Hydrocortisone and Placebo in Patients With Partial Adrenal Insufficiency After Cessation of Glucocorticoid...
Adrenal InsufficiencyCortisol, a glucocorticoid (GC) hormone secreted from the adrenal glands, is essential for survival.Cortisol also possesses anti-inflammatory actions and GC formulations (prednisolone) are used to treat many inflammatory diseases and conditions. Indeed, three percent of the Danish population(≈ 180.000 individuals) redeems at least one prescription of synthetic GC per year and at least 20,000 patients annually discontinue GC treatment. Pharmacological GC therapy suppresses endogenous cortisol production and thereby induce relative adrenal insufficiency (GIA). The risk of GIA as determined by the adrenal corticotrophic hormone (ACTH) stimulation test is ≈ 25 %,but testing after GC treatment is not routinely performed. In addition, the ACTH stimulation testwas developed for the diagnosis of complete primary adrenal insufficiency, wherefore the clinical value of the ACTH stimulation test in the context of GIA is unknown. When diagnosed, GIA is treated with hydrocortisone (equivalent to cortisol). Excess GC exposure is associated with very serious adverse effects which may also apply to hydrocortisone treatment in patients with GIA. Moreover, hydrocortisone treatment may postpone normalization of adrenal function. On the other hand, GIA patients may develop symptomatic adrenal insufficiency that justifies hydrocortisone treatment. Despite these dilemmas, no evidence-based data exist regarding the proper management of GIA patients. The study is a multi-centre, randomised, double-blinded, placebo controlled 1-year study to compare the effect of hydrocortisone and placebo in patients with Giant Cell Arterititis or Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR) with partial adrenal insufficiency after cessation of glucocorticoid treatment.

Effect of Supplemental Hydrocortisone During Stress in Prednisolone-induced Adrenal Insufficiency...
Adrenal InsufficiencyPolymyalgia Rheumatica1 moreIn this double-blinded randomised placebo-controlled clinical trial, the aim is to determine the effect of supplemental hydrocortisone compared with placebo during mild to moderate physical or mental stress on health related quality of life in patients with polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR)/giant cell arteritis (GCA) on ongoing low-dose prednisolone diagnosed with glucocorticoid-induced adrenal insufficiency. The main emphasis is on fatigue (primary outcome) and daily variation hereof during periods of stress.

The Treatment of Adrenal Crisis With Inhaled Prednisolone
Adrenal InsufficiencyRationale: An adrenal crisis is an acute life-threatening event which may occur in patients with adrenal insufficiency. The initial emergency treatment consists of an intramuscular injection with 100 mg hydrocortisone administered by the patient or a bystander. The injection should be administered immediately. Although it is considered life-saving, it is not very patient-friendly, because of the several steps required for reconstitution, the intramuscular injection, the frequent presence of needle phobia, and pain at the injection site. Inhalation of predniso(lo)ne could be a more patient-friendly alternative. Objective: This study investigates the pharmacokinetics of nebulized prednisolone in two different dosages. Study design: Single-center, open-label study Study population: Healthy participants aged 18-75 years. Intervention (if applicable): Healthy volunteers receive a lower dose of nebulized prednisolone (46.75 mg).After a wash-out period of at least one week, each volunteer receives a higher dose of nebulized prednisolone (93.5 mg). Main study parameters/endpoints: To establish the time from nebulizing to maximum prednisolone concentration in serum and the area under the curve of prednisolone. Nature and extent of the burden and risks associated with participation, benefit and group relatedness: Participants are exposed to a single supraphysiological dose of glucocorticoids on two separate occasions. The risk of SAE is very limited. There is a small risk of an AE during blood sampling. If it is demonstrated that therapeutic plasma concentrations of prednisolone can be reached by nebulizing prednisolone, we intend to use the pharmacokinetic data to design and perform a clinical study with a dry-powder micronized prednisone inhalation. This would represent a novel and promising alternative treatment for an adrenal crisis. Patients with adrenal insufficiency could then be offered a much more patient-friendly and reliable alternative for intramuscular hydrocortisone injection.

Updated Diagnostic Cortisol Values for Adrenal Insufficiency
Adrenal InsufficiencyThe purpose of this study is to determine the cortisol levels that most accurately diagnose a patient with adrenal insufficiency, a condition in which cortisol levels are too low for daily living.

Clinical Study on Circadian Genes Dysregulation in Patients With Glucocorticoid Disorders
Cushing SyndromeAdrenal Insufficiency2 moreThis is a multicentric, prospective, intervention study on circadian genes expression in peripheral blood mononuclear cells as biomarkers of circadian rhythm derangement in patients affected by alterations of endogenous glucocorticoids secretion (Cushing's Syndrome during active phase, treatment and under remission and newly or on established glucocorticoid replacement therapy adrenal insufficiency)

Impact of Exogenous Estrogens on Cotisol Levels During Synacthen Stimulation
Adrenal InsufficiencyHypogonadism FemaleThe aim is to investigate impact of exogenous estrogens on cotisol Levels during synacthen stimulation in female hypogonal patients on estrogen substitution. Both patients with and withour adrenal insufficiency will be studied

Chronocort Versus Plenadren Replacement Therapy in Adults With Adrenal Insufficiency
Primary Adrenal InsufficiencyThis study is a double-blind, double-dummy, two-way cross-over, randomised, Phase II study to be conducted at approximately 6 investigational sites in 2 countries. The study will compare the efficacy, safety and tolerability of twice daily Chronocort, a modified-release hydrocortisone, with once daily Plenadren, a modified-release hydrocortisone, over a treatment period of up to 2 months in participants aged 18 years and over, diagnosed with primary Adrenal Insufficiency (AI).

Safety and Efficacy of Prednisolone in Adrenal Insufficiency Disease (PRED-AID Study)
Adrenal InsufficiencyThis study compares low-dose prednisolone therapy against standard regimens of hydrocortisone therapy for the treatment of adrenal insufficiency (AI). AI is a condition in which, individuals are unable to sufficiently produce the natural stress hormone, cortisol.

Real-time Monitoring of Cortisol - Comparison of Cortisol Levels in Four Biological Fluids
Adrenal InsufficiencyCushing Syndrome1 moreCortisol is an essential for life hormone secreted in a pulsatile pattern on a diurnal rhythm. Given the complexity of cortisol secretion on a circadian rhythm with pulsations, current methods of cortisol measurement have limitations. Therefore, a non-invasive and ambulatory method would be useful to measure cortisol levels in real-time. The main aim of the study is to compare cortisol levels across biological fluids (sweat, saliva, interstitial fluid, and blood) in order to validate in the long term a continuous and non-invasive cortisol measurement device (currently under development).

Screening and Stimulation Testing for Residual Secretion of Adrenal Steroid Hormones in Autoimmune...
Primary Adrenal InsufficiencyIn autoimmune adrenal insufficiency, or Addison's disease (AD), the immune system attacks the adrenal cortex. As a result, the adrenal cells producing hormones such as cortisol and aldosterone are destroyed, leaving the body with insufficient levels to meet its needs. The common perception is that upon diagnosis of Addison's disease, basically all adrenal hormone production has ceased. There have, however, been found a few individuals who preserve some residual secretion of cortisol even years after diagnosis. The objectives of this study is to find out how common it is, and to explore if residual function have impact on patient outcome. That is, do patients with and without residual function differ when it comes to quality of life, working ability, medication dosages, and risk of adrenal crisis?