Facial Affect Sensitivity Training for Young Children With Callous-unemotional Traits
Affective SymptomsEmpathyThe goal of this study is to test a novel intervention for children ages 6-11 with elevated callous-unemotional (CU) traits. Conduct problems are among the most prevalent and costly mental health conditions of childhood, and a common antecedent to adult psychiatric disorders. An established risk factor for early, persistent, and severe youth misconduct is the presence of CU traits. CU traits (e.g., lack of empathy or guilt, shallow affect) are analogous to the core affective features of adult psychopathy, interfere with child socialization, and predict poorer outcomes, even with well-established treatments for disruptive behavior disorders. Thus, novel intervention approaches are needed to target CU traits. Youth with elevated CU traits show deficits in facial emotion recognition (FER) for distress-related expressions, particularly fear or sadness. The central hypothesis is that impaired sensitivity for emotional distress cues (fear and/or sadness) is mechanistically linked to CU traits in children, and that, by targeting affect sensitivity directly, intervention can exert downstream effects on CU traits. A gap in the field regards how to remediate these neurocognitive deficits. This project will directly target affect sensitivity in high-CU youth. The investigators propose an experimental therapeutics approach to develop a novel neurocognitive intervention for CU traits, in which a clearly identified target, facial affect sensitivity (FAS), will be engaged and assessed via primary (distress FER accuracy and/or heightened eye gaze) and secondary (electroencephalograph event-related potential) neurocognitive and behavioral processes. If investigators can demonstrate engagement of the target (FAS) in the initial R61 phase, then in the R33 phase, this finding will be replicated with a new, larger sample, and feasibility and preliminary efficacy of FAST on CU traits will be examined. The long-term goal is to examine FAST impact on behavioral outcomes and to potentially apply this targeted intervention to the wider range of problems associated with CU traits.

Building Emotional Self-Awareness Teletherapy (BEST)
ConcussionMild10 moreTo examine the feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary efficacy of a remotely delivered intervention for civilians and service members with mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) who have difficulty recognizing and regulating their emotions. Post-treatment outcomes of interest include emotional self-awareness and regulation, resiliency, and affective symptoms.

The Effects of Green Exercise Program Consisting of 12-week Aerobic and Resistance Exercises on...
ElderlyExerciseThe aim of this study is to investigate the effects of combination of aerobic and resistance exercises in the green exercise concept on depression, anxiety, alexithymia and sleep quality of elderly individuals. Elderly individuals over the age of 65 will be included in the study. Two groups of 20 people each will take part in the study. One group will be given aerobic and resistance exercises for 12 weeks, 2 days a week in the green exercise concept, the other group will be the control group and will not be included in the exercise program. Participants will be evaluated twice, at the beginning of the study and at the end of 12 weeks.

Alexithymia Intervention for Suicide
SuicideSchizophrenia3 moreSuicide rates among Veterans with Serious Mental Illness (SMI) are intractably high, representing a serious public health concern and a critical target for interventions. Yet, at present available treatments offer modest benefits. Thus, there remains an urgent need to identify novel approaches to address suicide risk in this population. Previous reports have linked suicide risk with poor social functioning. Emerging evidence from basic affective neuroscience research has indicated that effective social functioning is contingent on intact emotion awareness. Consistent with these findings, individuals with SMI at risk of suicide display social functioning difficulties along with poor emotion awareness (i.e., alexithymia). Employing a proof-of-concept design, the aim of the present study is to test the feasibility and acceptability of a novel, blended psychoeducation and digital mHealth (mobile health) intervention with smartphones designed to target alexithymia and poor social functioning to reduce suicide risk in Veterans with SMI.

Systematic Efficacy Replication Study of Conjoint Behavioral Consultation in Elementary Schools...
Emotional DisturbancesThe purpose of this project is to conduct an impact evaluation of the Conjoint Behavioral Consulting (CBC) intervention under real-world conditions as an IES Efficacy Replication trial. CBC is a family-school partnership intervention proven efficacious for children with serious emotional and behavior problems. The investigation will conduct a systematic efficacy replication of CBC to identify important process and context variables in need of attention prior to a CBC effectiveness study. School-based specialists (SBSs) will implement CBC and will be responsible for working directly with parents and teachers who have a student with or at risk for severe emotional disturbance, with more implementation support (i.e., non-routine conditions) than would be expected under routine conditions to ensure adequate fidelity of implementation. The research questions examine the impact of CBC, when implemented by SBSs, on student, parent, and teacher outcomes, as well its effect on mediational pathways. In addition, the research team will gather stakeholder feedback in focus groups to provide information about factors that stakeholders perceive as impeding or promoting CBC adoption, implementation, and sustainability.

Mindfulness-based Therapy Versus Relaxation in Prevention of Burnout in Medical Students
BurnoutEmotional Disturbances1 moreA recent survey exploring mental health in a large cohort of French medical students and young graduates (N = 21.768), observed that 68.2% of participants showed pathologic anxiety. A high level of depressive symptomatology was found in 27.7% of participants, while suicidal ideation was reported by 23.7%. Mindfulness Based Interventions are beneficial for health with a positive impact on mood, anxiety, and well-being. It thus can be hypothesized that such interventions could help to prevent anxio-depressive symptomatology in medical students. The implementation of prevention programs to promote resilience to stress and empathy among medical students is a priority, included in French National Strategy for Health. Efficacy of Mindfulness Based Interventions in French university must be studied to confirm and strengthen their development. The originality of this project consists in the collaboration of medical schools from different cities and the longitudinal follow-up. The purpose of this study is to assess the efficacy of a mindfulness-based therapy in burnout prevention in comparison to relaxation.

Affective Effects of Pre-surgery Opioids: a Randomized, Doubleblind Placebo-controlled Trial
Opioid UseAffective SymptomsTo investigate and compare the affective short-term effects of opioid drugs: morphine, oxycodone and fentanyl, administered to the patients before the induction of general anesthesia. Charting opioid use after surgery in patients treated at hospitals in Norway Identify predictors for postoperative opioid use and persistent pain

The Safety-Net Approach
Emotional DisturbancesBehavior Disorders2 moreThe Safety-Net project, is intended to disrupt disparities in mental health treatment access for children at-risk for childhood trauma (ACEs) and/or serious emotional disturbance (SED). "Safety Net" will use mobile clinical and family support teams to improve mental health outcomes. This clinical innovation, nested in an integrated system-of-care will be piloted for children, ages 3-18 yrs., with SED who receive primary care through Cambridge Health Alliance.

The Effect of Recognition and Expression of Emotions Program Applied to Schizophrenia Patients
SchizophreniaAlexithymia2 moreAs a result of the positive and negative symptoms that occur in schizophrenia, patients with schizophrenia may experience negative emotions more frequently than individuals with other mental problems. Since these emotions can trigger psychotic symptoms, there is a need to develop effective emotion regulation strategies to be applied to patients with schizophrenia. Aim: In this study, it was aimed to examine the effect of emotion recognition and expression program on alexithymia and emotion expression in patients with schizophrenia.

The Effect of the Art-based Mandala Intervention on the Quality of Life of Cancer Patients Receiving...
CancerChemotherapy Effect4 moreThe aim of this study is to determine the effect of mandala application on fatigue, quality of life, rumination and alexithymia in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy.