RESIST : Administration of MAP4343 in Antidepressant Non-Responders Patients Experiencing a Major Depressive Episode
Primary Purpose
Phase 2
Study Type
Sponsored by

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Depression focused on measuring Depression, Resistant depression
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- TRD level from to 2 to 4 inclusive according to the Thase & Rush classification;
- Patient experiencing a Major Depressive Episode (MDE) according to DSM-5 criteria. MDE can be isolated or recurrent. The diagnosis is based on Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) test;
- Patient who received a previous antidepressant treatment (AD-Y) in monotherapy with vortioxetine, duloxetine or venlafaxine) at optimized dosages during 6 weeks prior to randomization, associated or not to AD-potentiator (quetiapine), are eligible.
- Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) score > 21;
- Clinical Global Impressions scale (CGI) > 4;
- Male or female patient, aged 18 to 80 years inclusive;
- Females of childbearing potential/Sexually active males with partner of childbearing potential: commitment to consistently and correctly use an acceptable method of birth control (oral, transdermal, systemic or implant contraception birth control, intrauterine devices, diaphragm or condoms) for the duration of the trial and for 4 months after the last study drug administration; Females of non-childbearing potential: either surgically sterilized or at least 1 year postmenopausal (amenorrhea duration at least 12 months);
- Negative pregnancy test at screening baseline;
- Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18 and 32 kg/m2 inclusive;
- Laboratory parameters within the normal range of the laboratory (hematological, blood chemistry tests, urinalysis, hormonology). Individual values out of the normal range can be accepted if judged clinically non relevant by the Investigator;
Normal ECG recording on a 12-lead ECG at the screening visit:
- 120 < PR < 210 ms
- QRS < 120 ms
- QTcF ≤ 430 ms for male and < 450 ms for female,
- No sign of any trouble of sinusal automatism,
- Or considered NCs by investigators;
Normal Blood Pressure (BP) and Heart Rate (HR) at the screening visit after 10 minutes in supine position:
- 95 mmHg ≤ Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) ≤ 140 mmHg,
- 50 mmHg ≤ Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) ≤ 90 mmHg,
- 50 bpm ≤ HR ≤ 80 bpm,
- Or considered NCs by investigators;
- Signing a written informed consent prior to selection;
- Covered by Health Insurance System and/or in compliance with the recommendations of National Law in force relating to biomedical research.
Exclusion Criteria:
- MDE with mood congruent or not congruent psychotic characteristics;
- Patient hospitalized following the procedures: Psychiatric care at the request of another person (soins psychiatriques à la demande d'un tiers) or Psychiatric care at the request of the state representative (soins psychiatriques sur décision du représentant de l'Etat);
- Suicidal risk in the last month before randomization (C-SSRS: answer yes to the item 3 and/or answer yes to section suicidal behavior; MINI 5.00; suicidal risk section or item 3 of HDRS ≥ 3);
- History of other psychiatric disorder than DME except global anxiety, social phobia, panic troubles that should be accepted. In particular, patients who experienced a depressive state in bipolar disorder 1 or 2, schizophrenic or schizoaffective disorder should not be included;
- Presence or history of drug hypersensitivity, or certain allergic-prone condition diagnosed that could represent a risk factor for an allergic shock;
- Presence or history of hypersensitivity to vortioxetine, duloxetine, venlafaxine or one of their excipients;
- Any history or presence of severe hepatic insufficiency and/or of hepatic disease which could lead to hepatic insufficiency;
- Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Patients should not be enrolled if they plan to become pregnant during the time of study participation;
- Any drug intake during the last month prior to the first administration except treatments for concomitant pathologies which are stable since at least 3 months; Benzodiazepine-type anxiolytics, hydroxyzine chlorhydrate, and add-on treatments are authorized within limits described in Section 5.3; For the previous drug intake, the investigator should consider the time needed to sufficiently eliminate a drug from body system, e.g. 5 half-lives of the drug;
- Subjects who received MAOI in monotherapy right before the selection (as ttX);
- General anesthesia within 3 months before administration;
- Major surgery within 28 days prior to randomization or major surgery planned during the next 6 months;
- Positive HBs antigen or anti HCV antibody, or positive results for HIV 1 or 2 tests;
- Significant renal disease, defined as a history of chronic renal failure requiring dialysis or kidney transplant, calculated creatinine clearance ≤ 60 mL/min;
- Blood donation (including in the frame of a clinical trial) within 2 months before administration;
- Subject who, in the judgment of the Investigator, is likely to be non-compliant or uncooperative during the study, or unable to cooperate because of a language problem, poor mental development;
- Medical history which in the opinion of the investigator would make the patient unsuitable for participation in the study (including, but not limited, to patients with coronary insufficiency, thromboembolism diseases);
- Exclusion period of a previous study;
- No possibility of contact in case of emergency;
- History or presence of drug or alcohol abuse (alcohol consumption > 40 g/day);
- Administrative or legal supervision.
Sites / Locations
- CHU AngersRecruiting
- CHU BesançonRecruiting
- Centre Hospitalier CholetRecruiting
- CHD VendéeRecruiting
- Hôpital Fontan 1Recruiting
- CHU NantesRecruiting
- APHP Hôpital La Pitié Salpétrière - Prinicipal investigator centerRecruiting
- Hôpital Ste AnneRecruiting
- CHU Henri LaboritRecruiting
- CHRU ToursRecruiting
- Cabinet Médical Ambroise Paré
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm Type
Placebo Comparator
Arm Label
MAP4343 group B
MAP4343 group C
Arm Description
Patients will receive the placebo during 42 days.
Patients will receive daily dose 1 during 42 days.
Patients will receive daily dose 2 during 42 days.
Primary Outcome Measures
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score evolution between baseline and D43
Assessment of HDRS score with 17 items with sides 0 to 2 or 0 to 4. The scores from 0 to 4 correspond respectively to symptoms: absent, doubtful or insignificant, light, moderate, important, those ranging from 0 to 2 to symptoms: absent, doubtful or slight, overt or severe. The total score consists of the addition of the individual scores.
Secondary Outcome Measures
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (17 items with sides 0 to 2 or 0 to 4. The scores from 0 to 4 correspond respectively to symptoms: absent, doubtful or insignificant, light, moderate, important, those ranging from 0 to 2 to symptoms: absent, doubtful or slight, overt or severe. The total score consists of the addition of the individual scores)
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Montgomery and Asberg Depression rating Scale
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit:Montgomery and Asberg Depression rating Scale used to quatify the intensity of depressive symptomatology
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Brief Anxiety Scale
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: Brief Anxiety Scale, a dimensional measure of generalized anxiety with 8 items
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Scale of Global Clinical Impressions
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: Scale of Global Clinical Impressions which includes 2 items rated from 1 to 7 (first item is a measurement of the overall measurement of patient's condition; 2nd item evaluates the overall improvementof patient compared to his condition at the admission to the research
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms is a questionnaire allowing the assessment of the degree of depression by the patient himself.
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with General Assessment Functioning
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: General Assessment Functioning. The score is ranged on a hypothetical continuum from 1, the value representing the sickest individual, to 90, a value representing an individual without or with very minimal symptoms and functioning satisfactorily in his social environment or his family. The scale is divided into 9 equal intervals ranging from 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30, etc.
Pharmacokinetic assessments with observed maximum plasma concentration (Cmax);
Cmax for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Pharmacokinetic assessments with first time to reach Cmax (tmax);
tmax for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Pharmacokinetic assessments with elimination rate constant (Kel);
Kel for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Pharmacokinetic assessments with plasma elimination half-life (t1/2);
t1/2 for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit
Pharmacokinetic assessments with plasma area under the plasma concentration-time curve from administration up to infinity with extrapolation of the terminal phase (AUCinf);
AUCinf for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit
Pharmacokinetic assessments with percentage of extrapolated AUCinf (%AUCextra);
%AUCextra for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit
Pharmacokinetic assessments with volumn of distribution (Vd/F);
Vd/F for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Pharmacokinetic assessments with Clearance (Cl/F);
Cl/F for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit
Pharmacokinetic assessments with accumulation ratio (R);
R for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Safety parameters assessed by the number of adverse events (AE)
AE evaluation
Safety parameters assessed - Heart rate
Vital signs assessed by heart rate measurement (beats per minute)
Safety parameters assessed by blood pressure
Vital signs assessed by systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurement (mmHg)
Safety parameters assessed - 12-lead Electrocardiogramm
Heart Rate; Electrocardiogramm measure during 12 hours (12-lead ECG) : heart rate (beats per minute)
Safety parameters assessed - 12-lead ElectrocardiogrammPR;
Electrocardiogramm measure during 12 hours (12-lead ECG) : PR interval (milliseconds)
Safety parameters assessed -12-lead Electrocardiogramm : QT
Electrocardiogramm measure during 12 hours (12-lead ECG) : QT interval (milliseconds)
Safety parameters assessed - 12-lead Electrocardiogramm : QTc
Electrocardiogramm measure during 12 hours (12-lead ECG) : QTc with automatic correction (milliseconds)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters : Haemoglobin
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Haemoglobin in g/L)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Haematocrit
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Haematocrit in %)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Red blood cells
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Red blood cells in Tera/L)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: White blood cells
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (White blood cells in Giga/L)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters:Neutrophils
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Neutrophils in Giga/L
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Eosinophils
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Eosinophils in Giga/L)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Basophils
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Basophils in Giga/L)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Lymphocytes
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Lymphocytes in Giga/L)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Monocytes
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Monocytes in Giga/L)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Platelets
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Platelets in Giga/L)
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Reticulocytes;
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Reticulocytes in Giga/L)
Safety parameters assessed by red blood cells indices
MCV; Red blood cells indices : MCV (in picograms)
MCH; Red blood cells indices : MCH (in picograms)
MCHC; Red blood cells indices : MCHC (in picograms)
Safety parameters assessed by hemostasis parameters
INR measurement; Laboratory exams : hemostasis parameters (INR)
Prothrombin time; Laboratory exams : hemostasis parameters (Prothrombin time in seconds)
APTT; Laboratory exams : hemostasis parameters (APTT in seconds)
APTT reference; Laboratory exams : hemostasis parameters (APTT reference in seconds)
Safety parameters assessed by serology parameters
P24 antigen; Laboratory exams : serology (P24 antigen detection)
HIV; Laboratory exams : serology (HIV 1/2 antibodies detection)
HCV; Laboratory exams : serology (HCV antibodies detection)
HBs; Laboratory exams : serology (HBs antigen detection)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters : Glucose
Lab exams: biochem(Glucose in mmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Creatinine
Lab exams: biochem( in μmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: SGOT/ASAT
Lab exams : biochem(in IU/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: SGOT/ALAT
Lab exams: biochem(in IU/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters:GGT
Lab exams: biochem(IU/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Alkalin phosphatase
Lab exams: biochem(IU/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: CPK
Lab exams: biochem(IU/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Total bilirubin
Lab exams: biochem(μmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Conjugated bilirubin
Lab exams: biochem(μmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Uric Acid
Lab exams: biochem(μmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Cholesterol
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Triglycerides
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Sodium
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Potassium
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Chlore
Lab exams: biochem( in mmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters:Calcium
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters:Total protein
Lab exams: biochem(in g/L)
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters:Albumin
Lab exams: biochem(in g/L)
Safety parameters assessed by hormonology parameters
Laboratory exams : hormonology (Β-HCG)
Safety parameters assessed by weight measurement
Physical exams : weight measurement in kilograms
Safety parameters assessed by height measurement
Physical exams : height measurement in centimeters
Battery of cognitive tasks
Cognitive evaluation
Plasmatic quantification of inflammatory biomarkers concentration (CRPs)
Plasmatic quantification of concentration CRPs.
Plasmatic quantification of inflammatory biomarkers concentration (Interleukins1, 6 and 10)
Plasmatic quantification of concentration of Interleukins 1, 6 and 10
Blood quantification of gut microbiome
Metagenomic study of blood markers of gut mircrobiome
Full Information
First Posted
February 26, 2019
Last Updated
March 1, 2023
Eurofins Optimed
1. Study Identification
Unique Protocol Identification Number
Brief Title
RESIST : Administration of MAP4343 in Antidepressant Non-Responders Patients Experiencing a Major Depressive Episode
Official Title
Double-blind,Controlled,Randomized Phase 2 Study of Efficacy,Safety,Pharmacokinetics& Pharmacodynamics of Daily Oral Administration of MAP4343 During 6 Weeks in Antidepressant Non-responders Patients Experiencing a Major Depressive Episode
Study Type
2. Study Status
Record Verification Date
March 2023
Overall Recruitment Status
Study Start Date
June 1, 2019 (Actual)
Primary Completion Date
September 1, 2023 (Anticipated)
Study Completion Date
December 1, 2023 (Anticipated)
3. Sponsor/Collaborators
Responsible Party, by Official Title
Name of the Sponsor
Eurofins Optimed
4. Oversight
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Drug Product
Studies a U.S. FDA-regulated Device Product
Data Monitoring Committee
5. Study Description
Brief Summary
The study is a phase II, double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, parallel, multicentric study in 110 patients with drug resistant depression.
Detailed Description
This is a phase II, versus placebo, multicentre, double blind, randomized, parallel study in male or female patients with drug resistant depression.
This study targets the antidepressant non-responders' patients who have already experienced at least 2 antidepressant treatments with no success. It is estimated that about 2/3 of the patients treated with antidepressant drugs do not respond partially or completely to the actual conventional treatments (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor and Serotonin and Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor).
110 patients with drug resistant depression episode, aged 18 to 80 will be included in the study. They will be recruited from psychiatric consultations in the centers participating to the study.
6. Conditions and Keywords
Primary Disease or Condition Being Studied in the Trial, or the Focus of the Study
Depression, Resistant depression
7. Study Design
Primary Purpose
Study Phase
Phase 2
Interventional Study Model
Sequential Assignment
Model Description
There are 3 groups :
Placebo group will receive placebo during 42 days with antidepressant treatment in add-on.
Dose 1 during 42 days with antidepressant treatment in add-on.
Dose 2 during 42 days with antidepressant treatment in add-on.
ParticipantCare ProviderInvestigatorOutcomes Assessor
110 (Anticipated)
8. Arms, Groups, and Interventions
Arm Title
Arm Type
Placebo Comparator
Arm Description
Patients will receive the placebo during 42 days.
Arm Title
MAP4343 group B
Arm Type
Arm Description
Patients will receive daily dose 1 during 42 days.
Arm Title
MAP4343 group C
Arm Type
Arm Description
Patients will receive daily dose 2 during 42 days.
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
Daily oral administration of MAP4343
Intervention Type
Intervention Name(s)
Intervention Description
Daily oral administration of Placebo
Primary Outcome Measure Information:
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale score evolution between baseline and D43
Assessment of HDRS score with 17 items with sides 0 to 2 or 0 to 4. The scores from 0 to 4 correspond respectively to symptoms: absent, doubtful or insignificant, light, moderate, important, those ranging from 0 to 2 to symptoms: absent, doubtful or slight, overt or severe. The total score consists of the addition of the individual scores.
Time Frame
43 days
Secondary Outcome Measure Information:
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Hamilton Depression Rating Scale
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (17 items with sides 0 to 2 or 0 to 4. The scores from 0 to 4 correspond respectively to symptoms: absent, doubtful or insignificant, light, moderate, important, those ranging from 0 to 2 to symptoms: absent, doubtful or slight, overt or severe. The total score consists of the addition of the individual scores)
Time Frame
43 days
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Montgomery and Asberg Depression rating Scale
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit:Montgomery and Asberg Depression rating Scale used to quatify the intensity of depressive symptomatology
Time Frame
43 days
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Brief Anxiety Scale
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: Brief Anxiety Scale, a dimensional measure of generalized anxiety with 8 items
Time Frame
43 days
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Scale of Global Clinical Impressions
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: Scale of Global Clinical Impressions which includes 2 items rated from 1 to 7 (first item is a measurement of the overall measurement of patient's condition; 2nd item evaluates the overall improvementof patient compared to his condition at the admission to the research
Time Frame
43 days
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms is a questionnaire allowing the assessment of the degree of depression by the patient himself.
Time Frame
43 days
Efficacy of treatment assessed by psychopathological evaluations with General Assessment Functioning
psychopathological evaluations at each study visit: General Assessment Functioning. The score is ranged on a hypothetical continuum from 1, the value representing the sickest individual, to 90, a value representing an individual without or with very minimal symptoms and functioning satisfactorily in his social environment or his family. The scale is divided into 9 equal intervals ranging from 1 to 10, 11 to 20, 21 to 30, etc.
Time Frame
43 days
Pharmacokinetic assessments with observed maximum plasma concentration (Cmax);
Cmax for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Time Frame
127 days
Pharmacokinetic assessments with first time to reach Cmax (tmax);
tmax for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Time Frame
127 days
Pharmacokinetic assessments with elimination rate constant (Kel);
Kel for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Time Frame
127 days
Pharmacokinetic assessments with plasma elimination half-life (t1/2);
t1/2 for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit
Time Frame
127 days
Pharmacokinetic assessments with plasma area under the plasma concentration-time curve from administration up to infinity with extrapolation of the terminal phase (AUCinf);
AUCinf for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit
Time Frame
127 days
Pharmacokinetic assessments with percentage of extrapolated AUCinf (%AUCextra);
%AUCextra for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit
Time Frame
127 days
Pharmacokinetic assessments with volumn of distribution (Vd/F);
Vd/F for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Time Frame
127 days
Pharmacokinetic assessments with Clearance (Cl/F);
Cl/F for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit
Time Frame
127 days
Pharmacokinetic assessments with accumulation ratio (R);
R for MAP4343 in plasma at each study visit.
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by the number of adverse events (AE)
AE evaluation
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed - Heart rate
Vital signs assessed by heart rate measurement (beats per minute)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by blood pressure
Vital signs assessed by systolic and diastolic blood pressure measurement (mmHg)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed - 12-lead Electrocardiogramm
Heart Rate; Electrocardiogramm measure during 12 hours (12-lead ECG) : heart rate (beats per minute)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed - 12-lead ElectrocardiogrammPR;
Electrocardiogramm measure during 12 hours (12-lead ECG) : PR interval (milliseconds)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed -12-lead Electrocardiogramm : QT
Electrocardiogramm measure during 12 hours (12-lead ECG) : QT interval (milliseconds)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed - 12-lead Electrocardiogramm : QTc
Electrocardiogramm measure during 12 hours (12-lead ECG) : QTc with automatic correction (milliseconds)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters : Haemoglobin
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Haemoglobin in g/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Haematocrit
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Haematocrit in %)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Red blood cells
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Red blood cells in Tera/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: White blood cells
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (White blood cells in Giga/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters:Neutrophils
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Neutrophils in Giga/L
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Eosinophils
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Eosinophils in Giga/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Basophils
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Basophils in Giga/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Lymphocytes
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Lymphocytes in Giga/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Monocytes
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Monocytes in Giga/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Platelets
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Platelets in Giga/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hematology parameters: Reticulocytes;
Laboratory exams : hematology parameters (Reticulocytes in Giga/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by red blood cells indices
MCV; Red blood cells indices : MCV (in picograms)
MCH; Red blood cells indices : MCH (in picograms)
MCHC; Red blood cells indices : MCHC (in picograms)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hemostasis parameters
INR measurement; Laboratory exams : hemostasis parameters (INR)
Prothrombin time; Laboratory exams : hemostasis parameters (Prothrombin time in seconds)
APTT; Laboratory exams : hemostasis parameters (APTT in seconds)
APTT reference; Laboratory exams : hemostasis parameters (APTT reference in seconds)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by serology parameters
P24 antigen; Laboratory exams : serology (P24 antigen detection)
HIV; Laboratory exams : serology (HIV 1/2 antibodies detection)
HCV; Laboratory exams : serology (HCV antibodies detection)
HBs; Laboratory exams : serology (HBs antigen detection)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters : Glucose
Lab exams: biochem(Glucose in mmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Creatinine
Lab exams: biochem( in μmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: SGOT/ASAT
Lab exams : biochem(in IU/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: SGOT/ALAT
Lab exams: biochem(in IU/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters:GGT
Lab exams: biochem(IU/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Alkalin phosphatase
Lab exams: biochem(IU/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: CPK
Lab exams: biochem(IU/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Total bilirubin
Lab exams: biochem(μmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Conjugated bilirubin
Lab exams: biochem(μmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Uric Acid
Lab exams: biochem(μmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Cholesterol
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Triglycerides
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Sodium
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Potassium
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters: Chlore
Lab exams: biochem( in mmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters:Calcium
Lab exams: biochem(in mmol/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters:Total protein
Lab exams: biochem(in g/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by biochemistry parameters:Albumin
Lab exams: biochem(in g/L)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by hormonology parameters
Laboratory exams : hormonology (Β-HCG)
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by weight measurement
Physical exams : weight measurement in kilograms
Time Frame
127 days
Safety parameters assessed by height measurement
Physical exams : height measurement in centimeters
Time Frame
127 days
Battery of cognitive tasks
Cognitive evaluation
Time Frame
43 days
Plasmatic quantification of inflammatory biomarkers concentration (CRPs)
Plasmatic quantification of concentration CRPs.
Time Frame
43 days
Plasmatic quantification of inflammatory biomarkers concentration (Interleukins1, 6 and 10)
Plasmatic quantification of concentration of Interleukins 1, 6 and 10
Time Frame
43 days
Blood quantification of gut microbiome
Metagenomic study of blood markers of gut mircrobiome
Time Frame
10. Eligibility
Minimum Age & Unit of Time
18 Years
Maximum Age & Unit of Time
80 Years
Accepts Healthy Volunteers
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
TRD level from to 2 to 4 inclusive according to the Thase & Rush classification;
Patient experiencing a Major Depressive Episode (MDE) according to DSM-5 criteria. MDE can be isolated or recurrent. The diagnosis is based on Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI) test;
Patient who received a previous antidepressant treatment (AD-Y) in monotherapy with vortioxetine, duloxetine or venlafaxine) at optimized dosages during 6 weeks prior to randomization, associated or not to AD-potentiator (quetiapine), are eligible.
Hamilton Depression Rating Scale (HDRS) score > 21;
Clinical Global Impressions scale (CGI) ≥ 4;
Male or female patient, aged 18 to 80 years inclusive;
Females of childbearing potential/Sexually active males with partner of childbearing potential: commitment to consistently and correctly use an acceptable method of birth control (oral, transdermal, systemic or implant contraception birth control, intrauterine devices, diaphragm or condoms) for the duration of the trial and for 4 months after the last study drug administration; Females of non-childbearing potential: either surgically sterilized or at least 1 year postmenopausal (amenorrhea duration at least 12 months);
Negative pregnancy test at screening baseline;
Body Mass Index (BMI) between 18 and 32 kg/m2 inclusive;
Laboratory parameters within the normal range of the laboratory (hematological, blood chemistry tests, urinalysis, hormonology). Individual values out of the normal range can be accepted if judged clinically non relevant by the Investigator;
Normal ECG recording on a 12-lead ECG at the screening visit:
120 < PR < 210 ms
QRS < 120 ms
QTcF ≤ 430 ms for male and < 450 ms for female,
No sign of any trouble of sinusal automatism,
Or considered NCs by investigators;
Normal Blood Pressure (BP) and Heart Rate (HR) at the screening visit after 10 minutes in supine position:
95 mmHg ≤ Systolic Blood Pressure (SBP) ≤ 140 mmHg,
50 mmHg ≤ Diastolic Blood Pressure (DBP) ≤ 90 mmHg,
50 bpm ≤ HR ≤ 80 bpm,
Or considered NCs by investigators;
Signing a written informed consent prior to selection;
Covered by Health Insurance System and/or in compliance with the recommendations of National Law in force relating to biomedical research.
Exclusion Criteria:
MDE with mood congruent or not congruent psychotic characteristics;
Patient hospitalized following the procedures: Psychiatric care at the request of another person (soins psychiatriques à la demande d'un tiers) or Psychiatric care at the request of the state representative (soins psychiatriques sur décision du représentant de l'Etat);
Suicidal risk in the last month before randomization (C-SSRS: answer yes to the item 3 and/or answer yes to section suicidal behavior; MINI 5.00; suicidal risk section or item 3 of HDRS ≥ 3);
History of other psychiatric disorder than DME except global anxiety, social phobia, panic troubles that should be accepted. In particular, patients who experienced a depressive state in bipolar disorder 1 or 2, schizophrenic or schizoaffective disorder should not be included;
Presence or history of drug hypersensitivity, or certain allergic-prone condition diagnosed that could represent a risk factor for an allergic shock;
Presence or history of hypersensitivity to vortioxetine, duloxetine, venlafaxine or one of their excipients;
Any history or presence of severe hepatic insufficiency and/or of hepatic disease which could lead to hepatic insufficiency;
Patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Patients should not be enrolled if they plan to become pregnant during the time of study participation;
Any drug intake during the last month prior to the first administration except treatments for concomitant pathologies which are stable since at least 3 months; Benzodiazepine-type anxiolytics, hydroxyzine chlorhydrate, and add-on treatments are authorized within limits described in Section 5.3; For the previous drug intake, the investigator should consider the time needed to sufficiently eliminate a drug from body system, e.g. 5 half-lives of the drug;
Subjects who received MAOI in monotherapy right before the selection (as ttX);
General anesthesia within 3 months before administration;
Major surgery within 28 days prior to randomization or major surgery planned during the next 6 months;
Positive HBs antigen or anti HCV antibody, or positive results for HIV 1 or 2 tests;
Significant renal disease, defined as a history of chronic renal failure requiring dialysis or kidney transplant, calculated creatinine clearance ≤ 60 mL/min;
Blood donation (including in the frame of a clinical trial) within 2 months before administration;
Subject who, in the judgment of the Investigator, is likely to be non-compliant or uncooperative during the study, or unable to cooperate because of a language problem, poor mental development;
Medical history which in the opinion of the investigator would make the patient unsuitable for participation in the study (including, but not limited, to patients with coronary insufficiency, thromboembolism diseases);
Exclusion period of a previous study;
No possibility of contact in case of emergency;
History or presence of drug or alcohol abuse (alcohol consumption > 40 g/day);
Administrative or legal supervision.
Central Contact Person:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Isabelle VILLEY, PhD, MBA
+ 33 1 49 59 18 71
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name or Official Title & Degree
Jennifer LEANDRI
+ 33 6 12 45 09 02
Overall Study Officials:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Isabelle VILLEY, PhD, MBA
Organizational Affiliation
Official's Role
Study Director
Facility Information:
Facility Name
CHU Angers
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Bénédicte GOHIER, Dr
Facility Name
CHU Besançon
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Emmanuel HAFFEN, Pr
Facility Name
Centre Hospitalier Cholet
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Karine GOGUET, Dr
Facility Name
CHD Vendée
La Roche-sur-Yon
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Facility Name
Hôpital Fontan 1
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Ali AMAD, Dr
Facility Name
CHU Nantes
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Facility Name
APHP Hôpital La Pitié Salpétrière - Prinicipal investigator center
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Philippe FOSSATI, Pr
Facility Name
Hôpital Ste Anne
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Raphaël GAILLARD, Pr
Facility Name
CHU Henri Laborit
ZIP/Postal Code
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Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Nematollah JAAFARI, Pr
Facility Name
CHRU Tours
ZIP/Postal Code
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Facility Contact:
First Name & Middle Initial & Last Name & Degree
Vincent CAMUS, Pr
Facility Name
Cabinet Médical Ambroise Paré
ZIP/Postal Code
Individual Site Status
12. IPD Sharing Statement
Learn more about this trial
RESIST : Administration of MAP4343 in Antidepressant Non-Responders Patients Experiencing a Major Depressive Episode
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