Study of Nutrition and Activity in Kids
ObesityAdolescent1 moreWhile a substantial body of research suggests that RRV is related to obesity, there is very little research on factors that contribute to the RRV of food, particularly how patterns of eating can increase or decrease the motivation to eat specific foods. Previous work has demonstrated that a subset of individuals with obesity show increases in RRV of food after repeated consumption of large portions of high energy density (HED) snack foods, which has been conceptualized as sensitization. Preliminary data suggest that sensitization of the RRV of HED food is a predictor of weight gain over time. However, more work needs to be done to address this relationship using a planned, prospective study design, using adolescent research subjects, and examining potential moderators of this relationship. The purpose of this study is to identify risk and protective factors to excess zBMI change in adolescents over time. Aim 1 was to measure the relative reinforcing value (RRV) of a preferred HED and low energy density (LED) snack food before and after 2-weeks of daily exposure. Aim 2 was to assess the RRV of exercise and sedentary activity. Hypotheses include 1) sensitization to HED food will be associated with greater zBMI at the time of testing as well as greater zBMI change over time 2) sensitization to LED food will be associated with lower zBMI at the time of testing in adolescents and less zBMI change over time. 3) Greater RRV of exercise will be protective against zBMI increases over time.

Mothers And careGivers Investing in Children
ObesityChildhood1 moreThe incidence of childhood obesity in the United States has steadily increased over the past 30 years but has begun to level off in recent years. Epidemiological evidence indicates that obesity may transmitted across multiple generations. The current study seeks to: 1) evaluate the extent to which grandmothers or other important caregivers affect their mothers' parenting surrounding feeding their child, and 2) examine whether an intervention aimed at improving diet quality and enhancing responsive feeding to improves parental responsivity and feeding behavior and infants' weight trajectories over time.

Evaluation of a Digital Childhood Obesity Treatment
Childhood ObesityTreatment AdherenceThis study aims to evaluate if a web-based digital support system aiming to replacing or complement standardized pediatric behavioural obesity treatment. The hypothesis is that a digital system of communication between the family and the clinic can generate improved treatment results (change in BMI SDS) and reduce the number of missed visits.

Application of Smart Devices in Adolescent Weight Control
Adolescent ObesityAccording to the definition of Health Literacy, health literacy means that a person can apply his or her reading, writing, and computing abilities to health-related information and activities. WHO consider Health Literacy is the cognitive and social skills which determine the motivation and ability of individuals to gain access, to understand and use information. The purposes of this study will to understand the relationship between health literacy, weight control behavior and weight control health outcome.

Lifestyle in Pregnancy and Offspring - Comparison Between Children Born to Obese Women and Children...
Childhood ObesityChildren born to obese women are at risk of increased adiposity and later adverse metabolic outcomes. We have conducted a follow-up study on an existing clinical trial, called the LiP study (Lifestyle in Pregnancy), registration number NCT00530439,in which 360 obese pregnant women were randomized to either lifestyle intervention or routine obstetric care. This present study follows the children until 3 years of age. We have the hypothesis, that the intervention during pregnancy results in a lower degree of adiposity and metabolic risk factors in the offspring. Clinical examination is taking place at age 2.5-3 years including anthropometric measurements, Dual energy x-ray (DXA) scans and blood samples measuring metabolic markers.In addition, we have included an extra control group of children born to normal weight women, who were not part of a lifestyle intervention program during pregnancy. We have the hypothesis that the children of the normal weight women have a better metabolic profile than the children born to the obese women.

Characterization of Dyslipidemia in Adolescent Obesity
ObesityThe primary objective of this pilot study is to characterize the profile of lipoprotein, inflammatory, and metabolic markers of cardiovascular disease in obese adolescents as compared to normal-weight age-matched controls.

Study to Investigate the Pathophysiology of Type 2 Diabetes in Youth
Impaired Glucose TolerancePre-diabetes3 moreThe purpose of the study is to determine the role of beta-cell function and insulin resistance in the development of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) and type 2 diabetes in children and adolescents who have an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes due to overweight/obesity or a family history of overweight/obesity, diabetes and/or impaired fasting glucose. It is hypothesized that: 1)Obese adolescents with IGT will be more insulin resistant than obese adolescents with NGT. Insulin resistance will be the best predictor of changes in glucose tolerance status., 2)Beta cell function will be impaired in obese adolescents with IGT compared to obese adolescents with NGT., 3)Obese adolescents with IGT will present with greater intramyocellular, intrahepatic and visceral fat than obese adolescents with NGT. Furthermore, obese adolescents with IGT will have larger adipocytes, while having significantly fewer adipocytes compared to obese adolescents with NGT. Obese adolescents with IGT will also have altered expression of key genes related to insulin resistance., and 4)Abnormalities in endothelial function as manifested by low FMD and PAT are already present in obese adolescents with IGT and are linked to insulin resistance.

The Development of an Eating Laboratory for Overweight Adolescents
Adolescent ObesityThe purpose of the study is to develop methods to evaluate the eating behavior of adolescents, including overweight, normal weight, and candidates for adolescent bariatric surgery.

Metabolic Phenotypes in Childhood Obesity
ObesityPediatricThis study provides a sound basis towards a better understanding of the biochemical mechanisms behind childhood obesity and its metabolic phenotypes, which will be of great importance towards the development of more personalized prevention and treatment in future.

Physical Activity and Screen-Time Regulations in Childcare Centers - Aim 1
Childhood ObesityThe goal of this project is to examine the physical activity and screen-time environment of licensed childcare centers before and after the enactment of new state regulations.