Alternating Current Stimulation for Essential Tremor
Essential TremorMovement disorders are common neurological disorders, characterized by either excess or paucity of movements. Essential tremor (ET) is one of the most common of these disorders, defined as chronic, rhythmic involuntary movements (tremor) that occur primarily during action involving the upper extremities as prominent body site. ET occurs in between 0.4% and 4% of adults below age 60, its prevalence and related impairment of routine daily actions increasing dramatically with age. More than half of patients do not regain functional independence with medications. These patients are offered functional neurosurgical approaches that carry procedural risk or adverse effects secondary to deep electric stimulation of surgical lesioning. Hence, there is a substantial need for alternative, non-invasive therapeutic options for this disabling neurological disorder. Recently, non-invasive neuromodulation applied as transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS), has emerged as promising for tremor control. In healthy subjects, tACS applied with a high definition (or focused) montage to the primary motor cortex (M1), was found to entrain physiological tremor; in patients with Parkinson's disease, tACS could decrease the amplitude of rest tremor when the stimulation was delivered in phase with, and at the same frequency of, the tremor. Tremor in ET could also be entrained applying ACS to the arm skin's peripheral nerves (transcutaneous ACS), but its effect on tremor amplitude is unknown. METHODS AND POTENTIAL CONTRIBUTION/IMPACT OF THE RESEARCH. The proposed project aims to explore the whole potential of tACS for the tremor suppression in ET. The investigators aim to test the following hypotheses: focused (or high definition, HD) tACS delivered over M1 at the same frequency of the tremor is effective in decreasing tremor amplitude in ET; this effect is strongest when the delivery of tACS is locked to the phase of the tremor expressed by the patient, i.e. administering tACS in a closed-loop modality; transcutaneous ACS in the upper extremities is as effective as tACS applied to the scalp around M1.

An Efficacy/Safety Study of Perampanel for Reducing Essential Tremor
Essential TremorObtain information on whether the medication Perampanel reduces tremor in people with essential tremor and is well-tolerated.

Kinematic-guided BoNT-A Treatment for ET and PD Tremor
TremorThe present study attempts to fill a critical knowledge gap of BoNT A in tremor management by studying the efficacy of IncobotulinumtoxinA (Xeomin®) injection for hand tremor in essential tremor and idiopathic Parkinson disease using data regarding composition of tremor obtained through sophisticated, yet clinically accessible multi-sensor based kinematic information.

Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation of the Motor Cortex in Essential Tremor
Essential TremorTranscranial Direct Current StimulationThe current research is aimed at using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) as complementary therapeutic tool in the treatment of essential tremor. Patients will be randomized into two groups (tDCS-cathode vs. tDCS-sham) according to detailed protocol. Main outcome will be measured by the change in tremor amplitude using an accelerometer pre and post cathodal tDCS of the motor cortex. A total of 40 patients ought to be enrolled as specified in methodology. Secondary outcomes will assess TRG essential tremor rating assessment scale (TETRAS) as well as clinical monitoring.

Continuous Tremor Assessment During Daily Activities
Essential TremorThe specific aim of this study is to evaluate if tremor severity and quality of life can be improved more using continuous home monitoring along with traditional assessments versus traditional assessments alone.

Assessment of Tremor Using SNUMAP Motion Sensing System
TremorThe purpose of this study is to record and measure tremor using portable six-axis (tri-axial accelerometer and tri-axial gyroscope) motion sensing system.

Motor-related Cortical Potential in Patients With Essential Tremor
Essential TremorMovement-related Cortical PotentialsIn this proposal, in addition to the conventional MRCP recording, the dipoles and sources of the different subcomponents of MRCP will also be analyzed with the brain electric source analysis (BESA) to evaluate the difference in the solutions and source strength underlying the MRCP between normal controls and patients with ET.

The Relationship of Muscle Strength With Functional Skills in Geriatric Individuals With Essential...
Essential TremorEssential tremor is one of the most common movement disorders in the world and is characterized by postural and/or kinetic tremor. Although the prevalence studies show differences due to the absence of a biological marker of the disease, it has been shown that the disease affects 4% of the population over 40 years of age and this rate may increase up to 14% in the population over 65 years of age. The annual incidence of Essential Tremor was found to be 616 per 100 thousand. The incidence of the disease increases with age. An incidence study shows that the disease increases progressively with age, with a sharp increase after age 49. In another study, it was stated that the age of onset of the disease showed a bimodal distribution, reaching the highest level in the second and sixth decades. It is stated that the severity and disability of tremor increase with age. The female-to-male ratio of the disease was found to be equal, but it was shown that more head tremor developed in females. Although the factors affecting essential tremor are aging, stress, family history, excessive caffeine consumption, smoking, muscle weakness, distal and proximal muscle strength differences were detected in young individuals with tremor. The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between proximal and distal muscle strength and upper extremity functional skills in geriatric individuals with essential tremor.

The Effect of Lesion Characteristics in MRgFUS on Tremor in Essential Tremor and Parkinson's Disease...
TremorThe study will investigate Essential Tremor and Parkinson's Disease patients who underwent Magnetic Resonance guided Focused Ultrasound Surgery (MRgFUS). We will evaluate the effect of lesion characteristics on tremor and on quality of life after the procedure as compared with the baseline prior to the procedure.

Probabilistic Targeting of the VIM
Essential TremorDeep Brain StimulationAfter having included the most improved patients by DBS among those implanted in Bordeaux Hospital University, and having defined the most active plots on tremor by its prospective grading on Fahn-Tolosa-Marin (FTM) scale and accelerometry, coordinates of active plots and landmarks will be calculated on post-operative imaging. Association between landmarks and active plots coordinates will be modelled with machine-learning algorithms. The aim is to retrieve the position of the VIM on the basis of the landmarks coordinates.