Gemeprost Versus Dinoprostone in First Trimester Miscarriages
Missed AbortionMedical; Abortion2 moreComparison between gemeprost and dinoprostone to evacuate first trimester miscarriages.

Comparison of Two Different Drug Regimens for Medical Treatment of Early Pregnancy Loss
AbortionMissedThe purpose of this study is to compare the safety and efficacy of a combination of two drugs (mifepristone and misoprostol) to only one of these drugs (misoprostol) in medical management of missed miscarriage up to 13+6 weeks of pregnancy (early pregnancy loss). The investigators aim to enroll 220 patients within two years which would be enough to determine the difference between these two treatments with confidence.

Dilation and Curettage Versus Operative Hysteroscopy for Missed Abortion
Spontaneous AbortionMissed Abortion2 moreRandomizedtrial comparing success and complication rates of operative hysteroscopy versus traditional dilation and curettage (D&C) in the management of first trimester missed abortion.

The Accuracy of Ultrasound Diagnosis of Hydatidiform Moles
Hydatidiform Mole (Diagnosis)Abortion4 moreThis is a prospective observational study assessing which ultrasound findings are best at excluding a molar pregnancy in first trimester miscarriage.

Repeated Doses of Misoprostol for Medical Treatment of Missed Miscarriage
Missed AbortionMissed abortion is a condition where the fetus has perished but the miscarriage is not expelled. Women often present at a routine ultrasound or with a slight brownish discharge. Traditionally this condition has been treated with curettage or vacuum aspiration. Lately, medical treatment has become more common due to less risk of infection and other complications. The routine medical treatment is 800mcg of misoprostol administered vaginally. We wish to examine of repeated doses of 400mcg misoprostol after the initial 800mcg vaginal misoprostol increases efficacy of the treatment.

Mifepristone and Misoprostol Versus Misoprostol Alone for Missed Abortion: A Randomized-controlled...
Missed AbortionPregnancyThe purpose of the proposed study is to compare - in a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blinded trial - a combination of mifepristone and misoprostol to misoprostol used alone for missed abortion.

Mifepristone and Misoprostol Versus Misoprostol Alone in the Medical Management of Missed Miscarriage...
Missed MiscarriageMiscarriage is the most common complication of pregnancy. As many as 15-25% of pregnancies end in miscarriage, and the number of miscarriages in England is estimated to be approximately 125,000 per year. Miscarriage often brings not only physical pain, bleeding and risks of infection, but also psychological impacts on women and their families. This study will focus on women whose pregnancy sac remains inside the womb (known as a missed miscarriage) and opt for medical management of their miscarriage up to 13+6 weeks of pregnancy. NICE currently recommends that a drug called misoprostol (a vaginal pessary or oral tablet that makes the womb contract) should be used in the medical treatment of miscarriage. However, there is evidence to suggest that combining this drug with mifepristone (an oral tablet that reduces pregnancy hormones) may be more effective in treating miscarriage. Therefore, to test this in a clinical trial, participants will be allocated at random to receive either mifepristone followed by misoprostol, or a dummy drug (placebo) followed by misoprostol. Neither the participants nor the researchers will know what allocation is decided, which is necessary to test the treatments fairly. The main outcome of interest will be whether miscarriage is complete within 7 days of randomisation. If miscarriage is not complete then further treatment (more tablets or surgery) will be offered. A number of other key outcomes, such as the need for an operation, will also be assessed. We will also study the views and experience of the participants regarding the tablet treatment. We anticipate that 710 women will be required to take part in the study to answer this question with confidence. We estimate that we would be able to recruit this many women in two years.

Misopristol Versus Pitocin for Second Trimester Abortion
AbortionMissedSecond trimester abortion can be done surgically or medically. Medical abortion with mifepristone and misopristol is one of the common protocol, but misopristol have high rate side effect. The investigators recent study proved the efficacy of pitocin after mifepristone in second trimester abortion with minimal side effects. Working hypothesis and aims: To compare misopristol and pitocin after mifepristone preparation in second trimester in seccess rate, interval to abortion, side effects and patient satisfaction.

Sublingual Versus Vaginal Misoprostol In Medical Treatment of First Trimestric Missed Miscarriage...
Missed AbortionThe aim of this work is to compare the effectiveness of vaginal versus sub-lingual misoprostol for medical treatment of first trimester missed miscarriage.

Comparison of Single and Repeated Dose of Vaginal Misoprostol for the Treatment of Early Pregnancy...
AbortionMissedA randomised controlled trial assessing the efficacy of single versus repeated dose of vaginal misoprostol for the treatment of early pregnancy failure.