The WavelinQ™ Arterio-Venous Endovascular Fistula: A Global, Post-Market Investigation (WAVE-Global)
End Stage Kidney Disease, Chronic Kidney Diseases, Kidney Failure

About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for End Stage Kidney Disease focused on measuring Kidney Replacement Therapy, Hemodialysis, Vascular Access, Arteriovenous Access, Arteriovenous Fistula, Endovascular Arteriovenous Fistula
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
The participant must:
- Be able to comprehend, voluntarily sign and date the informed consent form (ICF) prior to collection of clinical investigation data or performance of clinical investigation procedures (or where allowable the participant's legally authorized representative (LAR) on behalf of the participant).
- Be able to and willing to comply with the CIP requirements, including clinical follow-up.
- Be male or non-pregnant female ≥ 18 years of age with an expected lifespan sufficient (≥ 24 months) to allow for completion of all clinical investigation procedures.
- Have established, non-reversible kidney failure, who are currently on HD at screening or are in need of a vascular access for HD as determined by the referring clinician.
- Target treatment vein diameter(s) for AVF creation ≥ 2.0 mm as measured via DUS or angiography.
- A target treatment artery diameter ≥ 2.0 mm as measured via DUS or angiography.
- Adequate collateral circulation to the hand, in the opinion of the Principal Investigator (PI) (or authorized designee).
- At least one superficial outflow vein diameter ≥ 2.5 mm as measured via DUS or angiography that is in communication with the target creation site via a proximal forearm perforating vein.
Exclusion Criteria:
The participant must not have:
- Active or nontreated hypercoagulable state.
- Known bleeding diathesis.
- Insufficient cardiac output to support the maturation and use of an AVF in the opinion of the PI (or authorized designee).
- Known history of or current active intravenous drug abuse.
- A "planned" major surgical procedure within 6 months following index procedure or major surgery, in the opinion of the PI (or authorized designee), within 30 days prior to index procedure.
- Known allergy or hypersensitivity to contrast media which cannot be adequately treated with pre-medication.
- Known adverse effects to sedation and / or anesthesia which cannot be adequately treated with pre-medication.
- Evidence of active infection on the day of the index procedure (temperature of ≥ 38.0° Celsius and / or White Blood Cell (WBC) Count of ≥ 12,000 cells / μL, if collected).
- Another medical condition, which, in the opinion of the PI (or authorized designee), may cause him / her to be non-compliant with the CIP, confound the data interpretation, or is associated with a life expectancy insufficient to allow for the completion of clinical investigation procedures and follow-up.
- Current participation in an investigational drug or device clinical investigation that has not completed the clinical investigation treatment or that clinically interferes with the clinical investigation endpoints. Note: Investigations requiring extended follow-up visits for products that were investigational, but have since become commercially available, are not considered investigational.
- Central venous stenosis or central vein narrowing ≥ 50% based on imaging, or any degree of central venous stenosis with accompanying signs or symptoms, on the same side as the planned AVF creation.
- The absence of a proximal forearm perforating vein feeding the target cannulation vein(s) from the target creation site via DUS or angiography.
- Occlusion or stenosis ≥ 50%, or any degree of stenosis with accompanying signs or symptoms of target cannulation vein(s) such as cephalic, median cubital, basilic, etc. assessed via DUS or angiography and as clinically determined by PI (or authorized designee).
- Significantly compromised venous or arterial architecture (e.g. severe vessel calcification) or flow in the treatment arm as determined by the PI (or authorized designee) and DUS or angiography.
- Presence of significant calcification at the target endoAVF location that could potentially impact the effectiveness of endoAVF creation as determined by the PI (or authorized designee).
Sites / Locations
- Imelda Hospital Bonheiden
- University Hospital of Patras "Panagia I Voitheia"
- Kantonsspital Winterthur
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
WavelinQ™ EndoAVF System
The WavelinQ™ EndoAVF System is indicated for the cutting and coagulation of blood vessel tissue in the peripheral vasculature for the creation of an AVF used for HD. The device is intended to be used in patients suffering from chronic kidney disease requiring HD by physicians trained and experienced in endovascular techniques. The WavelinQ™ EndoAVF System will be used for these intended purposes as part of this clinical investigation according to its instructions for use (IFU).