SECOTEX® (Tamsulosin Hydrochloride) Bioequivalence Study Brazil - Fast Admin
Prostatic HyperplasiaIt will be an open-label, randomized, laboratory-blind, crossover study with 02 treatments, 02 sequences, and 02 periods, in which the healthy male volunteers under fasting conditions receive, in each period, the test formulation or the reference formulation

The Role of microRNAs in Organ Remodeling in Lower Urinary Tract Dysfunction
Prostatic HyperplasiaUrinary Bladder Neck Obstruction2 moreUrgency, frequency and incomplete emptying are the key symptoms of lower urinary tract dysfunction, including bladder pain syndrome/interstitial cystitis, and overactive bladder syndrome. Lower urinary tract dysfunction is associated with cellular stress, leading to changes in gene expression and consequent organ remodeling. MicroRNAs are small regulatory molecules, affecting protein synthesis. They are quickly winning recognition as potential therapeutic agents. The investigators will perform a comparative study of mRNAs changed in lower urinary tract dysfunction and address the role of differentially expressed miRNAs in regulation of the genes, important for bladder function. The experimental approach, combining the analysis of human biopsy material with the in vitro cell-based models, will allow the investigators to elucidate the effects of miRNAs on the expression of receptors, contractile proteins and tight junction proteins. Once the disease-induced miRNAs have been characterised and their target genes validated, it will be possible to influence their expression levels thus counter-acting their effects. The investigators' work addresses fundamental mechanisms of signal transduction in urothelium and smooth muscle during cellular stress caused by inflammation or bladder outlet obstruction, and its regulation in the diseased state. The investigators' findings will further the knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of lower urinary tract dysfunction and have implications for diagnosis and treatment. Additionally, they have relevance for other clinical conditions, where miRNAs are implicated.

Urokinase Plasminogen Activator System in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
BPHWe hypothesize that the absolute or relative serum or urine levels of the urokinase plasminogen activator system, including uPA, uPAR and PAI-1,2 (inhibitors of the uPAR/uPA complex), are associated with inflammation in prostatic tissue.

PRO-STATE:Search for a Protein Profile Corresponding to Fast-developing Lesions and Characterization...
AdenomaProstaticThe main objective of this study is to realise serum protein profiles for each patient undergoing a prostate biopsy and to identify relevant proteins.

An Observational Study of Tamsulosin in Patients With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
BPHBenign Prostatic HyperplasiaIn this study, BPH patients visited the institutions during the study period and the effectiveness and safety of the treatment of Tamsulosin(Hanmi Tams® Capsule) in real-practice. During the routine medical visit, according to the investigator's judgment, with diagnosis that the Tamsulosin prescription is appropriate, and after deciding to start treatment, patients with BPH who agreed to participate in the study were administered Tamsulosin. As this study is a non-interventional observational study, all subjects received prescriptions according to the routine treatment procedure, and there were no visits or procedures required according to the observational study protocol.

Efficacy, Tolerability and Safety of ALNA® in Patients With Benign Prostatic Syndrome (BPS)
Prostatic HyperplasiaStudy to assess efficacy, tolerability and safety parameters of a one month ALNA® - treatment after switch from Terazosin-treatment

Safety Profile of Secotex ® in Patients With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Prostatic HyperplasiaThe Objective of this study is to conduct a Prescription Event Monitoring (PEM) involving patients treated with Secotex® (Tamsulosin) in "real life" settings. The aim of a PEM is to monitor the safety profile of Secotex® in a cohort of patients with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia as used in general practice

Observational Study of Tamsulosin in Patients With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Prostatic HyperplasiaStudy to describe Tamsulosin prescription characteristics in a representative population of patients on treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia

A Prospective Investigation Using the Expired Breath Ethanol Test
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is a prevalent entity, affecting over 50% of men older than 60 years.In cases with moderate to severe lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) monopolar transurethral resection of the prostate (TUR-P) is the standard treatment. Especially in frail patients, conventional TUR-P is associated with relevant and potentially deleterious complications, e.g. TUR syndrome. Using isotonic saline, like in bipolar TUR-P and transurethral laser vaporization (TUV-P), TUR syndrome can be prevented. The short-term complication rate with the Thulium laser is similar to the rate described after vaporisation with other laser systems18-23 and less than that with TUR-P. Despite recent publications on the safety and complications with Thulium vaporisation of the prostate, to the investigators knowledge, until now, no prospective trial has directly assessed, whether absorption of irrigation fluid occurs and to what extent in Thulium Laser vaporisation of the prostate. The investigators therefore aim to investigate if absorption of irrigation fluid occurs during Thulium Laser vaporisation of the prostate by expired breath ethanol test.

Effectiveness and Safety of Adipose-derived Regenerative Cells for Reduction of Risk of Bladder...
Bladder Neck ObstructionBladder Outlet Obstruction2 moreAutologous adipose-derived regenerative cells (ADRC) will be extracted from lipoaspirate by enzymatic digestion from a portion of the fat harvested from the patient's front abdominal wall. Transurethral bladder neck resection followed by the injection of ADRCs suspension will be performed. This is a single arm study with no control. All patients receive cell therapy.