SMART Stepped Care Management for Low Back Pain in the Military Health System (SMART LBP)
Low Back Pain, Chronic Pain, Military Personnel
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Low Back Pain focused on measuring stepped care, physical therapy, mindfulness, holistic health, military medicine
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Active duty military member (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines) or member of Reserves or National Guard on active duty, a family member of active duty personnel, or Tricare beneficiary receiving care in a participating Military Treatment Facility.
- Age 18 - 65 years at the time of enrollment.
Receiving Step 1 chronic LBP care based on VA Stepped Care Pain Management model defined as:
a. Seen by a health care provider for chief complaint of LBP with or without symptoms into the buttocks or legs within past the 30 days.
- Chief complaint of LBP which may be self-reported or identified by primary International Classification of Disease (ICD), 10th edition codes of LBP (M54.5, M54.9, S33.012), lumbar degenerative change (M51.36, M51.37, M48.06, M47.817), lumbar disc herniation/radiculitis (M54.16, M54.17, M51.26, M51.27, M54.3).
Meets NIH Task Force145 definition of chronic LBP based on two questions:
How long has LBP has been an ongoing problem for you? and How often has LBP been an ongoing problem for you over the past 6 months? A response of greater than 3 months to question 1, and "at least half the days in the past 6 months" to question 2 is required to satisfy the NIH definition of chronic LBP.
- Anticipates ability to attend treatment sessions over a 16 week period following enrollment with no planned absence of 2 weeks or more for training, vacation or any purpose.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Signs of serious or systemic pathology as a cause of LBP including spine fracture, neoplasm, inflammatory disease (e.g., ankylosing spondylitis), vertebral osteomyelitis, etc.
- Knowingly pregnant
- Has received interventions for LBP that involves providers other than primary care in the past 6 months. This includes physical therapy or behavioral pain management or counseling as well as specialist physician consultations, chiropractic, etc.
- Has received any interventional pain procedures (e.g., spinal injections), inter-disciplinary pain management, integrated chronic pain and substance use treatment programs, etc. in the past 6 months
- Has received any lumbar spine surgery in the past year.
- Retiring from active duty within 12 months, pending a medical evaluation board, discharge from the military for medical reasons, or pending or undergoing any litigation for an injury.
- At elevated acute risk for suicide (i.e., risk is below the level requiring either consultation or urgent action based on Veterans Affairs-Department of Defense Clinical Practice Guideline for Assessment and Management of Patients at Risk for Suicide)
Sites / Locations
- Desmond Doss Health ClinicRecruiting
- Brooke Army Medical CenterRecruiting
- Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical CenterRecruiting
- Madigan Army Medical CenterRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Phase I: Physical Therapy (PT)
Phase I: Move to Health (M2H)
Phase II: Combine PT & M2H
Phase II: MORE Mindfulness
Initial Randomization: The initial PT treatment session will occur within 7 days of enrollment in the study. Precise dosage (i.e, number of PT sessions) will be at the discretion of the physical therapist directing the participant's care, up to a maximum of 2-3 sessions per week over the 6-week Phase I treatment period.
Initial Randomization: M2H is a key component of Army Medicine's "System for Health", along with the Performance Triad. It is a person-centered, holistic, and experience-centric approach to promoting healthy behaviors (nutrition, physical activity, sleep, instrinsic factors, extrinsic factors). Precise dosage (i.e, number of M2H sessions) will be at the discretion of the health coaches. Sessions may be delivered in-person or utilize technology including text messaging, telephone, e-mail, video chat, app-based self-management etc.
Sequential Randomization: Participants randomized to receive a combination of PT and M2H as a Phase II intervention will continue their Phase I treatment (either M2H or PT). The participant will begin the treatment component that was not part of their Phase I intervention.
Sequential Randomization: Participants randomized to receive mindfulness as a Phase II intervention will discontinue their Phase I treatment. The Mindfulness-Oriented Recovery Enhancement (MORE) treatment was designed specifically to address symptoms and underlying mechanisms of chronic pain in the military context and is led over 8 individual sessions.