Leipzig Adipose Tissue Childhood Cohort
Childhood ObesityInsulin ResistanceIn this study the investigators hypothesize that pathological alterations in adipose tissue biology already occur during the development and progression of obesity in children and adolescents. The investigators aim to identify and characterize mechanisms and molecular targets that affect the development of adipose tissue and ensuing obesity in childhood and adolescence.

Exercise and Baseline Respiratory Functional Tests Among Obese Teenagers
ObesityChildhoodIn obese adolescents, the severity of obesity should not influence the outcome of resting PFT. The amplitudes of the rest PFT should make it possible to predict the performance achieved while exercising on a cycloergometer. We wish to highlight the presence of a significant correlation, probably low, between some respiratory parameters at rest, and cardio-vascular parameters at the exercise.

Mutation of the LEPR Gene at Reunion Island: Involvement in Pediatric Obesity
ObesityChildhoodThe objective of this study is to estimate the proportion of the recurrent deletion Δ6-8 of the LEPR gene in the homozygous and heterozygous state in pediatric cases with severe and early ( before the age of 6) obesity (BMI ≥ IOTF-30) on Reunion Island.

Genetic Analysis of Childhood Obesity
ObesityIdentify news genetic causes of different type of obesity (syndromic, familial or isolated obesity) by highlighting new mutations or new implied genes

Geno- and Phenotyping of Overweight and Obese Children and Adolescents
Childhood ObesityThe aim of this study is to identify polymorphisms that make children and adolescents more prone to obesity and metabolic dysfunction, as well as to identify biomarkers that are linked to causes and consequences of obesity.

Black Adolescent & Entertainment Study
ObesityChildhoodThe study is being conducted to obtain adolescent girls' thoughts and opinions on relationship and communication styles are shown on television.

Early Adiposity Rebound Amongst 4-y.o. Children and Overweight Risk Amongst 11-y.o Children : Third...
Childhood ObesityThis study aims to assess different methods for early adiposity rebound determination at the age of 4/5 years old according to current medical screening criteria in schools, and to assess their prognostic value for obesity amongst 11 years old pre-adolescents according to the known risk factors.

Composition and Collection Feasibility of Gut Microbiota in Children With and Without Obesity
Childhood ObesityAdults with obesity have an imbalance of bacteria in their intestines which may contribute to weight gain and diseases related to obesity. Restoring the balance of these bacteria (the "microbiota") could help reduce weight and related diseases. However, little is known about this imbalance in children with obesity. This research study will map out the compositions of the gut microbiota of children and compare them with those of children who have healthy weights and different degrees of obesity. This project will also measure the amounts of fatty acids in the stools which are an indication of how efficiently the intestines absorb calories from food. If an imbalance is detected in children with obesity, then this information can help researchers test ways to restore the gut microbiota with hopes of reducing weight and some of its related health problems.

Brain-to-Society Diagnostic for Prevention of Childhood Obesity and Chronic Disease
ObesityThis multi-national program applies a breakthrough approach to childhood obesity called, Brain-to-Society (BtS) Diagnostic Approach. In Montreal, Canada and Palwal, India, the investigators will recruit two cohorts of 612 children (6 to 12 years; 306 boy/306 girls) where Whole-of-Society (WoS) transformations are taking place (industrialized societal context with peaking childhood obesity and where a broad governmental plan to promote healthy lifestyle has been adopted -Canada; developing societal context with increasing childhood obesity if replication of past pathways that have lead to double burden; India) are taking place along with World Health Assembly (WHA) resolution A63-12 for marketing of food to children. Individual-level BtS Diagnostic will examine the degree to which individual differences in genetics and biology and differences in the environmental exposures modulate the behavioral, body weight/fatness and nutritional risk over time in the context of WoS transformations. Societal-level BtS Diagnostic shall examine the influence of decisions in policy, investment, business and innovation made by different stakeholders (government, private sector, civil society in health and non-health society systems including agriculture, business and media practices) on the community.

Gut Microbiome and Obesity
ObesityChildhood1 morePediatric obesity is a risk factor for the onset of obesity in adulthood and is a risk factor for various chronic non-communicable diseases. Metabolic syndrome (MS) is the name for a group of risk factors that increase cardiovascular risk and other health problems characterized by the presence of abdominal obesity, dyslipidemia, hyperglycaemia and high blood pressure. Numerous preclinical and clinical data suggest a potential role of the intestinal microbiota in these diseaes. Unfortunately, comparative studies of the gut microbiota are still scarce in pediatric subjects suffering from obesity than obesity complicated by MS. The aim is to study the metagenomics and metabolomics characteristics of the intestinal microbiota in obese children/adolescents with or without MS, that could provide useful data for innovative intervention strategies for these conditions.