Acute Kidney Injury in Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Acute Kidney InjuryAcute Respiratory Distress SyndromeSeveral studies suggested that ARDS may have important adverse effects on renal function, but few studies have specifically addressed the risk factors of AKI and its impact on the outcome in theses patients.

Driving Pressure as a Predictor of Mechanical Ventilation Weaning Time on Post-ARDS Patients in...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeWith the birth of Mechanical Ventilation in the 1950s came the ventilation induced lung injuries (VILI). Numerous works have since then shown the benefit of "protective ventilation", notably by controlling the delivered tidal volume and pressures. However, as the respiratory condition improves and the weaning is started by shifting to Pressure Support Ventilation (PSV), these parameters stop being tightly controlled. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the driving pressure measured in PSV and the weaning time.

Factors Associated With the Use of Lung Protective Ventilation Strategy (LPV) in Acute Lung Injury/Acute...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeIn 1967, Ashbaugh et al first described 12 patients with a syndrome characterized by the acute onset dyspnea, severe hypoxemia, diffuse lung infiltrates on the chest radiography and decreased lung compliance. Moreover, in 1988, Murray et al proposed a lung injury scoring system based on the level of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP), PaO2-to-FiO2 ratio, static lung compliance, degree of infiltrates on the chest radiograph, and clinical cause. A score of 2.5 or greater was considered to be consistent with a diagnosis of ARDS. The current definition of ARDS was proposed by Bernard et al and the American-European Consensus Conference in 1994. The criteria of ARDS included: 1) acute onset; 2) a PaO2/FIO2 ratio, or hypoxia score, of < 200, regardless of positive endexpiratory pressure; 3) bilateral infiltrates on chest radiograph; and 4) a pulmonary artery occlusion pressure of <18 mm Hg or the absence of clinical evidence of left atrial hypertension. However, despite advances in ventilator management, the mortality rate of acute lung injury and the acute respiratory distress syndrome remains very high (approximately 40 to 50 percent). In 2000, ARDS Network trial compared the effects of 6 versus 12 mL/kg of tidal volume per predicted body weight (PBW) among 861 patients and noted an overall 22% reduction in mortality rate, more ventilator-free days, and more organ-failure-free days in the low-tidal-volume group. Therefore, the current approach to mechanical ventilation of a patient with ARDS emphasizes the use of lower tidal volumes with lower pressures to avoid causing lung overdistension and ventilator associated lung injury. Nevertheless, one year after publication of the ARDSnet trial, Rubenfeld et al noted that lung-protective ventilation strategies were applied in less than 5% of patients with ARDS or ALI at a single ARDSnet center. Rubenfeld et al found that common barriers to the initiation of low tidal volume ventilation include unwillingness to relinquish control of the ventilator, failure to recognize patients as having ALI/ARDS, and perceived contraindications to low tidal volume ventilation. Significant barriers to the continuation of low tidal volume ventilation include concerns regarding patient discomfort and tachypnea or hypercapnia and acidosis. In addition, Kalhan et al also evaluated factors associated with the choice of tidal volume and he reported that underuse of LPV may be related to clinicians' under-recognition of less severe cases of ALI, and their reserving of low-tidal volume ventilation for more severe cases, or both. However, the factors such as comorbidity and pathophysiological change associated with underuse of lung protective ventilation strategy are not clear. The investigators perform a prospective single-center study to investigate the factors associated with the use of lung protective ventilation strategy (LPV) in ALI/ARDS patients in ICU.

Biological Markers to Identify Early Sepsis and Acute Lung Injury
SepsisAcute Lung InjuryThere are no clear markers to identify sepsis and acute lung injury at early stage in clinical settings which would result in improved survival of the patients. In collaboration with the research team led by Dr. Zhang at St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, we have initiated a pilot study looking for biological markers to detect severe sepsis and ARDS. We have found that human neutrophils peptides (a-defensins), certain coagulation variables and cytokine levels are very sensitive markers to differentiate severe sepsis, ARDS from cardiovascular diseases in ICU patients. These findings may provide valuable information for therapeutic guideline in clinical practice. The present study will focus on testing 'biological markers' to identify patients with sepsis and acute lung injury. We will examine the roles of three components of markers including inflammation, neutrophil activation and coagulation. We are hoping that this proposed translational research will help develop novel therapeutic strategy in sepsis and acute lung injury patients.

Enhancing Utilization of Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation in Critical Care
COPDCongestive Heart Failure4 moreNon-invasive positive pressure ventilation (NIV) refers to the provision of mechanical ventilation without an artificial airway (for example, an endotracheal tube). Over the past decade, evidence from randomized control trials has accumulated to demonstrate effectiveness of the technique in avoiding intubation, reducing complications associated with intubation, shortening ICU and hospital lengths of stay, and reducing mortality rates in selected patients with acute respiratory failure. However, NIV is still underutilized at many medical centers. The purposes of this project will be to acquire information related to NIV use, to identify reasons for underutilization, to implement interventions that encourage more appropriate use of NIV, and to evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions. Reliable information on NIV use as well as analysis of reasons for underutilization will provide insight into ways of enhancing NIV use. We will determine utilization rate, technology used, patient diagnoses, duration of ventilator use and hospital stay, and success rates as recorded on case report forms (CRFs). After completing the survey, we will provide an educational program to randomly selected institutions (one-half of the total) aimed at increasing the knowledge and skill of physicians, nurses, and therapists regarding use and implementation of NIV. Data will be gathered for a second round with the same data-gathering instruments used during

Ultrasonic Weaning Criteria in Prolonged Ventilation
Acute Respiratory Distress Syndromecompare and evaluate the effect of use of ultrasonic criteria of weaning versus the conventional ways of weaning in post-traumatic acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) patients who were ventilated for a long time. And compare their effect on the duration of ICU stay.

Noninvasive Ventilation in Moderate-to-severe COVID-19-associated Acute Respiratory Distress-syndrome...
Covid19ARDSNon-invasive ventilation can allow to avoid intubation and improve outcomes in moderate-to-severe COVID-19-associated acute respiratory distress-syndrome (ARDS). Data on NIV parameters adjustment based on expanded respiratory and gas exchange monitoring in COVID-19 associated ARDS is limited. Appropriate adjustment of the inspiratory positive airway pressure (IPAP) set as a point of the balance between minimal work of breathing (minimum point of W.Patrick scale for assessment of the accessory respiratory muscles and minimum diaphragm thickening fraction) and minimum tidal volume, and respiratory rate can decrease NIV failure in moderate-to-severe COVID-ARDS. The objective of the study is to evaluate the ability of non-invasive ventilation guided with expanded respiratory monitoring to decrease the intubation rate in in moderate-to-severe COVID-ARDS.

Determination of the Best Positive End-expiratory Pressure (PEEP)
Positive Expiratory PressureAcute Respiratory Distress SyndromeDetermination of the best positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) based on oxygenation or driving pressure in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) after cardiothoracic surgery The use of a positive end-expiratory pressure in acute respiratory distress syndrome is obvious in ARDS management. On the one hand it serves to fight against the reduction of functional residual capacity (FRC) and enable the limitation of hypoxia; and on the other hand it allows the limitation of "opening/closing" lesions in pulmonary alveoli which lead to increase "bio trauma". However elevated PEEP has harmful effect such as hemodynamic effect on the right ventricle and distension on healthy part of the lung.Other adverse effects are: decreasing cardiac output, increased risk of barotrauma, and the interference with assessment of hemodynamic pressures. Ideally the adjustment of PEEP level must be done by taking into account each patient characteristic. PEEP titration based on blood gas analysis is one of the most used techniques by physicians. Current guidelines for lung-protective ventilation in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) suggest the use of low tidal volumes (Vt), set according to ideal body weight (IBW) of the patient, and higher levels of positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) to limit ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI). However, recent studies have shown that ARDS patients who are ventilated according to these guidelines may still be exposed to forces that can induce or aggravate lung injury. Driving pressure (DP) is the difference between the airway pressure at the end of inspiration (plateau pressure, Ppl) and PEEP. Driving pressure may be a valuable tool to set PEEP. Independent of the strategy used to titrate PEEP, changes in PEEP levels should consider the impact on driving pressure, besides other variables such as gas exchange and hemodynamics. A decrease in driving pressure after increasing PEEP will necessarily reflect recruitment and a decrease in cyclic strain. On the contrary, an increase in driving pressure will suggest a non-recruitable lung, in which overdistension prevails over recruitment. The main purposes of this study are to assess the optimal PEEP based on the best driving pressure or the best oxygenation.

Extended Prone Position Duration COVID-19-related ARDS: a Retrospective Study
Pressure UlcerRespiratory Distress Syndrome3 moreProne position (PP) is standard of care for mechanically ventilated patients with severe acute respiratory distress syndrome in the intensive care unit (ICU). Recommendations suggest PP durations of at least 16 hours. In 2020, COVID-19 pandemic led to a great number of patients requiring mechanical ventilation and PP in the ICU. Risk of ICU staff viral contamination and work overload led to prolongation of PP duration up to 48 hours. Here investigators report outcomes of prolonged PP sessions in terms of skin complications (pression injuries) and ventilatory improvement.

Single-cell Landscape of BALF in Patients With Severe ARDS and CARDS
ARDS: Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeCovid19The goal of this observational study is to learn about the effect of steroid therapy in patients with COVID-19 ARDS. The main questions it aims to answer are: Differences between patients with COVID-19 ARDS before and after steroid treatment in BALF single cell landscape, as well as patients with different prognosis. Differences between COVID-19 and non COVID-19 ARDS patients in BALF single cell landscape. Participants will Choose whether to use or not to utilize steroid treatment based on conditions.