ROX Index for the Timing of Intubation in Nasal High Flow (ROX-1)
Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

About this trial
This is an interventional diagnostic trial for Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure focused on measuring High flow nasal cannula, Nasal high flow, High flow oxygen therapy
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
All consecutive patients older than 18 years with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure who need to be supported with nasal high flow (NHF) will be considered for inclusion.
- Criteria for initiation of NHF if they had a respiratory rate > 25 breaths/min and/or pulse oximetry (SpO2) < 92% while receiving standard oxygen administered through a facemask at 10 L/mn or more.
- Patients already treated with NHF for acute respiratory failure prior to ICU admission will be enrolled if duration of NHF prior to randomization does not exceed one hour.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Patients younger than 18 years old.
- Patients with indication for immediate intubation.
- Patients treated with NHF for more than 1h prior to randomization.
- Patients with do-not-intubate order.
- Patients electively intubated for diagnostic or therapeutic procedures. (fibrobronchoscopy, surgery).
- Patients with no pulmonary infiltrates on chest X-ray
- Patient with post-extubation AHRF.
- Awake ECMO.
- Pregnancy.
- Refusal to participate or participation in another interventional study with the same primary outcome.
Sites / Locations
- Hospital Universitari Vall d'HebronRecruiting
- Hospital del Mar
- Hospital Arnau de Vilanova
- Fundació AlthaiaRecruiting
- Hospital Son Espases
- Hospital Son Llàtzer
- Hospital Moisès BroggiRecruiting
- Hospital Mútua de Terrassa
- Hospital Virgen de la SaludRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Standard of care
Standard of care + ROX algorithm
Patients will be intubated according to both the standard of care
In the intervention arm, patients will be intubated according to both the standard of care and the ROX index, whichever are met first. If the patient has a ROX index below different thresholds after different time-point within the first 12 hours since randomization, the NHF support will be increased to the maximum tolerated flow (up to 60L/min) and FIO2 of 1 and subsequently titrated with the target SpO2. Then, the ROX index will be recalculated in 30 minutes. If the patient is already treated with to 60L/min) and FIO2 of 1 and no further increase could be done, the ROX index will be recalculated after 30 minutes of full NHF support. Then: 1) if the ΔROX is <0 the patient will be intubated; 2) if the ΔROX is 0-0.5, the ΔROX will be reassessed in 30 minutes; and 3) if the ΔROX is >0.5 the patient will not be intubated, NHF will be managed as protocolized and respiratory condition will be reassessed every two hours or at any new clinical deterioration.