Web-Based Middle School HIV Prevention Curricula: Aspiring for Reach and Impact
HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases
About this trial
This is an interventional prevention trial for HIV focused on measuring HIV, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Pregnancy Prevention, Abstinence Education, Adolescents, Sexual Health
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- 8th graders attending regular classes in large urban school district in Southeast Texas
Exclusion Criteria:
- No students will be excluded based on race/ethnicity, age, or gender
- Students will be informed that the surveys and intervention will only be available in English and will be asked to consider their comfort level with participating in the study.
Sites / Locations
- University of Texas Houston School of Public Health
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
It's Your Game Tech
An interactive web-based HIV, sexually transmitted infection (STI), and pregnancy prevention program for 8th grade students. This web-based intervention will be adapted from the computer-based component of an existing successful prevention program, It's Your Game…Keep it Real, (IYG) as well as include critical elements from the IYG classroom component. The web-based intervention will consist of 13 lessons and will tailor information to the individual's gender and to his/her intentions or behaviors related to sexual risk-taking. The program will address peer norms, attitudes, self-efficacy, refusal skills, and communication skills related to healthy relationships, dating, and sexual risk-taking behavior.