Women's Initiative Supporting Health Increasing Healthcare Access (WISH)
Substance-Related Disorders
About this trial
This is an interventional health services research trial for Substance-Related Disorders
Eligibility Criteria
Inclusion Criteria:
- English-speaking
- >18 years old female by birth biologically
- Any HIV risk and SUD in the year prior (adjusting for incarceration during which they may have had fewer HIV risk behaviors and less access to drugs or alcohol)
- HIV/HCV negative
- Released from incarceration within the prior 1 year or to be released within 2 weeks
- Agree to release all medical/mental health/SUD treatment records for research access
- Agree to become a patient at Highland Family Medicine for primary care
Exclusion Criteria:
- Non-English speaking
- < 18 year old
- Not biologically female
- Score <2 on the Six-Item Screener (derived from the Mini-Mental Status Examination )
- Decline HIV/HCV assessment.
- Refusal to obtain primary medical care from Highland Family Medicine.
- The inability to speak or comprehend English with sufficient skill to give consent or understand interviewers.
- Apparent intoxication; psychotic behavior or the presence of severe illness or pain that interferes with participation as determined with exclusion criteria score < 2 on the Six-Item Screener
Sites / Locations
- University of Rochester
Arms of the Study
Arm 1
Arm 2
WISH with CHW and referral to HFM
Enhanced Treatment as Usual control
Subjects will be assigned a CHW for intervention sessions along with receiving primary care from Highland Family Medicine. CHWs will use the SDT-based, trauma-specific motivational approach in the intervention to engage women during 6 sessions. The duration of the intervention is 3 months. Each session will last 1 hour and will take place in a community location. CHW's will also help facilitate primary care by linking subjects to primary care and will use electronic records to update and receive input from medical providers, and support treatment recommendations from Trillium Health. CHWs will empower women to convey their needs to providers for HIV risk reduction, SUD, co-morbidity (MH, IPV) treatment and will support autonomy and competence for treatment in the intervention sessions.
eTAU participants will be given an HIV risk reduction information sheet made in cooperation with Trillium Health, HIV health providers. The sheet will include sex and drug behavioral risk reduction strategies and information on obtaining PrEP. The eTAU group is also facilitated to receive healthcare by having a cell phone, a primary care clinic which accepts patients, and bus passes.