The Influence of Skin-to-skin Contact on Cortical Activity During Painful Procedures on Preterm Infants in the NICU (iCAPmini)
Pain, Acute, Infant, Newborn, Electroencephalography

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for Pain, Acute focused on measuring Neonate, Pain, Sucrose, Skin-to-skin contact, EEG, Assessment, RCT, Bio behavioural
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion criteria:
- stable neonates delivered between 32 and 36 completed weeks Gestational age (GA) at birth (Determination of stability will be made in consultation with the attending neonatal staff)
- admitted to NICU
- parents are able to read and write English
- will be approached for inclusion within the first seven days following birth
Exclusion criteria:
- major congenital anomalies
- receiving or received opioids in 24 hours preceding heel lance
- immediate post operative period (<72 hours) following surgery
- history of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy requiring cooling
- contraindication for sucrose administration (e.g., unable to swallow, paralysis)
Sites / Locations
- IWK Health CentreRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Skin-to-skin contact
24% Oral sucrose
Infants will be placed in full ventral skin-to-skin with their mother at least fifteen minutes prior to heel lance to allow time to settle and recover following transfer. Positioning will be determined based on individual maternal preference in order to optimize comfort as well as facilitate ease of access to the infant's foot for blood collection, while also attempting to minimize disruption of continuous EEG, heart rate, oxygen saturation, and video recording. Skin to skin contact will continue until the procedure is completed. In addition, infants will be offered non-nutritive sucking using a gloved finger or pacifier (based on parental preference) during SSC. Whether infants are actively sucking during the procedure will be recorded by the research coordinator.
Infants will be placed in a cot or in an incubator, depending on their gestational age, for the duration of the blood collection. Administration of 0.12mls (0.04mls per drop) of 24 percent oral sucrose will occur two minutes prior to the heel lance. The infants will be offered non-nutritive sucking using a gloved finger or pacifier (based on parental preference) immediately following administration of the complete 24 percent oral sucrose dose. Whether infants are actively sucking during the procedure will be recorded by the research coordinator.