Together in Recovery With Veterans Through Employment (THRIVE)
Veterans With Opioid Use Disorder
About this trial
This is an interventional supportive care trial for Veterans With Opioid Use Disorder focused on measuring Veteran, opioid use disorder, employment, social support, mental health
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- age 19* (<19 year of age in the state of AL is defined minor)
- DSM-5 Axis I diagnosis of OUD in the past 6 months
- currently unemployed or underemployed, defined as working <20hrs/week in a meaningful competitive job for a wage, salary, or commission
- expression of interest in competitive employment; and willing and able to give informed consent
Exclusion Criteria:
- current diagnosis of psychotic disorders since these Veterans already can receive IPS in usual care at TVAMC and BVAMC
- diagnosis of dementia (evidenced in the medical record)
- presence of current severe and unstable medical condition or terminal illness, that would contraindicate study participation or expose them to an undue risk
unlikely that participant can complete the study
- e.g., expected deployment, incarceration, long-term hospitalization, or relocation from the vicinity
- active suicidal or homicidal ideation making it unsafe for Veteran to be included
- current participation in another vocational interventional trial
Sites / Locations
- Birmingham VA Medical Center, Birmingham, ALRecruiting
- Tuscaloosa VA Medical Center, Tuscaloosa, ALRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Active Comparator
Individual Placement and Support
Treatment As Usual Vocational Rehabilitation (TAU-VR)
The IPS model involves the following important domains: competitive employment, eligibility based on client choice of employment, integration of IPS and treatment team personalized counseling, rapid job search, systematic job development, and time-unlimited and individualized support.
TAU-VR Services may include 1) Compensated Work Therapy-Transitional Work (CWT-TW) assignment in a set-aside, minimum-wage, short-term job, typically in the VA setting (approximately 50% of the Veterans randomized to TW in past studies conducted by the investigators actually engaged in TW assignment) or 2) CWT-Community-Based Employment Services (CWT-CBES) which involves a community job search, placement in a competitive job, with limited follow-along support that typically ends after the Veteran is working in his/her first job