Autologous PRP Intra Ovarian Infusion to Restore Ovarian Function in Menopausal Women
InfertilityFemale3 moreAutologous PRP intra ovarian infusion may restore ovarian function, may promote folliculogenesis and may improve hormonal profile of women in menopause.

Effects of Physical and Psychosocial Stress on Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea in Exercising...
Amenorrhea SecondaryThe goal of this clinical trial is to determine how changes in exercise and psychosocial stress may influence the risk of menstrual cycle irregularities in female runners and cyclists. The main questions it aims to answer are: Does the implementation of exercise or psychosocial stress effect circulating reproductive hormones (i.e., estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone) and menstrual cycle length? Is there an additive effect of combined exercise and psychosocial on circulating reproductive hormones (i.e., estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone) and menstrual cycle length? Participants will be asked to do the following over the ~3 month enrollment period: attend a laboratory visit at the beginning and end of the study to have their resting metabolic rate, aerobic fitness, and body composition tested monitor their menstrual cycle length, daily perceived stress levels, physical activity, and diet each month provide several urine and saliva samples each month either maintain their usual physical activity and lifestyle habits (control group), increase the duration of their weekly running or cycling mileage by 30% (exercise stress group), complete cognitive function tasks designed to be stressful (psychosocial stress group), or increase the duration of their weekly running or cycling mileage by 30% and complete cognitive function tasks designed to be stressful (exercise + psychosocial stress group) during the final month of enrollment. Researchers will compare control, exercise stress, psychosocial stress, and exercise + psychosocial stress groups to see if there is an effect on circulating reproductive hormones (i.e., estradiol, progesterone, luteinizing hormone) and menstrual cycle length.

Evaluation of Ovarian Morphology and Function in Overweight Women During Weight Loss
Weight LossAnovulation2 moreThe objective of this study is to explore the effects of weight loss on body composition, metabolic status, reproductive hormones, and ovarian follicle development in obese women with regular menstrual cycles versus obese women with irregular menstrual cycles and/or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

Spectral Analysis of Bowel Sounds in Preterm Babies of Less Than 32 Weeks of Amenorrhea (WA) as...
Bowel SoundsSpectral Analysis2 moreThe recording or bowels is easy and cheap. The investigators wonder if these sounds are modified in babies with high risk of necrotizing enterocolitis. In this study, the investigators suggest to record and do a spectral analysis of 30 seconds of bowel sounds in preterm babies of less than 32WA before and after enteral nutrition, every day until the end of hospitalization. A spectral analysis will be made for each record to determine frequencies of the signal. The investigators will try to determine physiological frequencies and look for modifications in pathological situations.

Screening Women for Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea (FHA)
Amenorrhea SecondaryWhat do the investigators know already? Many women suffer loss of periods (amenorrhoea). One of the most common causes of period loss is called 'functional hypothalamic amenorrhea' (FHA). FHA is difficult to diagnose and may be mistaken for other conditions causing period loss, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). This could cause delays in starting the correct treatment. What is the justification for doing this study? Undiagnosed women with FHA are predisposed to complications related to low oestrogen levels, such as osteoporosis, bone fractures and infertility. The failure to accurately identify women with FHA and mislabel those women with FHA as having PCOS, may delay appropriate treatment. Treatment delay causes harm for affected women, including bone fractures and infertility. What do the investigators propose? Improve the diagnosis of women with FHA by composing an assessment score, which could be used by women to improve the accuracy of diagnosing FHA. The investigators designed a questionnaire based on literature search, which can be used to identify women with FHA. A questionnaire-based study (on-line or in person) will be performed to identify risk of FHA, in women referred to hospital with period loss.

Ovarian Morphology in Girls
AmenorrheaOligomenorrhea1 moreEstablishment of regular menstrual cycles is a key component of reproductive maturation and a recognized vital sign for health and well-being. Irregular menstrual cycles are especially common for the first 2-3 years after an adolescent's first menstrual period (i.e., menarche), which delays the identification and diagnosis of early reproductive disturbances such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). The purpose of this research study is to determine whether the ovary can serve as a reliable predictor of normal or abnormal development by following the trajectory of ovarian morphology in conjunction with menstrual cyclicity using 3D transabdominal ultrasound imaging in a prospective cohort study of adolescents. A secondary objective is to identify potential environmental factors such as diet and the gut microbiome which influence the trajectory towards normal or abnormal reproductive development.

Body Fat as Determinant of Female Gonadal Dysfunction
Polycystic Ovary SyndromeHypothalamic AmenorrheaReproduction requires from women enough energy depots to warrant an adequate nutritional supply to the fetus. Hence, adipose tissue is able to communicate with female hypothalamic-pituitary-ovary axis. The hypothesis of the project is that abnormalities in the quantity (absolute and relative to lean body mass), distribution and/or function of adipose tissue are associated with functional forms of female gonadal dysfunction in predisposed women, in a spectrum of anomalies that go from hypothalamic amenorrhea to the polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). To challenge this hypothesis, the investigators will study 5 groups of 10 women each: women with exercise-associated hypothalamic amenorrhea, women without ovulatory dysfunction that exercise equally, non-hyperandrogenic patients with PCOS, hyperandrogenic patients with PCOS, and healthy control women comparable to those with PCOS. The aims of the study will be: Primary objective: To identify novel signalling factors originating from adipose tissue and muscle using targeted and nontargeted evaluation of the proteome and of gene expression of superficial subcutaneous fat, deep subcutaneous fat (which mimics visceral adipose tissue) and skeletal muscle. Secondary objectives: To study the serum adipokine profile - including those identified by the primary objective - and circulating gut hormones during fasting and after a glucose load in the 5 groups of women, and their associations with sexual hormones and body fat distribution. To study body composition and body fat distribution in these women and their relationships with: 2.1, Sex steroid profiles. 2.2. Classic cardiovascular risk factors: carbohydrate metabolism, lipid profiles and blood pressure. 2.3 Markers of low-grade chronic inflammation. 2.4. Oxidative stress markers. 2.5. Cardiovascular autonomic function. 2.6. Surrogate markers of subclinical atherosclerosis. 2.7. Circulating concentrations of endocrine disruptors. 2.8. Oral and gut microbiome. The results will provide a better understanding of the mechanisms linking body energy depots with the female reproductive axis and, hopefully, the identification of potential biomarkers for the diagnosis and treatment of the disorders studied here.

Kisspeptin Administration Subcutaneously to Patients With Reproductive Disorders
Hypothalamic AmenorrheaHypogonadotropic HypogonadismThe goal of this study is to see whether kisspeptin, a naturally occurring hormone, can stimulate the release of other reproductive hormones in women with hypothalamic amenorrhea (HA). The investigators are also examining whether kisspeptin can help women release eggs from their ovaries. Kisspeptin will be administered subcutaneously (SC) for two weeks in a pulsatile fashion. Ultrasound monitoring of ovarian follicular growth and frequent blood sampling (every 10 minutes for up to two hours) will be performed to assess the physiologic response to kisspeptin over time.

AMH and Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea
Amenorrhea SecondaryThe purpose of this study is to analyze AMH levels in patients with prolonged FHA (more than 2 years). Based on previous studies, we can assume that prolonged FHA may mimic a condition of primary hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, due to a lasting interruption of gonadotropin release. Furthermore, after the resumption of the spontaneous menstrual cycle, we will reanalyze AMH levels, which we hypothesize to find higher. If our hypotheses are confirmed correct, we could support the thesis that AMH is not a good index of ovarian reserve in patients with functional hypothalamic amenorrhea.

Metabolism, Circadian Rhythms and Ovarian Function
Chemotherapy-Induced AmenorrheaChemotherapy for cancer, due to its gonadotoxicity, can lead to impaired female fertility, resulting in the occurrence of transient or prolonged chemo-induced amenorrhea (CIA). According to recent data from the National Cancer Institute, 11.9% of women under the age of 40 diagnosed with cancer have been offered a fertility evaluation within five years of diagnosis. Predicting the risk and especially the duration of the CIA remains difficult. Known factors predicting a rapid return of menstruation are a young age at diagnosis, a low gonadotoxic treatment (absence of alkylating agents) and a high pre-chemotherapy blood level of AMH reflecting a large pool of growing follicles. A body mass index (BMI) ≥ 25 kg / m² could also be a positive predictor, but this remains debated. The objective of this project is to assess the impact of metabolism and energy reserves, physical activity and the chronotype on the recovery of ovarian function in patients with breast cancer who have developed CIA