Effect of 8-week Intake of 2S-hesperidin on Performance, Body Composition and Biochemicals Markers...
PowerMetabolic Disturbance9 moreThis clinical study evaluates the effect of 500 mg of 2S-hesperidin for 8 weeks on performance (power generated in different metabolic zones), body composition (fat and muscle mass) and biochemical (antioxidant, inflammatory status) and metabolic (capillary blood in finger) markers in amateur cyclists. Our hypothesis is that chronic intake of 2S-hesperidin can improve performance (maximum power generated). To justify this hypothesis, we measured the parameters mentioned above, which could establish a cause-effect relationship between 2S-hesperidin intake and possible yield improvement.

Perioperative Fluid Therapy With Balanced Crystalloids
Acid Base ImbalanceIntroduction: The strategy of perioperative fluid therapy has an important impact not only on the circulating volume and perfusion of organs and tissues but also on the patient's internal environment. The study aimed at comparing the effects of perioperatively administered balanced crystalloid infusion solutions containing different amounts of metabolizable anions on homeostasis. Methods: In the prospective randomized study, patients were assigned to Plasmalyte (PL) and Ringerfundin (RF) Groups after their postoperative transfer to an intensive care unit (ICU). The infusion solutions were parenterally administered at 1000 mL/6 hours. Arterialized capillary blood was sampled at the time of transfer to the ICU (Time 0), and again at 2 hours and 6 hours from Time 0. The collected blood was tested for blood gas parameters using the Astrup method.

The Effect of Crystalloids and Colloids on Visceral Blood Flow
Fluid OverloadWater Electrolyte Imbalance1 morePatients often require fluid replacement during and after an operation. This is usually given through veins in the arm using an intravenous cannula and doctors have traditionally used fluid containing sodium chloride (saline). However accumulating evidence suggests that large infusions of saline are associated with adverse physiological effects including acidification of the blood and a rise in potassium and chloride levels. Studies in animals have shown that high levels of chloride in the blood and excess saline can cause blood vessels in the kidney to constrict leading possibly to a decrease in kidney function. Improvement in acid-base balance and kidney function may be observed with balanced solutions containing constituents that are more closely matched to the body's own fluid composition. However, little is known about the physiological effects of these solutions as they have only recently been developed. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a radiological modality which can now assess blood flow and supply of the kidney noninvasively without the need for the injection of radiological dyes known as contrast agents. This is now of major importance due to the possible adverse effects of MRI contrast agents leading to Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis (NSF), a progressive disease which has been observed in some kidney patients after receiving 'gadolinium based' contrast agents. This has therefore led to increased interest and demand for noncontrast based imaging methods. In this study we aim to compare the effects of balanced versus unbalanced fluid infusions in healthy human volunteers: We will aim to measure: Blood biochemical composition and acidity Kidney function and supply as measured by dynamic MRI

Cardiorespiratory and Acid-basic Imbalance Caused by Use of Mask
Acid-Base ImbalanceRespiration DisordersThe study aims to evaluate whether the use of polypropylene and elastane Lupo ® masks can be considered as a significant causal agent in cases of respiratory and acid-base imbalances. For this, gas parameters such as lactate, bicarbonate, Sat02, pH, Sat02, P02 and PC02 of people before and after the practice of aerobic physical exercises will be measured. The control group will perform the exercise without wearing a mask and the study group will perform the exercise using a mask.

Effect of Crystalloids With Different SID on pH, and Urinary Electrolytes During General Anesthesia...
SIDAcid-Base ImbalanceThe present study will investigate variations in acid base equilibrium caused by the administration of four different crystalloids with increasing strong ion difference (0.9% saline, Ringer's lactate, Ringer's acetate, plasmalyte-like solution) in patients during general anesthesia. The same crystalloid will be administered throughout the surgery. In order to assess the effect of hemodilution, every patient will receive two fluid boli with different volumes of the same solution. pH and strong ion variations, togher with the renal response to acid base disturbances, will be analysed.

Short Term Bed Rest Study: Evaluation of the Use of Artificial Gravity, Induced by Short-arm Centrifugation...
Bone DiseasesMetabolic6 moreRandomized cross-over design with 10 male subjects and 3 campaigns to test whether the negative effects of bed rest (6º head-down tilt) on the various systems of the body and the consequences to health of simulated weightlessness can be counteracted by the use of a defined training programme.

The Effect of Potassium Bicarbonate on Bone and Several Physiological Systems During Immobilisation...
Bone DiseasesMetabolic6 moreMainly due to the absence of gravitational forces in weightlessness, astronauts suffer from an increased bone loss- negatively affecting health and vitality during a mission. The development of effective countermeasures to this loss includes many different aspects like sports but also nutrition. Alkaline salts, abundant in fruits and vegetables, have shown to have positive effects on markers of bone turnover of postmenopausal women but also men and younger adults. With the current study the effects of a potassium bicarbonate supplementation added to a standardised, strictly controlled, definite diet of healthy, young men, should be verified within 21 days of 6°- HDT- Bedrest- the gold standard of simulating weightlessness within earthbound conditions.

The Effect of Irrigation Solution Volume on Electrolytes and Acid-Base Balance
Acid Base ImbalancePercutaneous LithotripsyBackground: There are several surgical procedures in which irrigation fluids are used to enable vision and treatment in body cavities, such as hysteroscopy, arthroscopy and cystoscopy. Several solutions are used for irrigation: normal saline, glycin, mannitol, sorbitol and others. Post-operative complications, as visual disturbances, confusion and other neurologic symptoms were attributed to irrigation fluid absorption, water intoxication and hyponatremia, and are refered to as "TURP syndrome" when appearing following transurethral prostatectomy (TURP). Historically, a reduced serum sodium concentration has been used to diagnose absorption of electrolytes-free irrigating fluid during urologic procedures. However, neurologic symptoms following transurethral prostatectomy (TURP) do not correlate with blood sodium level, moreover, Hyponatremia may not be the sole or even the primary cause of the neurological manifestations of TURP syndrome. Other techniques were suggested for evaluating the volume of irrigation solution absorption though none is used routinely in the clinical setting. Percutaneous Lithotripsy (PCNL) is a procedure used to treat patients with nephrolithiasis. In this procedure irrigation fluid is administered into the kidney and urinary tract collecting system. The solution used is normal saline. In earlier studies there was no evidence for absorption of the irrigation fluids, though medical literature on this issue is limited. However, minute changes in electrolytes and acid-base balance may indicate the opposite is true. Indeed, the volume of irrigation and duration of the procedure may have an effect as well. According to the investigators hypothesis, the change in Ph and reduction in base content in patients undergoing PCNL may be the result of irrigation fluid absorption, since chloride from the normal saline is known to cause such effect. Methods This is an observational prospective study of consecutive 200 adult patients undergoing elective surgery of PCNL in the investigators operating rooms. The investigators will collect data that is taken from the patient's file and routine management of these patients: age, gender, weight, pre-operative blood tests including: electrolytes, creatinine, hematocrit, ph, bicarbonate, base, length of the procedure, volume and type of irrigation fluids used, volume and type of intravenous fluids used. Post-operative blood tests will be recorded. The investigators will compare pre and post-operative blood tests, especially ph, bicarbonate, base content, sodium. The investigators will analyse statistically the correlation between the change of each parameter (delta X) and the volume of irrigation fluids used during the surgery.

Non Carbonic Buffer Power of Critical Ill Patients With Sepsis
Acid-Base ImbalanceRespiratory Acidosis1 moreAlterations of acid-base equilibrium are very common in critically ill patients and understanding their pathophysiology can be important to improve clinical treatment. The human organism is protected against acid-base disorders by several compensatory mechanisms that minimize pH variations in case of blood variations in carbon dioxide content. The aim of the present study is to quantify the buffer power, i.e. the capacity to limit pH variations in response to carbon dioxide changes, in critically ill septic patients and compare these results with data collected from healthy volunteers.

Postoperative Complications in Patients With Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome
Obstructive Sleep ApneaObesity Hypoventilation Syndrome3 moreObstructive sleep apnea (OSA) and Obesity-Hypoventilation Syndrome (OHS) are common conditions in obesity, which may influence the prognosis in patients undergoing surgery. There is a need for simple screening tools to identify such patients at high risk. The current multicenter observational study aims to investigate occurrence of OSA and OHS in obese individuals undergoing elective abdominal surgery and further address its impact on perioperative and postoperative complications.