Reinforced PTFE Meshes Versus Customized Titanium Meshes
Surgical Procedure, Unspecified, Soft Tissue Infections, Surgical Wound Dehiscence

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Surgical Procedure, Unspecified
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
Adult patients, over the age of 18, in good general health.
- Patients with partial edentulism of the maxilla or mandible, with a 2mm minimum to a 12mm maximum vertical bone defect, which requires a three-dimensional bone regeneration intervention in order to have a fixed implant supported rehabilitation.
- Obtaining informed consent for experimental treatment and processing the personal data.
Exclusion Criteria:
Poor oral hygiene,
- Untreated periodontal disease
- Smoking habit> 10 cigarettes / day;
- Abuse of alcohol or drugs
- Pregnancy
- Patients with odontostomatological infections and / or systemic infections in progress;
- Patient with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus or other metabolic diseases;
- Patients with severe changes in liver and kidney function.
- Patients with confirmed uncontrolled autoimmune disorders.
- Patients subjected radiation therapy in the head or neck region in the last 5 years.
- Patients undergoing immunosuppressive and / or immunocompromised therapy.
Sites / Locations
- School of Dentistry - University of Bologna
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Group A - control group
Group B - Test group
25 patients will undergo bone regeneration with a titanium reinforced PTFE Mesh (RPM - Osteogenics Lubbock Texas USA), manually shaped and modeled by the operator during surgery (traditional technique), covered with collagen membranes of medium-rapid resorption (Vitala - Osteogenics Lubbock Texas USA)
25 patients undergo bone regeneration with a custom-made titanium mesh (Yxoss CBR - Reoss Filderstadt Germany), digitally designed by an operator before the surgery (digital technique), covered by collagen membranes with medium-rapid resorption (Bio-Gide - Geistlich Baden Baden Germany)