
Active clinical trials for "Amphetamine-Related Disorders"

Results 41-50 of 56

Trial of Modafinil for Methamphetamine Dependence

Amphetamine Dependence

The study aims to evaluate the safety and efficacy of modafinil (200 mg/day) over 10 weeks plus a tailored cognitive behavioural therapy program in the treatment of methamphetamine dependence.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

An Open-label Study of Oral Paliparidone for the Treatment of Patients With Co-occurring Opioid...

Heroin DependenceAmphetamine Dependence

The proposed study will evaluate the tolerability, acceptability and potential efficacy of paliparidone for the treatment of co-occurring opioid and amphetamine-type stimulant (ATS) dependence. In the proposed clinical trial, all patients will first discontinue illicit opioid and ATS and be inducted onto buprenorphine maintenance treatment (BMT) in the inpatient ward at the department of psychiatry before beginning to receive paliparidone. Tolerability and acceptability will be evaluated by assessing the rates of patient retention during treatment, patient satisfaction with treatment and adverse effects during treatment. The potential efficacy of paliparidone will be evaluated with regard to the primary outcome measure: reductions in illicit ATS use, based on urine toxicology testing and self-report. Secondary outcome measures include treatment retention, reduction in HIV risk behaviors and improvements in functional status.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Assessment of Interactions Between Intravenous Methamphetamine and Modafinil - 1

Amphetamine-Related Disorders

The purpose of this study is to assess the potential interactions between intravenous methamphetamine and oral Modafinil.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Combination of Psychosocial Intervention and Slow Prosecutions for the Treatment of Methamphetamine...

Amphetamine AbuseAmphetamine Dependence2 more

The hospital where this study will be conducted is responsible for the one-year contingency management treatment for methamphetamine drug offenders referred from the Yunlin District Prosecutors Office. Completing the one-year treatment is prerequisite for offenders to get slow prosecutions. It is an open-label, parallel-group trial comparing the combination of psychosocial intervention and slow prosecutions with psychosocial intervention alone in treating subjects with methamphetamine dependence Study Hypothesis Psychosocial interventions in combination with slow prosecutions is more effective than psychosocial interventions alone to achieve abstinence for subjects with methamphetamine abuse/dependance. Inclusion of telephone reminding before each visit will enhance the retention rate and abstinence rate.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Implementation and Effectiveness of Multidiscipline-Integrated Addiction Treatment Model

Amphetamine-Related Disorders

Management of substance use disorders in clinical settings is challenging. Approaches with integrated bio-psycho-social interventions, along with the engagement of families and self-help groups are strongly recommended. The Matrix intensive outpatient program has been developed in UCLA to help the psychostimulant misusers in the Southern California in 1980's. With integration of the existing evidence of addiction researches and empirically supported cognitive-behavior treatment techniques, the Matrix model developed manuals to address knowledge and skills needed for drug users in their early recovery and relapse prevention. The treatment was delivered in a 16-week intensive structured group sessions. There was also a 12-week educational sessions for the in-treatment individuals and their families. A substantial body of evidence has demonstrated the successful experience of the Matrix treatment model in management a broad spectrum of addictive disorders in many countries. The objectives of the pilot project are to set up a multi-center collaborative clinical network with implementation of an integrated addiction treatment program modified from the UCLA Matrix model. Via the establishment of standardized subject recruitment criteria, treatment and outcome assessment procedures, the study aims to assess the adherence of participating clinical organizations to the study protocol, the acceptance of participating MA misusers for the integrated treatment program as well as the outcomes and their determinants for the treatment models.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

Computerized Exercise to Alter Stimulant Approach Responses

Amphetamine-Related DisordersCocaine-Related Disorders1 more

The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Computerized Exercise to Alter Stimulant Approach Responses (CEASAR), a novel stimulant use cessation intervention, for clients currently enrolled in a treatment centre for mental health and addiction. The investigators plan to conduct a randomized, single-blind controlled trial involving inpatients presenting with concurrent disorders to test the impact of this novel computerized intervention. This pilot study will be conducted at the Burnaby Centre for Mental Health and Addiction (BCMHA) in Burnaby, BC, Canada.

Unknown status5 enrollment criteria

A Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Based Text Message Intervention for Methamphetamine Dependence

Amphetamine-Related Disorders

This Phase I behavior therapy development study seeks to improve treatment outcomes for methamphetamine (MA)-dependent subjects by developing a novel cognitive behavioral therapy- (CBT-) based short message service (SMS) text messaging intervention.

Unknown status6 enrollment criteria

The Diagnostic Assessment and Intervention Study of Amphetamine Type Stimulus

Amphetamine Addiction

The purpose of this research is to inspire new medical ideas using brain image technology for the treatment of Amphetamine Type Stimulus addition, at the same time lowing the addition damage.

Completed9 enrollment criteria

Cognitive Correlates of Substance Abuse - 11

Amphetamine-Related Disorders

The purpose of this study is to characterize the cognitive performance of methamphetamine abusers by comparing them with cocaine abusers and normal controls.

Unknown status1 enrollment criteria

Effects of Stimulant Dependence on Human Striatal Dopamine System - 15

Amphetamine-Related DisordersTobacco Use Disorder

The purpose of this study is to determine whether DAT availability, assessed by WIN binding, in the striatum is altered in cocaine or methamphetamine dependence. To determine whether DA synthesis capacity, assessed by FDOPA uptake, in the striatum is altered in Coc or Meth dependence. To determine whether the PET tracers, WIN or FDOPA, will differentiate Meth induced alterations from those induced by Coc use. To determine whether the PET characterization of striatal alterations observed at 3-5 days since last drug use persists at least 3 months after last drug use.

Unknown status2 enrollment criteria

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