Hemodynamic and Cardiac Effects of Individualized PEEP Titration Using Esophageal Pressure Measurements...
Severe Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome / Severe ARDSInvasive Mechanical Ventilation1 moreThe acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) is common condition in critical ill patients affecting 7.2 people / 100,000 population / year and more than 7% of patients with invasive mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours. ARDS carries a high hospital mortality of up to 48% and consumes large amounts of critical care resources. ARDS patients often present with severe hypoxemia that is refractory to conventional treatment and are thus evaluated for extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). However, uncertainty regarding the appropriate indication for ECMO and clinical evidence for ECMO as a rescue treatment are still controversial. In 2012 Grasso and colleagues therefore presented a case series of influenza A (H1N1) ARDS patients describing the use of esophageal pressure measurements for individualized PEEP titration to achieve an end expiratory plateau pressure of the lung (PPLATL) of 25cm H2O. After performing the measurements in 14 patients, ventilator settings could be adjusted in half of these patients by increasing PEEP which resulted in an increase of oxygenation measures to an extend that criteria for extracorporeal support where no longer met and conventional treatment with invasive mechanical ventilation could be continued. However, uncertainty remains as to whether these results are generalizable to ARDS of any cause. In addition, increasing PEEP might impact on cardiac function and might therefore be associated with clinical important hemodynamic effects in these patients. The investigators aim to evaluate hemodynamic changes in patients with severe ARDS in which an individualized PEEP treatment strategy can be employed. ARDS will be defined and stratified according to the Berlin ARDS definition. A naso-gastric probe capable of measuring esophageal pressure will be inserted directly after admission to the ICU as previously described. Invasive mechanical ventilation and oesophageal pressure measurements will be done using the GE Healthcare Carescape R860 ventilator. A pulmonary artery catheters (Edwards CCOcomb) will be inserted to evaluate the hemodynamic parameters of cardiac output, pulmonary artery pressures and left atrial pressures. Volumetric parameters will be measured using tanspulmonary thermodilution devices (Edwards EV1000). Cardiac function will be addressed in addition by the use of a predefined echocardiography protocol.

Fetal Lung Volume and Pulmonary Artery Resistance Index Measurement in Term Diabetic Pregnancy
Respiratory Distress SyndromeThe aim of this study is to determine cut-off values for fetal lung volume by VOCAL and pulmonary artery resistance index by pulsed Doppler in fetuses of diabetic mothers, and correlate the results with postnatal respiratory distress of the term neonates.

Study of Immunity Dysfunction Induced by Extracorporeal Assistance (ECMO / ECLS)
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeCardiogenic ShockStudy of immunosuppression biomarkers in patients with ARDS or cardiogenic shock with ECMO / ECLS, compared to patients with ARDS or cardiogenic shock without ECMO / ECLS

The Predictive Value of Amniotic Fluid pH and Electrolytes on Neonatal Respiratory Disorders
Respiratory Distress SyndromeTransient Tachypnea of NewbornAmniotic fluid (AF) is a complex structure with a changing content by gestational time. AF pH can be affected by both maternal and fetal conditions such as preterm ruptures of membranes, prematurity and fetal distress. While fetal urine is the major content of AF since 20th gestational week, fetal lung liquid (FLL) also acts as a minor content. Secretion of FLL depends on chloride transport and postnatal clearance of FLL is provided by active reabsorption of sodium (Na) ions. Down-regulation of epithelial Na channels (ENaCs) and an increase of pulmonary compliance accompany to pulmonary adaptation developing at the first hours of life. Lower genomic expression of Na channels in airways is shown to be associated to respiratory distress syndrome (RDS) in preterm. Although pH and electrolyte value of AF is thought to be relevant to fetal and maternal conditions such as gestational age, antenatal steroids and preterm birth, there is no study about this topic in the literature.

The Role of Circulating Soluble CD74 in Acute Lung Injury
Acute Lung InjuryAcute Respiratory Distress SyndromeEfforts to identify circulating factors that predict severity of acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome(ALI/ARDS) patients is unrevealing. The primary purpose of this study is to verify our hypothesis that soluble CD74 might be a potential novel ALI/ARDS biomarker.

Electrical Impedance Imaging of Patients on Mechanical Ventilation
PneumothoraxPulmonary Contusion6 moreThe goal of this study is to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of Electrical Impedance Tomography (EIT) as a bedside diagnostic tool for lung pathologies in patients who are mechanically ventilated. In electrical impedance tomography low amplitude, low frequency current is applied on electrodes, and the resulting voltage is measured and used to computed the electrical properties of the interior of the chest as they change in time. The computed properties are used to form an image, which can then be used for monitoring and diagnosis.

High Flow Nasal Cannula in Immunocompromised Patient With Acute Respiratory Failure
High Flow Nasal CannulaNon Invasive Ventilation1 moreThis study will be conducted in Ain Shams University Hospital in the general intensive care unit after ethical committee approval number (FMASU R 9/2020) .It is a prospective randomized controlled study. Eligible patients will be randomized by computer system to one of two groups either High Flow Nasal Oxygen (HFNO) group or Non Invasive Ventilation (NIV) group. Inclusion criteria includes admitted immunocompromised patients to our general 34 beds ICU with acute hypoxemic respiratory failure (ARF).

Predictive Factors, Demographics and Mortality for ARDS in Burn Patients
ARDSHuman2 moreThis retrospective study characterizes the clinical course and identifies four independent predictors of Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) after burn injury (post-burn ARDS; pbARDS). In addition, a clinically useful prognostic score for pbARDS is introduced (ARDS burn score), which was derived from these independent predictors. The newly developed score may be helpful for the development of specific treatment strategies.

Personalised Simulation Technologies for Optimising Treatment in the Intensive Care Unit
Respiratory Distress SyndromeAdult1 moreThis project aims to develop software models describing how critically ill patients respond to changes in their treatment whilst admitted to an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). We will use high performance computers to fit software models to the physiological and treatment data of patients receiving mechanical ventilation.

Measurement of Airway Opening Pressure (AOP) in Patients With Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrom...
Acute Respiratory Distress SyndromeMechanical ventilation in ARDS requires protective ventilation and PEEP. Airway closer has to be overcome to reduce lung heterogeneity, AOP is measured globally with a ventilator PV curve without PEEP. EIT derived PV curve is another method that could determine heterogeneity of AOP between both lung. This study aims to determine whether AOP measured with EIT derived PV curve is similar to AOP on the ventilator PV curve and see if AOP is different between lungs. If airway closer is higher on one lung, global AOP on the ventilator PV curve probably estimates the other lung.