Chronic Hypertension and Acetyl Salicylic Acid in Pregnancy
Chronic Hypertension Complicating PregnancyPre-Eclampsia4 moreA randomized clinical trial to assess the efficiency of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) 150 mg/day started before 20 weeks of gestation in the prevention on maternal and fœtal complications in pregnant women with chronic hypertension.

Tranexamic Acid as an Intervention in Abruptio Placenta
Vaginal BleedingProlonged PregnancyAbruptio placenta is one of the common causes of antepartum haemorrhage which is more common in the second half of pregnancy and causes a high maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality

BH4 Blood Levels Variations in Pre Eclamptic Women
Pre EclampsiaEclampsia5 moretetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) is degraded by several enzymes, including BH4 oxidase and peroxidases. Several factors can affect its synthesis and degradation. BH4 deficiency or depletion and genetic variations in the genes involved in BH4 metabolism have been associated with hypertension, suggesting that BH4 may play a role in the pathogenesis of hypertension. The maternity center of Tunis ( CMNT ) is a level 3 maternity center, supporting over 12 000 births yearly, where the caesarean section's rate is very high, close to 45% of deliveries. Early detection of these patients can help control maternal and neonatal safety outcomes. we can avoid complications such as severe preeclampsia, HELLP syndrom and eclampsia for the mother, and preterm delievery and fetal growth restriction for the new born. in the literature, studies have reported a decrease in BH4 levels in pregnant women compared to non-pregnant women and others showed that its deficiency or depletion has been associated with hypertension. Moreover, tetrahydrobiopterin administration has been studied as a potential treatment for preeclampsia but the optimal dose has not yet been determined, and further studies are needed to determine the appropriate dose, timing, and duration of BH4 supplementation in this context. Thus, BH4 blood levels as a mean of screening, could enrich our diagnostic arsenal. The purpose of our study is to compare BH4 levels between preeclamptic and normotensive women.

Magnesium Sulfate vs Placebo for Placental Abruption
Abruptio PlacentaeTo evaluate the safety and efficacy of magnesium sulfate for preterm suspected abruption.

Proof of Concept Study of a Sucker Hemostatic Intra Uterine in Postpartum Hemorrhage After Abruptio...
No Placental AbruptionNo HemorrhageThe postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) is the major complication of the delivery. In clinical practice, if after giving birth, the placenta is not expelled naturally, an active management should be triggered. Escalating therapy after obstetric maneuvers (placenta, uterus, examination of the birth canal), begins with uterotonic treatments for invasive treatments lead to embolization, vessel ligation and hysterectomy. However, the morbidity of these techniques and the desire to preserve fertility required to devise new therapeutic solutions, which have recently led to the development of an innovative medical device intrauterine hemostasis. The postpartum haemorrhage are mainly the result of weak and bleeding from the surface corresponds to the placental insertion, which is no longer localized. With the innovative medical device, our main hypothesis is that the uterine walls will append to the walls of the cup after depressurization of the latter. The actuation of the suction cup will lead to aspiration of all sides of the uterus (it is mostly the anterior and posterior that are important). The suction cup is flexible to adapt to the size of the uterus in order to be placed and removed easily from the uterine cavity.

Dose Adjusting Enoxaparin Thromboprophylaxis Dosage According to Anti-factor Xa Plasma Levels Improve...
Fetal DemiseFetal Growth Restriction3 moreThe risk of venous thromboembolism increases in pregnancy. Thrombophilia whether genetic or acquired, is a hypercoagulable disorder that may increase the risk of venous thromboembolic events. Clinically, these events are presented as maternal deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary emboli. Thrombophilias are also associated with adverse fetal outcomes including intrauterine growth restriction, intrauterine fetal death, severe preeclampsia, placental abruption and recurrent abortions. Pregnant women who experienced one or more of the above complications are advised to be examined for the presence of the genetic or the acquired form of thrombophilia. Low molecular weight heparin prophylaxis, an anticoagulant, is advised for pregnant women with a history of thromboembolism, and many experts recommend prophylaxis for pregnant patients with a known thrombophilia and history of adverse pregnancy outcomes associated with these hypercoagulable states. Physiologic changes in normal pregnancy, including weight gain, increased renal clearance and volume of distribution, may decrease the availability of low molecular weight heparin (Enoxaparin or Dalteparin), or produce a less predictable response in pregnant women compared with nonpregnant women. There are no clear recommendations for use of prophylactic low molecular weight heparin in pregnancy. Clinicians tend to use doses suggested for nonpregnant patients. Regarding pregnant patients taking enoxaparin or dalteparin, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists states that "because of the lack of data regarding adequate dosing during pregnancy, anti-factor Xa levels may be monitored". Two recently published studies demonstrated that plasma anti-factor Xa levels during pregnancy were lower than expected, indicating that many pregnant patients may receive a subprophylactic dosing. Our objective is to check pregnancy outcome among thrombophilic women treated with an adjusted enoxaparin thromboprophylaxis dosage according to anti-factor Xa plasma levels compared to women with fixed dosage.

The Effect of Skin-to-skin Contact on Placental Separation Time, Type, Postpartum Hemorrhage and...
Patient ComfortPostpartum Hemorrhage2 moreIt is aimed to determine the late cord clamping with early skin-to-skin contact in primiparous pregnant women who delivered vaginally, according to placental separation time, separation method, amount of postpartum bleeding and postpartum comfort.

Beneficial Effects of Antenatal Magnesium Sulfate (BEAM Trial)
Cerebral PalsyIntraventricular Hemorrhage3 moreAs many more premature infants survive, the numbers of these infants with health problems increases. The rate of cerebral palsy (CP) in extremely premature infants is approximately 20%. Magnesium sulfate, the most commonly used drug in the US to stop premature labor, may prevent CP. This trial tests whether magnesium sulfate given to a woman in labor with a premature fetus (24 to 31 weeks out of 40) will reduce the rate of death or moderate to severe CP in the children at 2 years. The children receive ultrasounds of their brains as infants and attend three follow-up visits over two years to assess their health and development.

Study on Retroplacental Hematomas in Finistère
Placental AbruptionPlacenta DiseasesCases with placental abruption will be identified by interrogation of two databases of Brest University Hospital between January 2013 and December 2018. First trimester PAPPA and bhCG levels will be recorded. PlGF levels will be measured in women with an available first trimester serum sample. Histological findings in placentas, course of pregnancies, maternal and fetal characteristics will described and compared between cases with and without placental chronic inflammation.

Normotensive and Hypertensive Placental Abruptions
Abruptio Placentae; Affecting Fetus or NewbornPlacental abruption is a significant cause of both maternal morbidity and neonatal morbidity and mortality. Most abruptions accept to be related to a chronic placental disease process. Therefore, it is very important to understand these processes. To analyze maternal and neonatal effects of placental abruption(PA) through a novel classification in the presence of hypertension. Initial hemoglobin parameters were also compared to predict pregnancy outcomes in addition to hypertension.