Metformin in Diabetic Patients Undergoing Coronary Angiography
Diabetes MellitusCoronary Artery Disease3 moreThe present study aims to evaluate the strict application of the 2018 European Society of Cardiology guidelines on myocardial revascularization, that recommends to check renal function if patients have taken metformin immediately before angiography and withhold metformin if renal function deteriorates. The aim of this study is to assess the safety of metformin in diabetic patients undergoing coronary angiography in terms of risk of lactic acidosis and to individuate eventual predictors of augmented lactate after coronary angiography.

Mitochondrial DiseasesMitochondrial DNA tRNALeu(UUR) m.3243A<G Mutation4 moreThis is an open-label, multi-centre study in subjects with a genetically confirmed mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA)Leu(UUR) m.3243A>G mutation who completed study KH176-202. In the KH176-203 study subjects will be receiving KH176 100 mg BID or KH176 50 mg bid in die (BID) (as determined by the investigator based on safety / tolerability considerations) for a year, thereby ensuring continued treatment with KH176 after study KH176-202. A final follow-up visit is scheduled 4 weeks after the intake of the last dose of study medication for patients not rolling over into the compassionate use program. Primary safety data and secondary efficacy (endpoint) data will be monitored and reviewed every three months by an independent Data Safety Monitoring Board (DSMB) to evaluate potential risks and benefits.

Investigation of the Correlation Between Plasma Concentration of Linezolid Antibiotic and Treatment...
MyelosuppressionLactic Acidosis1 moreLinezolid is the second line agent in the treatment of MRSA and PRSP infections, and it is also the drug of choice for VRE infections. It can be an alternative option against multidrug resistant tuberculosis and non-tuberculosis mycobacterium. However, Patients who receive more than 2 weeks of treatment duration and who have renal dysfunction or severe cirrhosis may prone to experience anemia, thrombocytopenia, and leukopenia. Long-term use may also result in lactic acidosis, peripheral neuropathy and optic neuropathy due to mitochondrial toxicity. Thus, this study will analysis the medical charts in National Taiwan University Hospital (NTUH) from 2011 to 2016 to get the population demographics who use linezolid and analysis the occurrence rate of myelosuppression, neuropathy and lactic acidosis. Simultaneously, the investigators also use therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) to prospectively evaluate the association of linezolid blood concentration and clinical efficacy and safety. The result of this study will provide physicians more information to prevent concentration-dependent adverse effects.

EuroSIDA - Clinical and Virological Outcome of European Patients Infected With HIV
HIVHepatitis B14 moreThe EuroSIDA study is a prospective observational cohort study of 23,000+ patients followed in 100+ clinics in 35 European countries, Israel and Argentina. The study is the largest pan-European cohort study and few studies of a comparable design are available on a global scale. The EuroSIDA study is an ongoing collaboration and patients have been enrolled into the study through 11 cohorts since 1994. The main objective of the study remains the same as in 1994: to prospectively study, clinical, therapeutic, demographic, virological and laboratory data from HIV-1 positive persons across Europe in order to determine their long-term virological, immunological and clinical outcomes. Historically, EuroSIDA has been crucial in reporting key changes in the HIV epidemic, such as the dramatic changes in morbidity and mortality when combination anti-retroviral therapy (cART) was first introduced. As new anti-HCV treatment is introduced to HIV/HCV co-infected patients, it is important for EuroSIDA to remain in the forefront of investigating the treatment benefits and adverse effects. All study documents, study status, newsletters, scientific publications and presentations are available online and are updated continuously at project website. In general terms, the objective of the EuroSIDA study is to continue a long-term, prospective collection of clinical, laboratory and therapeutic data as well as plasma on a large cohort of consecutive HIV infected patients from across Europe in order to (1) assess the factors associated with the clinical, immunological and virological course of HIV infection and HIV-related co-infections and co-morbidities, and (2) continue to provide and develop a surveillance system to describe temporal changes and regional differences in the clinical course of HIV and HIV-related co-infections and co-morbidities in Europe.

Phase 2a Study of IW-6463 in Adults Diagnosed With Mitochondrial Encephalomyopathy, Lactic Acidosis,...
MELASThis is a single-arm study to evaluate safety and tolerability of oral IW-6463 in adults diagnosed with MELAS.

Thiamine vs. Placebo to Increase Oxygen Consumption After Cardiac Arrest
Cardiac ArrestShock2 moreThis study is to evaluate whether thiamine can increase oxygen consumption and lower lactate in patients who initially survive an in-hospital cardiac arrest. Patients who are successfully resuscitated after an in-hospital cardiac arrest and who are on mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit will be enrolled, and will get either thiamine or placebo. Their oxygen consumption and lactate will be measured at serial time points and compared between groups. The investigators' hypothesis is that thiamine will help restore the body's ability to metabolize oxygen normally (aerobic metabolism), leading to an increase in oxygen consumption and a decrease in lactate.

D4T or Abacavir Plus Vitamin Enhancement in HIV-Infected Patients (DAVE)
AcidosisLacticThe purpose of this study is to determine the best way to treat people on d4T (stavudine) with high levels of lactic acid. Switching from d4T to abacavir will be assessed. Adding riboflavin and thiamine will also be assessed. Participants will be randomly assigned to one of four groups: Group 1 participants will continue to take d4T as part of their antiretroviral (ARV) regimen, and will be given the vitamin supplements Group 2 will continue to take d4T without vitamin supplements Group 3 will switch from d4T to abacavir and receive the vitamins Group 4 will switch from d4T to abacavir without vitamin supplements. The study plans to involve eighty participants from Canada and Argentina for a treatment period of 16 weeks and a follow-up visit at week 24.

Phase III Randomized Study of Sodium Dichloroacetate in Children With Congenital Lactic Acidosis...
Lactic AcidosisOBJECTIVES: I. Compare the safety of sodium dichloroacetate (DCA) vs placebo in children with congenital lactic acidosis. II. Determine the quality of life of these patients. III. Determine the pharmacokinetics and metabolic fate of DCA over the course of drug administration in these patients.

Phase IIa Study of MP4OX in Traumatic Hemorrhagic Shock Patients
ShockHemorrhagic4 moreMP4OX is a novel oxygen therapeutic agent specifically developed to perfuse and oxygenate tissue at risk for ischemia and hypoxia. MP4OX is a pegylated hemoglobin-based colloid and and as a result of its molecular size and unique oxygen dissociation characteristics, targets oxygen delivery to ischemic tissues by selectively off-loading oxygen in tissues predisposed to low oxygen tension. Sangart is currently evaluating MP4OX to reduce organ dysfunction and failure in trauma patients with lactic acidosis due to severe hemorrhagic shock.

Phase II Pilot Randomized Study of Sodium Dichloroacetate in Patients With Congenital Lactic Acidemia...
Lactic AcidosisOBJECTIVES: I. Determine the pharmacokinetics of sodium dichloroacetate (DCA) in patients with congenital lactic acidemia. II. Determine the efficacy of DCA in decreasing the frequency and/or severity of acute episodes of acidotic illness, improving linear growth, improving neurological or developmental function, or slowing neurological or developmental deterioration in these patients.