Evaluation of Postoperative Pain Following Bascom Cleft Lift Operation
Postoperative PainThe purpose of this study is to evaluate postoperative pain in Bascom Cleft Lift operation receiving multimodal analgesia in day-case surgery setting. Hypothesis: Multimodal analgesia provides adequate pain relief in patients undergoing Bascom Cleft Lift operation.

Development of a Predictive Model for Post-Discharge Nausea and Vomiting (PDNV)
NauseaPostoperative Nausea and Vomiting2 moreThe primary purpose of this prospective cohort study is to develop a simplified risk model for post-discharge nausea and vomiting (PDNV) in adult same-day surgery patients in the US that will allow clinicians to identify those patients who would benefit from prophylactic antiemetic strategies.

Preopioid Versus Nonopioid in Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)
Postoperative PainObservational study evaluating pain response after total knee arthroplasty (TKA) in patients taking strong, weak or no opioids preoperatively.

Systemic Inflammation Versus Acute Pain in Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA)
Other Acute Postoperative PainSystemic Inflammatory Response SyndromeIn this study we evaluate if there is a correlation between acute pain and systemic inflammatory markers after total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA).

Prediction of Pain in Total Hip Arthroplasty
PainPostoperativeIn this consecutive, prospective cohort study the investigators evaluate if preoperative pain response upon heat stimulation is predictive for acute and subacute postoperative pain after total hip arthroplasty.

Spinal Anesthesia and Peri-operative Opioid Consumption in Open Abdominal Prostatectomy
PainPostoperative2 moreRetrospective analysis to assess the impact of spinal anesthesia on peri-operative opioid consumption during open abdominal prostatectomy. The authors compare the group that had spinal anesthesia in combination with propofol sedation and a laryngeal mask to the second group that underwent the same procedure in general anesthesia with tracheal intubation.

Retrospective Evaluation of Erector Spinae Plane Blocks
PainPostoperativeRetrospective Evaluation of Erector Spinae Plane Blocks

Neuropathic Pain After Breast Surgery
Chronic Neuropathic PainPostoperative5 moreTo understand pain pathophysiology in terms of risk factors and protective mechanisms ranging from molecular pathways to societal impacts.

Combined PECS II and Transversus Plane Blocks Versus Erector Spinae Block in Modified Radical Mastectomy...
Breast CancerAcute Postoperative PainThe aim of this study is to compare the total morphine consumption in the first 24 hour postoperative between combined modified pectoralis block (PECS II) and transversus plane block versus erector spinae block in modified radical mastectomy.

Recovery Toolkits: Assessment of Pragmatic Behavioral Pain Medicine Delivered In Hospital After...
Post Surgical PainBehavioral pain medicine is largely absent from perioperative pathways, and on post-surgical recovery units. The goal of this project was to develop and implement "Recovery Toolkits", physical branded bags presented to patients after surgery. The "Recovery Toolkits" include a descriptive brochure and orientation to the contents of the bag. "Recovery Toolkits" include a behavioral pain medicine self-help book, an app with a downloadable pain management audiofile, earbuds, and a pen. Patients on each unit have access to iPads where they may view a digital behavioral pain medicine program ("My Surgical Success"), consisting of three 15-minute video learning modules. The "Recovery Toolkits" are psychologist-developed and nurse-delivered to every patient on the surgical recovery units. This pragmatic project seeks to understand: Nurse perceived value of the intervention Burden to nurses to deliver the intervention to all patients Patient engagement with the Recovery Toolkits Patient perceived value of the Recovery Toolkits Patient satisfaction with pain care Impact of Recovery Toolkits on pain and opioid use in hospital and at one-month discharge relative to a pre-Recovery Toolkit program cohort of patients.