The Impact of Alna® Ocas® on Nocturia in Patients With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Suggestive of...
Prostatic HyperplasiaStudy to assess efficacy, tolerability and safety parameters of a three month ALNA®OCAS® -treatment with special respect to nocturia

Study of the Effect of Testosterone Treatment on Metabolic Parameters and Urinary Symptoms in Bariatric...
ObesityHypogonadism2 moreThe primary purpose of the study is to evaluate, in obese and hypogonadal patients eligible for bariatric surgery, the effect of testosterone replacement therapy in improving lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) assessed using the IPSS (International Prostate Symptom Score) questionnaire, compared to hypogonadal untreated subjects and eugonadal subjects.

Observational Study in Patients With Functional Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Symptoms Who Switched...
Prostatic HyperplasiaThe objective of the observational study were to investigate the switch from phytotherapy to ALNA® after at least 4 weeks of phytotherapy and still presented with a symptom sum score of ≥ 8 points (International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS))

QUAPELLA (QUAlity of Prostate Enucleation by LUMENIS - Laser)
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaThis observational study aims at describing the learning curve of the Holmium Enucleation of the Prostate (HoLEP) technique using a LUMENIS laser device by senior attending urologists.

Treatment of Symptomatic BPH Patients Undergoing Anticoagulant Therapy Using the PlasmaButton Vaporization...
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaThe purpose of this observational study is to evaluate the outcomes of using the PlasmaButton electrode in the treatment on Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) while on anticoagulation medication.

Ga-68 MAA Distribution in PAE Patients
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaPurpose: The purpose of this study is to evaluate Ga-68 MAA distribution on PET/MRI after injection into the prostatic arteries in patients without prostate cancer who are being treated with prostate artery embolization for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Participants: Study subjects will be 5 men scheduled to undergo the PAE procedure at UNC Hospital for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Procedures (methods): Study subjects will undergo PAE using the standard technique. Prior to embolization of the prostatic artery with the bland embolic agent, Ga-68 MAA will be injected. Standard departmental radiation protection procedures will be followed. After the PAE procedure is complete, the patient will be transported to the UNC Biomedical Research Imaging Center to undergo PET/MRI.

Holmium Laser Ablation of the Prostate (HoLAP) Versus KTP Laser Vaporization of the Prostate
Benign Prostatic HyperplasiaMany options currently exist to relieve the symptoms caused by benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). At present, transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) serves as the surgical standard to which all other operative treatments are compared. Although TURP provides excellent short and long-term results, this procedure has many potential risks and complications. The desire to avoid the potential risks of TURP and still achieve results of comparable durability has led to the development of alternative surgical procedures. One such surgical alternative in the treatment of BPH is holmium laser ablation of the prostate (HoLAP). HoLAP has been compared to TURP in a randomized clinical trial with comparable outcomes in both uroflow rate and symptom score improvements (Mottet, et al 1999). Use of the holmium laser in treating BPH provides specific advantages over TURP. The risk of dilutional hyponatremia is eliminated, as the holmium laser can be used in conjunction with a normal saline irrigant. In addition, the hemostatic properties of the holmium laser results in superior hemostasis, thus minimizing the risk of bleeding. HoLAP has been utilized for prostate glands up to 60 grams in volume, as larger glands become more inefficient to treat using a tissue vaporization technique. Recently, another laser technology has been introduced for the surgical treatment of BPH, the potassium titanyl-phosphate (KTP) laser. This modality can also be used to vaporize obstructive prostate tissue, and has been studied through single arm clinical studies. Short-term results are promising, with significant improvements in voiding symptoms and urine flow rates as well as minimal associated morbidity. However, to date a randomized comparison study between HoLAP and KTP laser vaporization of the prostate has not been reported. A group of investigators with extensive experience with both procedures intends to objectively compare these two procedures in a randomized clinical trial.

The Effect of Preemptive Analgesia On The Comfort Of Patient and Doctor, in Cystoscopy
Bladder CancerBenign Prostate Hyperplasia3 moreThe study was designed as a prospective, randomized double-blind placebo controlled trial. According to power analysis in regards of previous studies in the literature with diclofenac sodium, using a total of 144 patients are needed for Power: 80% and Efficacy: 0.05. diclofenac (20 mg) and placebo drugs to be used in the study will be numbered 1 and 2 individually. Patient randomization was performed using random.org in 144 patients. On the day of cystoscopy, the patient randomized according to inclusion criteria will be given a medication package corresponding to the number given in randomization. It will not be known by the staff and cystoscopy will be performed by the physician who does not know which package is an effective drug. Parameters: Visual Pain Score during cystoscopy Cystoscopy comfort - a questionnaire to be filled by the doctor Excellent Very good Good Bad Too bad Cystoscopy: Is it efficient? Not efficient? - Will be answered by the doctor. Post-Op: 1st hour Visual Analog Pain Scale inquiry, dysuria, frequency 24th Hour dysuria, Frequency, A total of 144 patients, we plan to arrive at the end of 1 month.

Aqueduct Irrigation System Clinical Protocol: Medical Device Investigational Plan
Prostatic HyperplasiaKidney Calculi1 moreA. Synopsis This protocol comes to direct the experiment to be performed on the Aqueduct Automatic Continuous Irrigation system. The Aquaduct System is aimed at reducing risks to the patient by decreasing the irrigation fluid pressure he may be exposed to, reducing the procedure time and therefore the anesthesia time, reducing the manual handling of the sterile bags and the risk of contamination and more. In general since there is no new procedure suggested and the equipment does not actually come into contact with the human body in any direct way, there is no need to have a clinical study for the regulation purpose. The reason for performing this experiment is to demonstrate the new system and to find out the best way to operate it in order to improve the process and reduce risks. This information will serve the development of most suitable automation solution for achieving the long desired continuous irrigation. The experiment will be performed in the OR in MIS procedures, and will replace the standard gravitational manual method of performing the irrigation. The surgeons and the medical staff of the OR will be directed with the set up and operation of the system prior to using it. The experiment will be accompanied at all times with a knowledgeable representative of the research originator. A maximum of 30 procedures will be analyzed during a period of approximately one month. The surgeons and the medical staff will report their impression of using the system during the procedures and will recommend the best settings achieved. This information will be used to improve the system performance and design.

Low Dose Bupivacaine Spinal for Trans Uretral Prostatectomy.
Benign Prostate HyperplasiaSpinal anesthesia, is used during the transuretheral resection of the prostate.Low dose hyperbaric local anesthetics have been used to enhance the resolution of the spinal block. We compared the efficacy and duration of the spinal block with two different bupivacaine baricities. Group I: low dose isobaric group GroupII: Low dose hyperbaric group