients
- Ineligible for GREMO patients group (participation refusal, major insight difficulty…)
- Agreeing to talk about their free will or spirituality
Exclusion criteria :
- Aphasia or dysarthria not allowing understandable recording
- Impossibility to understand oral questions
- Non fluent in French
Sites / Locations
- Service EMOI-TC - Pôle de MPR Institut Universitaire de Réadaptation Clemenceau (IURC)Recruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
No Intervention
No Intervention
No Intervention
GREMO patients
Controls without brain injury
GREMO patients' family
Qualitative research ABI patients and families
5 months of baseline : usual care of in a medico-social service (medical, social, neuropsychological and psychological), 5 months of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) -DBT skills training group : during 19 weeks 5 months of follow-up : usual care of + monthly reminders of DBT intervention skills
People without brain injury used as controls for linguistic markers of emotional expression regulation and free will.
GREMO patients' relatives, without brain injury, living with the GREMO patient and ready to complete every day and adapted self-observational diary card similar to the one of the GREMO patient
Patients and relatives followed by the same medico-social service but not meeting GREMO patients eligibility criteria, participating only in the qualitative research on free will and spirituality