Bupropion SR for Major Depression and Depression NOS in Children and Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder...
DepressionBipolar DisorderThis is an 8-week open label study of bupropion SR in the treatment of youth with bipolar depression with adequate mood stabilization. All youth will be closely monitored for treatment emergent manic activation and drug-drug interactions with ongoing antimanic agents. The main objective of this study is to assess the safety and effectiveness of bupropion SR in the treatment of bipolar depression in children and adolescents.

Efficacy and Safety of Lu AA34893 in Patients With Bipolar Depression
Depression in Patients With Bipolar DisorderThis study will evaluate the efficacy and safety of different doses of Lu AA34893 in the treatment of depression in patients with bipolar disorder.

Invega (Paliperidone) for the Treatment of Mania in Children and Adolescents Ages 6-17 With Bipolar...
Pediatric Bipolar DisorderThis will be an 8-week open-label trial, using daily doses of paliperidone (Invega) in the treatment of children and adolescents who meet DSM-IV criteria of Bipolar I, Bipolar II, or Bipolar Spectrum Disorder. Specific hypotheses are as follows: Hypothesis 1: Bipolar Disorder symptomatology in children and adolescents with DSM-IV Bipolar I, Bipolar II, or Bipolar Spectrum Disorder will be responsive to Invega treatment. Hypothesis 2: Invega -associated improvement in bipolar disorder symptomatology in children and adolescents will translate into improved functional capacities (neuropsychological, social, and occupational), as well as an increased quality of life throughout treatment. Hypothesis 2: Invega treatment will be safe and well tolerated as reflected by a low drop out rate and absence of major side effects.

Clinical Trial of a Nutritional Supplement in Adults With Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderThe purpose of the trial was to determine whether a 36-ingredient micronutrient supplement (primarily vitamins and minerals) is beneficial for the treatment of bipolar disorder, when studied under randomized and fully blinded conditions and compared to a placebo. The supplement is referred to as MCN36, because it contains 36 nutrients. Based on the preliminary research on this supplement, it is hypothesized that patients who take MCN36 for 8 weeks will experience improved mood stability relative to those who take the placebo. All participants must live EITHER in the vicinity of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, OR in the area of San Diego, California.

Taurine in Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar DisorderRecently, McLean hospital conducted a 4 month taurine study which showed a reduction in mania ratings. As a follow-up to the preliminary taurine study, and complementary to the currently ongoing double-blind, placebo-controlled trial for taurine in adults with bipolar disorder, this study will target adolescent bipolar subjects (type I) with symptoms of mania or mixed mania. To our knowledge, this would be the first study to evaluate the effects of the novel compound taurine in adolescent subjects with bipolar disorder. We hypothesize there will be a positive response in some adolescents from taurine treatment, and this positive response will be greater than that expected by chance. This study may demonstrate that taurine is a well-tolerated and effective adjunct treatment for mania in bipolar disorder.

Treatment of Depression in Youth With Bipolar Disorders
Bipolar DisorderDepressionTHIS STUDY HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED. The study is designed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of fluoxetine for treating children and adolescents with Bipolar Disorder who are experiencing an episode of major depression while being treated with a mood stabilizer. The study involves a 2-week assessment period. Patients who are on stable, therapeutic doses of lithium or valproate and continue to have depression will be randomized to a 12-week treatment of fluoxetine or placebo. Those who respond favorably to treatment will be followed openly for an 18-week continuation phase.

Long Term Follow-up of Deep Brain Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression
Treatment Resistant DepressionDepressive Disorder3 moreThe long term follow up of a pilot study in which the invesitagors proposed to test whether high frequency stimulation of the subcallosal cingulate (SCC) is a safe and efficacious antidepressant treatment in five TRD patients, to compare the effects of left-sided vs. right-sided stimulation, and to investigate potential mechanisms of action of this intervention. Importantly, this study will be used to assess the need for and assist in planning a larger, more definitive trial of SCC DBS for TRD.

SALT Study (Switching to the Administration of Lithium Slow -Release Treatment)
Bipolar DisorderThe aim of the study is to assess the tolerability, efficacy and safety of a new lithium sulphate prolonged release formulation (Lithiofor®) in patients affected by Bipolar Disorder poor tolerant to lithium immediate-release treatment in terms of lithium-induced tremor when switched from therapy with a lithium carbonate immediate release formulation (Carbolithium®) to a new lithium sulphate prolonged release formulation (Lithiofor®).

Naturalistic Study of Ketamine in the Treatment of Depression
Major Depressive DisorderBipolar Disorder4 moreThis study aims to examine the effect of ketamine in decreasing the risk of suicide in patients with depression and its effectiveness as an antidepressant agent.

The UTHealth Ketamine Project
Treatment Resistant DepressionMajor Depressive Disorder1 moreThe primary objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of serial infusions of intravenous (IV) ketamine in adults with treatment resistant depression (TRD).