Efficacy of a Single Dose Dexamethasone in Reducing the Postembolization Syndrome in Men Undergoing...
Prostatic HyperplasiaBenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a frequent cause of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) in men. One fourth of men older than 70 have moderate to severe LUTS that impair their quality of life (QOL). Prostatic artery embolization (PAE) is a new minimally invasive technique proven effective in reducing LUTS comparable to the mainstay treatment - the transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP). The most common side effect of PAE is a collection of inflammation-related symptoms known as the postembolization syndrome (PES). The symptoms include pelvic pain, fever, nausea, and transient worsening of LUTS (painful and difficult urination). PES is a self-limiting condition that is treated symptomatically with painkillers and antipyretics. However, PES can be so severe that the patients experience high fever, shivers, dysuria and urgency mimicking a septicemia from the urinary tract. It is a clinical challenge to avoid exposure to unnecessary antibiotics treatment in those situations. A subset of patients may need admission to the hospital for observation, especially in case of fever. Usually, PES resolves within a week after PAE. Steroids have been successfully used to reduce the incidence and severity of PES after a number of procedures in interventional radiology. The investigators postulate that steroids can have a similar effect in reducing PES after PAE. In this study, the efficacy of single high dose postprocedural dexamethasone (DEXA) administration in reducing PES after PAE will be evaluated, compared to placebo.

Thulium Fiber Laser (TFL) vs Holmium MOSES for Treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaBenign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), the non-cancerous enlargement of the prostate, places pressure on the urethra and causes urination and bladder problems. Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) remains the gold standard treatment in most centres for BPH. However, morbidity after TURP is high, especially bleeding requiring blood transfusion and late postoperative bleeding. Holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP) is a safe and effective procedure which has demonstrated comparable results to TURP. HOLEP also offers patients the alternative of being treated endoscopically with minimal blood loss, short catheterization time, and decreased hospital stay. The main reason HoLEP has yet to become the new standard for treatment of symptomatic BPH is due the complexity of this procedure as compared to TURP. Furthermore, the HoLEP can be used with the MOSESTM system, a system that allows for more efficiency and ease of use of the HoLEP. Thulium fiber laser (TFL) enucleation of the prostate is an emerging technology for endoscopic prostate enucleation that is notable for its high wavelength and pulsed mode of action. Recent studies have shown TFL enucleation of the prostate to be a safe and highly efficacious treatment modality for the management of large volume (> 80 cm3) glands in BPH. Due to its novelty, further studies are needed to broaden the investigators' understanding of the TFL and comprehend the full implications and benefits of this new technology, as well its limitations. The aim of this study is to whether Thulium Fiber laser enucleation of the prostate (ThuFLEP) and Holmium laser enucleation using MOSES™ (M-HoLEP) have comparable length of hospital stay, as well as intraoperative and postoperative outcomes.

Clinical Trial on the Effectiveness of TUMT Compared to PAE in Reducing Severe LUTS in Men With...
Prostatic HyperplasiaLower Urinary Tract SymptomsThe TUMT-PAE-1 trial is a randomised clinical trial aiming to compare the effectiveness of transurethral microwave thermotherapy (TUMT) with prostatic artery embolisation (PAE) in reducing urinary symptoms caused by prostate gland enlargement. The assessment will be done by patient reported and functional outcome measures. The primary purpose is to evaluate the urinary symptoms six months after the procedure, measured by the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS).

Efficacy of Hyaluronic Acid Injections on Functional Recovery After Surgery for Prostate Adenoma...
Prostatic AdenomaThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the score on urinary function (International Prostate Score Symptom) at 28 days. The main objective is to assess the efficacy of treatment with Ialuril® Prefill on functional recovery at 4 weeks, based on the International Prostate Score Symptom. A paired test will be performed to compare the International Prostate Score Symptom score between 0 and 28 days.

The Efficacy and Safety of Silodosin Singly or Combined With Ningmitai Capsules in the Treatment...
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia With Lower Urinary Tract SymptomsObjective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of Ningmitai Capsules and Silodosin Capsules in the treatment of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms (LUTS) compared with Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Sustained Release Capsules. Study design: A multicenter, prospective, randomized, double-blind, positive controlled clinical study. Interventions: Group A: Oral Tamsulosin Hydrochloride Capsules and Ningmitai Capsules placebo for 12 weeks. Group B: Oral l Silodosin Capsules and Ningmitai Capsules placebo for 12 weeks. Group C: Oral l Silodosin Capsules and Ningmitai Capsules for 12 weeks.

Transurethral Prostate Resection (TURP) vs. Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE)
Transurethral Resection of Prostate SyndromeProstate Hyperplasia2 moreThis study focuses on the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia which causes lower urinary tract symptoms. The purpose of the research project is to evaluate PAE in terms of both medical and health economic outcomes. To evaluate whether there are any differences in effect (IPSS), complications, costs and perceived quality of life compared with TUR-P.

The Expander-2 Trial: A Randomized Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of the Urocross(TM)...
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaTo demonstrate the safety and efficacy of the Urocross Expander System/Retrieval Sheath and the procedure to treat patients with symptomatic Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH).

Implanted Nitinol Device (iTind) System in Chinese Males With Lower Urinary Tract Symptom Secondary...
Prostate HyperplasiaThis is a prospective series of consecutive cases of patients undergoing iTind for the treatment of male LUTS.

Wolf 24 F vs. Storz 28 F Laser Sheath Size for HoLEP
Benign Prostatic HypertrophyThe purpose of this study is to compare two different types of scopes that can be used for HoLEP. HoLEP is performed through the urethra using a Laser scope to remove obstructing prostate tissue. Laser scopes come in different sizes (diameters).

The Evaluation of Banana Flower Stamens Extract on Prevention of Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia in...
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)To assess the evaluation of banana flower stamens extract on prevention of benign prostatic hyperplasia in adults