Thetha Nami Ngithethe Nawe ("Let's Talk"): Step Wedge cRCT of Peer Led Community PrEP and SRH for Youth in South Africa
HIV-1-infection, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for HIV-1-infection
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- Resident in the cluster
- Any gender
- Aged 15-30
- If aged 18-30 and able and willing to consent to participate
- If aged 15-17, able and willing to assent and whose guardian or parent are able and willing to consent to their participation.
Exclusion Criteria:
- Unable or unwilling to provide consent
- Aged 14 or less
- aged 31 or more
Sites / Locations
- Africa Health Research InstituteRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
community-based differentiated biosocial HIV prevention (incl. PrEP) with SRH
Standard of Care
The intervention is available to all 15-30 year olds residing in the intervention cluster. Area based peer navigators mobilise all young people living in their cluster. They provide sexual health promotion, condoms, HIV self-tests, pregnancy test, and conduct structured psychosocial and health needs assessment with the young people they support. Based on the needs assessment they develop a tailored plan which includes, varying degrees of peer-mentorship and psychosocial support, lay-counselling and ART/PrEP adherence support. The peer navigators refer young people to mobile SRH services. The mobile SRH services provide gender and HIV status neutral nurse-led HIV testing, Individualised risk assessments for HIV care and PrEP, contraception and wider SRH services. The nurses liaise with the peer navigators to provide ongoing support for 3-monthly follow-ups with repeat HIV testing, adherence support and PrEP/ART/contraception refills.
SOC is available to all young people in the delayed clusters. Care is provided in a nurse led Primary Health Clinics (PHC) to young people who attend the clinic. This includes HIV counselling and point of care testing, immediate initiation of ART if positive and PrEP if negative and eligible according to South African National PrEP guidelines. This is followed by a 3-monthly follow-up with repeat HIV testing, safety bloods, clinic-based counselling and adherence support and PrEP/ART refills. Clinic attendees are offered family planning support and syndromic management for STIs (as per South African National Department of Health Guideline).