Treatment of Resistant Depression by Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Multicentric Naturalistic Study (DSNATUR)
To Evaluate the Effectiveness of Open rTMS
About this trial
This is an interventional treatment trial for To Evaluate the Effectiveness of Open rTMS focused on measuring rTMS, TMS, depression
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- More than 18 years of age
- Presenting a depressive episode characterized as resistant according to the DSM 5 criteria
- resistance is characterized by: non-response to at least two different antidepressants prescribed at effective doses for a duration greater than or equal to 6 weeks.
- Patient who agrees to participate in the study and who has signed an informed consent.
- Patient masters the French language
- Affiliation to a social security scheme.
- Women of childbearing age must be on contraception
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Exclusion Criteria:
- Presenting a contraindication to MSD: intrafemale foreign body cranial, unstable epilepsy, cochlear implant, pacemaker, pregnancy
- Presence of a psychotic disorder
- Presence of an unstable medical condition
- Presence of schizophrenia or persistent delusional disorder
- Persons under guardianship, curatorship and safeguarding of justice.
- Pregnant women,
- Woman of childbearing age without effective contraception
- Feeding women
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Sites / Locations
- Youcef BencherifRecruiting
- Unité de recherche cliniqueRecruiting
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
Arm 3
Arm 4
Arm 5
Arm 6
Arm 7
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Active Comparator
Method 1 ( iTBS)
Method 2 (French touch)
Method 3 (FDA)
Method 4 (ITBS VIIT)
Method 5 (SNTm)
Method 6 (SNT)
Method 7 (DASH)
target region: Dorsolateral Prefrontal left Fréquence : 50 Hz Intensity of the stimulation : 120% SM duration : 3 minutes Number of pulses : 600
target region : dorsolateral prefrontal cortex right Frequency:1HZ Intensity:120% SM duration : 8 Min 30 Sec Number of plulses : 360
target region: Dorsolateral Prefrontal left Fréquence : 10HZ Intensity of the stimulation : 120% SM duration : 37 minutes Number of pulses : 3000
target region: Dorsolateral Prefrontal left Fréquence : 50HZ Intensity of the stimulation : 90% SM Duration : 9 minutes Number of pulses : 1800
Target region: Dorsolateral Prefrontal left Fréquence : 50HZ Intensity of the stimulation : 90% SM Duration : 9 minutes Number of pulses : 1800
Target region: Dorsolateral Prefrontal left Fréquence : 50HZ Intensity of the stimulation : 90% SM Duration : 9 minutes Number of pulses : 1800
Target region: Dorsolateral Prefrontal left Fréquence : 10HZ Intensity of the stimulation : 120% SM Duration : 18.75 minutes Number of pulses : 3000