Sustained Virologic Response (SVR12) mITT With Imputation-Phase 1 and 2 EBR/GZR, SOF/LDV
SVR (Sustained Virologic Response) 12 will be defined as undetectable hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA at 12 week follow-up visit (12 -24 weeks after HCV treatment discontinuation at discretion of provider).
mITT with imputation (missing=failure). Total number of subjects reflects participants from EBR/GZR with or without RBV and SOF/LDV with or without RBV randomized during Phase 1 and Phase 2.
Phase 1/2 Number of Participants With Sustained Virologic Response (SVR12-mITT Without Imputation)
SVR (Sustained Virologic Response) 12 will be defined as undetectable hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA at 12 week follow-up visit (12 -24 weeks after HCV treatment discontinuation as dictated by standard of care at each individual site).
Number of subjects reflects participants who started EBR/GZR or SOF/LDV- based treatment (with or without RBV) during Phase 1 and 2.
Phase 1-Sustained Virologic Response (SVR12) mITT With Imputation
SVR (Sustained Virologic Response) 12 will be defined as patients who have undetectable hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA at 12 week follow-up visit (12 -24 weeks after HCV treatment discontinuation as dictated by standard of care at each individual site).
mITT with imputation (missing=failure). Total number of subjects reflects participants from Phase 1 only.
Phase 1 Number of Participants With Sustained Virologic Response (SVR12-mITT Without Imputation)
SVR (Sustained Virologic Response) 12 will be defined as undetectable hepatitis C virus (HCV) RNA at 12 week follow-up visit (12 -24 weeks after HCV treatment discontinuation as dictated by standard of care at each individual site).
Number of subjects reflects participants randomized during Phase 1 only.
Mean Change in Headache-PRO Scores -Phase 1
Headache was evaluated by the HIT-6 score, a validated, Patient Reported Outcomes survey (PROs) 'PROMIS Headache Impact Test (HIT)' with scores ranging from 36 to 78 with higher score reflecting greater impact. Mean change in headache side effect was evaluated using difference between baseline value of HIT-6 score to the highest (worst) score during treatment. Estimates of mean change and differences obtained from a constrained longitudinal linear mixed-effects model that treated baseline score as one of outcomes. Negative values for mean change represent improvement in symptom.
Mean Change in Headache-EBR/GZR and SOF/LDV
Headache was evaluated by the HIT-6 score, a validated, Patient Reported Outcomes survey (PROs) 'PROMIS Headache Impact Test (HIT)' with scores ranging from 36 to 78 with higher score reflecting greater impact. Mean change in headache side effect was evaluated using difference between baseline value of HIT-6 score to the highest (worst) score during treatment. Estimates of mean change and differences obtained from a constrained longitudinal linear mixed-effects model that treated baseline score as one of outcomes. Negative values for mean change represent improvement, while negative values for 'difference' indicate LDV/SOF performed better than PrOD
Median Change in Headache -Phase 1
Headache was evaluated by the HIT-6 score, a validated, Patient Reported Outcomes survey (PROs) 'PROMIS Headache Impact Test (HIT)' with scores ranging from 36 to 78 with higher score reflecting greater impact. Median change in headache side effect was evaluated using difference between baseline value of HIT-6 score to the highest (worst) score during treatment. Estimates of mean change and differences obtained from a constrained longitudinal linear mixed-effects model that treated baseline score as one of outcomes. Negative values for change represent improvement, while negative values for 'difference' indicate LDV/SOF performed better than PrOD
Median Change in Headache-Phase 2
Headache was evaluated by the HIT-6 score, a validated, Patient Reported Outcomes survey (PROs) 'PROMIS Headache Impact Test (HIT)' with scores ranging from 36 to 78 with higher score reflecting greater impact. Median change in headache side effect was evaluated using difference between baseline value of HIT-6 score to the highest (worst) score during treatment. Estimates of median change and differences obtained from a constrained longitudinal linear mixed-effects model that treated baseline score as one of outcomes. Negative values for mean change represent improvement, while negative values for 'difference' indicate LDV/SOF performed better than PrOD
Mean Change in Nausea/Vomiting PRO Score -Phase 1
Patients completed the PROMIS® Nausea Short Form at Baseline (T1) and on-treatment. PROMIS raw scores from each of the completed questionnaires were converted to standardized T-scores. Change was calculated as the difference between baseline and on-treatment score. T-scores for the PROMIS Nausea and Vomiting 4a scale range from 45.0 - 80.1. Higher scores indicate worse nausea. Negative values for mean change represent improvement.
The estimates of mean change and differences were obtained from a constrained longitudinal linear mixed-effects model that treated the baseline score as one of the outcomes. The model expressed mean score as a function of DAA regimen, cirrhosis status, HCV genotype, sex, age, race, and previous treatment status.
Mean Change in Nausea/Vomiting PROMIS Score -EBR/GZR vs. LDV/SOF
Participants completed the Patient Reported Outcomes surveys (PROs) 'PROMIS Nausea/Vomiting -4 Short Form' at baseline and during treatment. Raw scores are converted to standardized T-scores with a range of 45.0-80.1. Higher scores indicate worse nausea/vomiting.
Results presented as mean difference from baseline to average of on Treatment Scores (highest/worst) score during treatment.
A negative (-) PROMIS change score is suggestive of symptom improvement or lack of drug side effect. Estimates of mean change were obtained from a constrained longitudinal linear mixed-effects model that treated the baseline score as one of the outcomes.
Median Change in Nausea PRO Score -Phase 1
Patients completed the PROMIS® Nausea Short Form at Baseline (T1) and on-treatment. PROMIS raw scores from each of the completed questionnaires were converted to standardized T-scores. Change was calculated as the difference between baseline and on-treatment score. T-scores for the PROMIS Nausea and Vomiting 4a scale range from 45.0 - 80.1. Higher scores indicate worse nausea. Negative values for mean change represent improvement.
The estimates of change and differences were obtained from a constrained longitudinal linear mixed-effects model that treated the baseline score as one of the outcomes.
Median Change in Nausea PROMIS Score-EBR/GZR SOF/LDV
Patients completed the PROMIS® Nausea Short Form at Baseline (T1) and on-treatment. PROMIS raw scores from each of the completed questionnaires were converted to standardized T-scores. Change was calculated as the difference between baseline and on-treatment score. T-scores for the PROMIS Nausea and Vomiting 4a scale range from 45.0 - 80.1. Higher scores indicate worse nausea. Negative values for change represent improvement.
The estimates of change and differences were obtained from a constrained longitudinal linear mixed-effects model that treated the baseline score as one of the outcomes.
Mean Change in Fatigue PRO Score -Phase 1
Fatigue severity collected from validated, Patient Reported Outcomes survey (PROs), 'PROMIS Fatigue Short Form'. PROMIS® T-scores were computated to compare difference between baseline value of PROMIS score to the highest (worst) score during treatment. Results presented as computated t-score from baseline to average of on Treatment Scores. A positive (+) score suggests improvements in functional well-being. A negative (-) PRO change score is suggestive of symptom improvement or lack of drug side effect. PROMIS Fatigue Score scale per question: 1=Never, 2=Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Often, 5=Always with 7 questions for a total maximum score of 35.
Mean Change in Fatigue PRO -EBR/GZR vs SOF/LDV
Fatigue severity collected from validated, Patient Reported Outcomes survey (PROs), 'PROMIS Fatigue Short Form'. PROMIS® T-scores were computated to compare difference between baseline value of PROMIS score to the highest (worst) score during treatment. Results presented as computated t-score from baseline to average of on Treatment Scores. A positive (+) score suggests improvements in functional well-being. A negative (-) PRO change score is suggestive of symptom improvement or lack of drug side effect. PROMIS Fatigue Score scale per question: 1=Never, 2=Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Often, 5=Always with 7 questions for a total maximum score of 35.
Median Change in Fatigue -Phase 1
Fatigue severity collected from validated, Patient Reported Outcomes survey (PROs), 'PROMIS Fatigue Short Form'. PROMIS® T-scores were computated to compare difference between baseline value of PROMIS score to the highest (worst) score during treatment. Results presented as computated t-score from baseline to average of on Treatment Scores. A positive (+) score suggests improvements in functional well-being. A negative (-) PRO change score is suggestive of symptom improvement or lack of drug side effect. PROMIS Fatigue Score scale per question: 1=Never, 2=Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Often, 5=Always with 7 questions for a total maximum score of 35.
Median Change in Fatigue-Phase 2
Fatigue severity collected from validated, Patient Reported Outcomes survey (PROs), 'PROMIS Fatigue Short Form'. PROMIS® T-scores were computated to compare difference between baseline value of PROMIS score to the highest (worst) score during treatment. Results presented as computated t-score from baseline to average of on Treatment Scores. A positive (+) score suggests improvements in functional well-being. A negative (-) PRO change score is suggestive of symptom improvement or lack of drug side effect. PROMIS Fatigue Score scale per question: 1=Never, 2=Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Often, 5=Always with 7 questions for a total maximum score of 35.
Mean Change in HCV- PRO- Phase 1
HCV-PRO, a survey for patients with HCV that measures physical, emotional, and social functioning, productivity, intimacy, and perception of quality of life, was used to assess 'overall functioning and well-being'. In general, lower score is worst outcome and higher scores indicate greater well-being and functioning. However, for ease of interpretation, HCV-PRO scale has been transformed by using '100 - HCV-PRO' ultimately revising the score to mean 0 (lowest score) is best to 100 (worst outcome). A positive change (End of treatment to baseline) suggests improvements in functional well-being.
Total score = (SUM-N)/(4*N)*100, where N is the number of questions answered.
Median Change in HCV-PRO (Overall Well Being) -Phase 1
HCV-PRO, a survey for patients with HCV that measures physical, emotional, and social functioning, productivity, intimacy, and perception of quality of life, was used to assess 'Overall Functioning and Well-being'. In general, lower score is worst outcome and higher scores indicate greater well-being and functioning. However, for ease of interpretation, HCV-PRO scale has been transformed by using '100 - HCV-PRO' ultimately revising the score to mean 0 (lowest score) is best to 100 (worst outcome). A positive change (End of treatment to baseline) suggests improvements in functional well-being.
Total score = (SUM-N)/(4*N)*100, where N is the number of questions answered.
Mean Change in HCV-PRO (Functional Well-being) EBR/GZR vs. SOF/LDV Score-Phase 2
HCV-PRO, a survey designed to assess functional status of patients with HCV and measures physical, emotional, and social functioning, productivity, intimacy, and perception of quality of life, was used to assess functional well-being. In general, lower score is worst outcome and higher scores indicate greater well-being and functioning. However, for ease of interpretation, HCV-PRO scale has been transformed by using '100 - HCV-PRO' ultimately revising the score to mean 0 (lowest score) is best to 100 (worst outcome). A positive change (End of treatment to baseline) suggests improvements in functional well-being.
Total score = (SUM-N)/(4*N)*100, where N is the number of questions answered. End of Treatment -Baseline were used to calculate CHANGE in outcome. Number of subjects reflects participants from both Phase 1 and 2.
16 Wk EBR/GZR With RBV Efficacy on Patients With HCV RASs
Efficacy of Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) Treatment with Zepatier (Elbasvir/Grazobevir) with Ribavirin (RBV) for 16 weeks when used in Genotype 1a patients with Baseline RASs (NS5a Resistance Associated Substitutions or RAPs -Resistance Associated Polymorphisms).
Efficacy defined as HCV RNA undetectable 12 weeks post treatment. Table excludes Genotype 1b patients.
Treatment Non-Adherence Probability Estimates
The Voils Medication Adherence Survey (VMAS) was used to evaluate medication adherence during HCV treatment. Participants responded to three questions about the extent of adherence during the past seven days of treatment (during early and late on-treatment occasions). Participants responded using a five-point ordinal scale of missed dosing from 1 (none of the time) to 5 (all of the time). On each occasion participants were coded as being "Non-adherent" if any response was > 1, otherwise they were coded as "Adherent". Probability estimates of percentage of patients reporting non-adherence were calculated per HCV treatment (Direct Acting Antiviral-DAA) regimen: 1)EBR/GZV (elbasvir/grazoprevir, 2)SOF/LDV (sofosbuvir/ledipasvir), 3)PrOD
Change in HCV-associated Symptoms (PROMIS Measures) After HCV Treatment Initiation
Change in HCV-associated symptoms was calculated as the mean differences of mean scores from multiple surveys from the NIH Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS)-- Fatigue, nausea, belly pain, sleep disturbance, and diarrhea) and functional status (well-being) when comparing baseline to early post-treatment and late post treatment surveys. Mean change scores were calculated by comparing baseline to early post-treatment (1 yr) and late post-treatment (approximately 3 years) surveys. T-scores for the PROMIS Nausea and Vomiting 4a scale range from 45.0 - 80.1. Higher scores indicate worse nausea. Negative values for mean change represent improvement.Negative numbers suggest better symptoms (improvement in HCV-associated symptoms). PROMIS Fatigue Score scale per question: 1=Never, 2=Rarely, 3=Sometimes, 4=Often, 5=Always with 7 questions for a total maximum score of 35.HCV-PRO positive estimates suggest baseline functional well-being improvement.
Post-treatment Progression/Regression of Liver Disease-Fib-4
Mean change (delta) in FIB-4, an indirect non-invasive measure of liver fibrosis, calculated as baseline median -long term follow up median, following SVR after any of the study treatment regimens. Change in FIB-4 where negative values indicate improvement in liver fibrosis score and positive values indicate worsening of fibrosis score. There is no upper or lower limit for change. FIB-4 = age (years) * AST(IU/L)/Platelets (10^3/L) * ALT^.5(IU/L). In general, Score of 0-1.29 is low risk for advanced fibrosis, 1.30-1.67: intermediate risk for advanced liver fibrosis, >2.67: high risk for advanced fibrosis.
Change in Functional Status (HCV-PRO) Within Treatment
HCV-PRO score, a validated PROMIS survey used to evaluate overall functioning and well-being in HCV patients, was utilized to compare long-term 'within treatment' changes of functional well-being. In general, lower score is worst outcome and higher scores indicate greater well-being and functioning. However, for ease of interpretation, HCV-PRO scale has been transformed by using '100 - HCV-PRO' ultimately revising the score to mean 0 (lowest score) is best to 100 (worst outcome). A positive estimate (Post treatment to baseline) suggests baseline functional well-being improvement.
Total score = (SUM-N)/(4*N)*100, where N is the number of questions answered.
Number of Participants With Adverse Events That Caused Treatment Discontinuation-EBR/GZR vs. LDV/SOF
The number of participants with adverse events that led to early treatment discontinuation (defined as duration less than originally prescribed treatment regimen)
HCV SVR Durability -No Cirrhosis
Number/Percentage of patients with persistence of viral cure, SVR (SVR = Sustained Virologic Response)- defined as undetectable HCV RNA at least 24 weeks following HCV Treatment.
HCV SVR Durability-Patients With Cirrhosis
Percentage of Cirrhotic patients with persistence of viral cure, SVR, (SVR= Sustained Virologic Response) defined as undetectable HCV RNA at least 24 weeks following HCV Treatment.
Impact of Baseline NS5A RASs on Treatment Outcomes-Phase 2
Number of participants who achieved SVR (sustained virologic response), defined as undetectable HCV RNA 12 weeks post-treatment with RASs (Resistant Associated Substitutions) after treatment with EBR/GZR or SOF/LDV regimen