Sleep Apnoea Management by a Communication Based Technology (ICT)
Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Telemedicine

About this trial
This is an interventional other trial for Obstructive Sleep Apnea focused on measuring Sleep Apnea, Communication Based Technology, ICT
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Clinical suspicion of SAHS
- Use of Smartphone and internet
Exclusion Criteria:
- Severe hypersomnia
- Central apneas or other sleep disorder
- Previous CPAP treatment
- Unstable diseases
- Profession of risk
- Not able to complete questionnaires
- No written informed consent
Sites / Locations
- Hospital Clinic
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
No Intervention
Hospital group
ICT group
Patients referred to the sleep unit and randomized to Hospital group. Participants will be diagnosed in the hospital either by Polysomnography , Respiratory Polygraphy or one night Home Respiratory Polygraphy. In case of requiring CPAP treatment, the titration and adjustment of patient's will be accomplished at the hospital. This patient's will be monitored during 3 months of the study at the hospital.
Patients referred to the sleep unit and randomized to intervention group. Participants will be diagnosed at home by 3 night Home Respiratory Polygraphy. In case of requiring CPAP treatment, the adjustment will be performed at the CPAP supplier center, titration will be performed at home and patient's compliance and treatment will be controlled via remote. During the 3 months of the study patient's will be controlled via phono/video conferences and with a platform designed for the study.