Tocilizumab for Acute Chest Syndrome
Sickle Cell DiseaseAcute Chest SyndromeThe investigators are evaluating the role of a low dose of tocilizumab in treating acute chest syndrome in patients with sickle cell disease. Tocilizumab inhibits interleukin-6 (IL-6) receptors and is used to treat rheumatoid arthritis and severe cytokine release syndrome, which can be seen with chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy, and it is also authorized for treatment of COVID-19. Since IL-6 levels are elevated in the sputum of patients with acute chest syndrome, the investigators are hopeful that this will be an effective strategy. The investigators will be looking at how a low dose of tocilizumab affects oxygen status, clinical outcomes, and laboratory markers in patients admitted to the hospital with acute chest syndrome.

Defibrotide in Sickle Cell Disease-Related Acute Chest Syndrome
Sickle Cell DiseaseAcute Chest SyndromeThis study evaluates the safety of defibrotide in subjects with sickle cell disease (SCD)-associated acute chest syndrome (ACS).

Daily Vitamin D for Sickle-cell Respiratory Complications
Sickle Cell DiseaseAnemia13 moreThis study aims to answer the question whether daily oral vitamin D supplementation can reduce the risk of respiratory or lung complications in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease. Respiratory problems are the leading causes of sickness and of death in sickle cell disease. The investigators hypothesize that daily oral vitamin D3, compared to monthly oral vitamin D, will rapidly increase circulating vitamin D3, and reduce the rate of respiratory complications by 50% or more within the first year of supplementation in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease. This study is funded by the FDA Office of Orphan Products Development (OOPD).

Utility of the Cardiac Electrical BiomarkerDisease
Acute Chest SyndromeThis project is aiming to identify the diagnostic utility CEB (Cardiac Electrical Biomarker) in patients who are undergoing cardiac investigations.

Validation of a Predictive Score of Acute Chest Syndrome
Vaso Occlusive CrisisAcute Chest SyndromeVaso-Occlusive Crisis (VOC), the most common manifestation of sickle cell disease (SCD), is the first cause of death, particularly when complicated by an acute chest syndrome (ACS). The PRESEV score could help the physicians to better manage VOC and could be used for future therapeutic trials. This predictive score of secondary ACS has to be validated in a multicenter international study.

Feasibility Study of Unfractionated Heparin in Acute Chest Syndrome
Acute Chest SyndromeSickle Cell DiseaseThe purpose of this study is to determine the feasibility of performing a larger multicenter phase III trial to assess the effects of unfractionated heparin (UFH) in acute chest syndrome (ACS). Prespecified feasibility criteria consists of the ability to enroll potential study participants, which includes the timely notification of hospitalized patients with ACS, the capacity to consent eligible individuals, and the ability to appropriately randomize eligible patients within 24 hours of diagnosis. Additional feasibility objectives involve ensuring appropriate eligibility criteria, proper administration of the study drug, and the ability to completely and accurately collect clinical data of interest. The final aim of our pilot study is to provide preliminary data, with respect to treatment effect and variance, to allow sample size calculation in a larger trial given the lack of data available to help guide this process. The investigators hypothesize that the use of UFH in ACS will result in a decrease in the duration of hospitalization and improve other clinical outcomes, such as the duration of hypoxemia and duration of moderate to severe pain.

Dexamethasone to Treat Acute Chest Syndrome in People With Sickle Cell Disease
AnemiaSickle CellPeople with sickle cell disease (SCD) may develop acute chest syndrome (ACS), which is a common and serious lung condition that usually requires hospitalization. Dexamethasone is a medication that may decrease hospitalization time for people with ACS, but it may also bring about new sickle cell pain. This study will evaluate the effectiveness of a dexamethasone regimen that includes a gradual dose reduction at decreasing hospitalization and recovery time in people with SCD and ACS.

Effect of Platelet Inhibition and / or Lipid Lowering in Non-ACS-patients With Positive Troponin...
Acute Chest SyndromeThe study evaluates the effect of platelet inhibition and / or lipid lowering in non-ACS-patients with symptoms suggestive for ACS, and elevated high-sensitivity troponin values

Vitamin D for Sickle-cell Respiratory Complications
Sickle Cell DiseaseVitamin D Deficiency3 moreThis study aims to answer the question whether oral vitamin D supplementation can decrease lung complications in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease. Lung complications are the leading causes of morbidity and of death in sickle cell disease. Infections and increased inflammation play important roles in the development of the lung problems in sickle cell disease. Emerging evidence shows that vitamin D helps the immune system to fight infection and to control inflammation and could potentially help prevent respiratory complications in patients with sickle cell disease. The investigators hypothesize that oral vitamin D3, 100,000 IU (2.5 mg), given once a month to a group of children and adolescents with sickle cell disease, will reduce the rate of respiratory events (infection, asthma exacerbation and acute chest syndrome) compared to the rate in a group given standard dose oral vitamin D3, 12,000 IU (0.3 mg) given once a month. Funding Source - U.S. Food & Drug Administration, Office of Orphan Products Development

A Phase 1 Study of Continuous Intravenous L-citrulline During Sickle Cell Pain Crisis or Acute Chest...
Sickle Cell DiseaseSickle cell disease is a genetic red blood cell disorder characterized by vaso-occlusion from sickling of red blood cells, that can lead to pain or organ complications such as acute chest syndrome. Sickle cell disease is associated with low amounts of nitric oxide, a compound important for dilating the blood vessel wall. Citrulline is a substance that is known to increase nitric oxide. The goal of this Phase I study are to find the highest safe dose of continuous IV citrulline that can be given to individuals with sickle cell disease experiencing a sickle cell pain crisis or acute chest syndrome without causing severe side effects.