The Effect of Daily Tamsulosin 0.2mg Administration on Renal Function in Patients With Benign Prostatic...
Chronic Kidney FailureProstatic HyperplasiaThe purpose of this study is to determine whether medical treatment for bladder outlet obstruction is effective in improvement of glomerular filtration rate and/or proteinuria.

Clinical Effect and Safety of Tamsulosin 0.4mg in Patients With LUTS/BPH Refractory to Tamsulosin...
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaThe purpose of this study is to explore the efficacy and safety of tamsulosin 0.4mg (Harnal® D. 0.2mg, 2T) in patients with LUTS/BPH refractory to tamsulosin 0.2mg (Harnal® D 0.2mg, 1T).

Prostatic Hyperplasia Treatment and Cancer Prevention
Prostatic HyperplasiaTreatment of patients with prostatic hyperplasia with topical papaverine.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Screening Tool Case Finding Study in Subjects >=50 Years
Prostatic HyperplasiaThis non-randomized, interventional study will be conducted in a general practice setting to assess the utility of a benign prostatic enlargement (BPE)/benign prostatic obstruction (BPO) screening tool in conjunction with prostate specific antigen (PSA) in finding men confirmed to have BPH on full urologist assessment of diagnostic test results. The tool may help a General Practitioners (GP) to identify subjects who may have BPH for further tests and improve the speed of referrals to specialists when this is appropriate. The utility of the screening tool will be compared to the validated tool in wide clinical use, the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS). This study does not have any formal hypothesis in terms of the primary and secondary endpoint proportions. A BPE/BPO screening tool identifies lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) probably due to BPH in men not yet presenting with LUTS. The results of this screening tool will be used for further investigation. All subjects testing positive on the BPE/BPO screening tool (score >=3) tool or on the IPSS (score >=8) will be enrolled and offered a PSA test and urinalysis to establish a diagnosis of probable BPH (Part I-Visit 1). The GP may perform a digital rectal examination (DRE) which will be repeated by the urologist to confirm the diagnosis and to rule out an abnormality suggesting prostate cancer. The GP will make a diagnosis of probable BPH based upon screening results and lab tests which suggest that they are related to BPH and not other causes of such symptoms. The GP will phone the subject to report yes or no for probable BPH Part II (Visit 2). If the subject has probable BPH, the GP will schedule the subject for Visit 3 with an urologist. If the subject does not have probable BPH, then it will be considered that the subject has completed the study. Subjects that proceed to Part II (Visit 3) will be scheduled for a urology assessment performed by an urologist. This assessment includes a DRE and a brief physical exam and review of the PSA test, for a confirmatory diagnosis of BPH and estimation of risk of progression of BPH. Approximately 1,500 subjects presenting to a GP for reasons unrelated to this study will be screened for probable BPH to yield 500 subjects being referred to an urologist. The duration of the study will be 1 week (+/- 4 days) and up to 6 weeks to allow for GP and urologist visit scheduling.

Trial of HoLEP vs. PVP in Treating BPH in Patients With Bleeding Tendency
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaPatients presented for BPH surgery at our out patient clinic will be assessed for abnormal bleeding profile. Patients with bleeding tendency will be offered either HoLEP or Greenlight laser PVP based on prostate size cut off point of 80ml Larger prostates will be treated with HoLEP Smaller prostates will be treated with greenlight PVP

Prostate Cancer Antigen 3 (PCA-3) Gene Project
Prostate CancerBenign Prostatic HypertrophyNowadays, prostate cancer screening is largely widespread although it is not recommended yet. This screening includes primarily digital rectal examination and PSA. Recently, a new specific genetic marker of prostate cancer has been discovered. It is PCA-3 gene. The main objective is to evaluate prospectively this new marker in patients treated for prostatic pathology (benign or malign) in the department.

Evaluation of the ProstaPlant Prostate Stent Insertion in Ex Vivo Human Prostate
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaThe purpose of this ex-vivo study is to evaluate the insertion procedure for the ProstaPlant implant in human prostates and the support that it supplies to the prostate.

A Trial Assessing Peri-procedure Chemoprophylaxis During Transrectal Prostate Needle Biopsy
Benign Prostate HyperplasiaThe aim of the study is to evaluate whether changing antibiotic prophylaxis from fluoroquinolones alone to fluoroquinolones plus gentamicin 160mg single IM dose or targeted antibiotic prophylaxis according to rectal swab culture would influence infectious complication rates in those men undergoing transrectal ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy.

Sexual Steroids: Relationship Between Serum and Prostatic Tissue Level
Urinary Bladder NeoplasmsProstate HyperplasiaPatients followed in the Foch Hospital Urology Department (Suresnes): Patients justifying a prostatectomy. Patients justifying prostatectomy together with the bladder (radical cystectomy for bladder cancer). Patients with benign prostate hyperplasia who justified a prostatectomy. Compare serum sexual steroid concentrations and intra-tissue on healthy prostates and prostate adenoma, assess concentrations intra-tissue sex steroids on cancer metastasis prostate specific blood sample under study (30mL) will be performed preoperatively in Patients followed in Foch Hospital Urology Department (Suresnes), and a Removal of a fragment of prostate tissue or metastasis will be analyze. Aim is to compare serum concentrations of sexual steroids and intra-tissue on healthy prostates and prostate adenomas compared to concentrations measured in patients operated for prostate cancer.

Early Apical Release vs Classic Holmium Laser Enucleation of the Prostate: Randomized Controlled...
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaTo determine if early apical release holmium enucleation of the prostate (EAR HoLEP), as a surgical treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia, reduces post-operative urinary incontinence compared to classic HoLEP.