Study Evaluating Venetoclax in Subjects With Hematological Malignancies
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL), Multiple Myeloma (MM), Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL) focused on measuring relapsed multiple myeloma, refractory multiple myeloma, Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin, Lymphoproliferative Disorders, Lymphatic Diseases, relapsed chronic lymphocytic leukemia, small lymphocytic lymphoma, relapsed small lymphocytic lymphoma, refractory small lymphocytic lymphoma, refractory chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myeloid leukemia
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Participants must have histologically documented diagnosis of NHL (and exhausted options considered standard of care) as defined in the World Health Organization classification scheme and relapsed following or be refractory to standard treatments such as R-CHOP, R-CVP, or fludarabine based regimens. Participants with other lymphoproliferative diseases can be considered in consultation with the AbbVie medical monitor
- Relapsed or refractory multiple myeloma participants must have been previously treated with at least one prior line of therapy and have measurable disease
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma participants must have relapsed or be refractory to standard treatments such as fludarabine based regimens or alkylator based regimens
- Untreated AML subjects or Relapsed or refractory AML subjects must have been previously treated with at least one prior line of therapy
- Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) performance score less than or equal to 1; adequate bone marrow independent of growth factor support per local laboratory reference range; and adequate coagulation, renal, and hepatic function, per laboratory reference range at Screening
- Participants with a history of autologous or allogenic stem cell transplantation must have adequate blood counts independent of growth factor support and have recovered from any transplant-related toxicity(s) and be at least 100 days post-autologous transplant (multiple myeloma) or 6 month post-autologous transplant (NHL) prior to first dose of study drug or at least 6 months post-allogenic transplant (multiple myeloma) prior to first dose of study drug and not have active graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), i.e., requiring treatment
Exclusion Criteria:
- NHL participants who have undergone an allogeneic stem cell transplant or were diagnosed with Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease, Burkitt's lymphoma, Burkitt-like lymphoma, or lymphoblastic lymphoma/leukemia
- Participant tested positive for HIV
- Participant has a cardiovascular disability status of New York Heart Association Class greater or equal to 2
- Participant has a significant history of renal, neurologic, psychiatric, pulmonary, endocrinologic, metabolic, immunologic, cardiovascular, or hepatic disease that in the opinion of the Investigator would adversely affect his/her participating in this study.
- Participant received a monoclonal antibody for anti-neoplastic intent within 8 weeks prior to the first dose of study drug.
Sites / Locations
- Nagoya City University Hospital /ID# 129278
- NHO Nagoya Medical Center /ID# 129222
- Aichi Cancer Center Hospital /ID# 129061
- University of Fukui Hospital /ID# 165801
- National Hospital Organization Kyushu Cancer Center /ID# 149741
- Kyushu University Hospital /ID# 163202
- Kobe City Medical Center General Hospital /ID# 170919
- Tohoku University Hospital /ID# 129275
- Kindai University Hospital /ID# 169554
- Osaka University Hospital /ID# 169862
- National Cancer Center Hospital /ID# 129044
- The Cancer Institute Hospital Of JFCR /ID# 129277
- Toranomon Hospital /ID# 148229
- NTT Medical Center Tokyo /ID# 166281
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm A (Phase 1)
Arm B (Phase 1)
Arm C (Phase 1)
Arm D (Phase 2)
Step-up doses of venetoclax to the designated cohort dose administered in participants with relapsed or refractory (R/R) Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) or multiple myeloma (MM)
Step-up doses of venetoclax to the designated dose administered in participants with chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL)
Step-up doses of venetoclax to the designated dose with the addition of azacitidine administered in participants with acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
Step-up doses of venetoclax to the designated dose with the addition of rituximab in participants with R/R CLL