SPOON: Sustained Program for Improving Nutrition - Colombia
Exclusive Breast FeedingChild Obesity2 moreThe primary goal of this study is to prevent undernutrition and obesity in peri-urban areas of Colombia. This study is designed to evaluate the impact of promoting adequate feeding practices and the use of SQ-LNS (Small Quantity Lipid-Based Nutrient Supplements) on the nutritional status of infants and young children. The study will be conducted in peri-urban areas of Pasto, Colombia in conjunction with Fundación Saldarriaga Concha and the Colombian Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

Conventional and Metabolomic Predictors of Prediabetes & Insulin Resistance
PreDiabetesObesity1 moreThe purpose of this study is to evaluate the longitudinal test performance of an array of conventional biomarkers of glycemia, including Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and novel metabolomic biomarkers for identifying progression of glucose tolerance (normal to prediabetes or prediabetes to diabetes) in an overweight and obese pediatric cohort.

Associations Between Obesity, Dental Caries, Erosive Tooth Wear and Periodontal Disease in Adolescents:...
ObesityObesity6 moreObjectives To compare oral health (dental caries, periodontal status, and erosive tooth wear (ETW)), diet and oral hygiene habits between obese and normal weight adolescents, and to explore possible risk associations. Materials and Methods In this case-control study, a convenient sample of 81 obese adolescents (age range 11-18) from a rehabilitation centre, and 81 age-sex-matched normal weight adolescents were selected. Groups were defined using the Body Mass Index and growth curves for Flemish. Oral health was measured using DMFT, gingival, plaque and BEWE index. A validated questionnaire was utilized to assess diet and oral hygiene habits.

Exercise and Arterial Modulation in Youth
Cardiovascular DiseaseChildhood Obesity2 moreThe project is designed as a large scale, cross-sectional study. The aim of the study is to investigate the association of micro- and macrovascular function with physical fitness and body composition in primary school children.

Sportcheck Follow-Up
Cardiovascular DiseasesChildhood Obesity1 moreThe study resembles a four-year follow-up on the influence of physical activity and fitness, blood pressure, BMI and stress on vascular health in primary schoolchildren. It examines the predictive value of retinal vessel diameters for the development of childhood hypertension.

Chronobiology and Childhood Obesity in a Mediterranean Spanish Population
ObesityChronobiology DisordersThe main objective is to investigate chronobiological aspects of childhood obesity studying the potential relationship between meal patterns and circadian rhythmicity in a cross-sectional sample of obese, overweight and normal weight children/adolescent.

International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment
Childhood ObesityThe primary aim of the International Study of Childhood Obesity, Lifestyle and the Environment (ISCOLE) is to determine the relationship between lifestyle characteristics and obesity in a large multi-national study of 10 year-old children, and to investigate the influence of behavioral settings and physical, social and policy environments on the observed relationships within each country.

NEW Keiki Family Based Intervention to Combat Childhood Obesity
ObesityOverweightThe purpose of this project is to create a database to collect information about the NEW Keiki Program. The information collected for this project will be used to evaluate the program. The NEW Keiki program promotes healthy lifestyles and behavior changes.

Physical Activity and Screen-Time Regulations in Childcare Centers - Aim 2
Childhood ObesityObjective is to examine the physical activity and screen-time behaviors of children enrolled in licensed childcare centers before and after the enactment of new state regulations.

Growth Hormone Secretion Following the Anaerobic Exercise
Short StatureObesity1 moreProper growth in children is a complex process regulated by a combination of genetic, nutritional, environmental, hormonal, and others. Growth hormone (GH) is the main hormone regulating the growth from childhood to adulthood. Despite great progress in the field, with the development of recombinant GH for the treatment of growth hormone deficiency (GHD), there is still no reliable method for testing GHD. Physical exertion is one of the significant physiologic stimuli for GH secretion, and it is reliable test for identification of GHD. It is not in use in the clinics because of its complexity. Recently GH secretion following short anaerobic exercise in young adults was tested and also demonstrated significant growth hormone secretion In contrast to adult children's exercise is characterized by an anaerobic nature. There is no data about secretion of growth hormone in response to anaerobic exercise in children. Purpose of the experiment: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the secretion of growth hormone in response to anaerobic exercise in children.