rTMS for Craving in Methamphetamine Use Disorder
Methamphetamine Abuse, Substance Use Disorders, Stimulant Dependence
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Methamphetamine Abuse
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Subjects must use at least 0.5 g per day at least 5 days per week and have a minimum 12-month history of METH abuse.
- Subjects must meet DSM V diagnosis for methamphetamine use disorder.
- Subjects must have a minimum 4-week period of detoxification and a desire to stop using methamphetamine.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Present or past history of neurological disorder
- The present history of a DSM IV Axis I or DSM V primary psychiatric disease (apart from MUD and depressive symptoms defined as a Hamilton Depression Scale Score < 7 ("normal"))
- Scores on the Hamilton Depression Scale > 8, possibly indicating clinical depression
- No current abuse of drugs other than methamphetamine (except nicotine). Urine-screening tests for psychoactive drugs will be performed to corroborate the lack of drug use.
- Individuals meeting criteria for cannabis use disorder or alcohol use disorder
- Medical illness that can affect brain function
- Past or present history of cardiovascular disease or high blood pressure
- Any history of epilepsy or a known history of seizure disorder
- A history of metal in the head or chest area (except dental fillings or braces)
- Current consumption of psychiatric medication
- Any other medical, neurological or neurosurgical condition that would preclude the administration of repetitive transmagnetic stimulation
Sites / Locations
- Veterans Affairs Portland Health Care SystemRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Active Comparator
Sham Comparator
Sham Comparator
Treatment rTMS + meth pictures
Treatment rTMS + neutral pictures
Sham rTMS + meth pictures
Sham rTMS + neutral pictures
Participants in this group will receive real repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatments. Before each rTMS session they will be exposed to a series of methamphetamine-related pictures to evaluate response to methamphetamine visual cues while receiving real rTMS treatments. This group will be referred to as real METH (RM).
Participants in this group will receive real repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatments. Before each rTMS session they will be exposed to a series of neutral pictures to evaluate response to neutral visual cues while receiving real rTMS treatments. This group will be referred to as real neutral (RN).
Participants in this group will receive sham repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatments. Before each rTMS session they will be exposed to a series of methamphetamine-related pictures to evaluate response to methamphetamine visual cues while receiving sham rTMS treatments. This group will be referred to as sham METH (SM).
Participants in this group will receive sham repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation treatments. Before each rTMS session they will be exposed to a series of neutral pictures to evaluate response to neutral visual cues while receiving sham rTMS treatments. This group will be referred to as sham neutral (SN).